After The Fall

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After the fall, there was nothing... but the knowledge. The freedom of death, the boundaries that came with actions. I needed more than actions! I needed all of them to believe me even the closest, most faithful, of them will bow down and rejoice on the day the angel fell.

Since Sherlock had completed his term with me I needed to find a new toy. Though first I wanted to get a live ordinary like Sherlock's John but better... obviously. I had completed the difficult bit. The rest of the fall would take care of itself so, I headed towards the Tube. Time to go back into the shadows and become Richard Brook, the now very rich actor.

The carriage rattled along the line at such a slow, mundane pace like everything else in this world. Just as I was reaching my stop I felt my phone go off in my pocket, I reached into my pocket and grabbed it. I wasn't expecting a text for another few hours yet. I unlocked the screen to find a strange number, I had never seen before.

The text read: Now you have finished playing. Prehaps a distraction is in order -AJ

I was puzzled by this. I created my own distractions, no one ever creates them for me. And who is this AJ character? Well I didn't have to wait long to find out after I got off at my stop two men dressed in black approached me. They asked me to go to Napoleon's Statue at 7pm. I intended to go along with their employers plans, after all it could be fun. I decided that I no longer needed to return to the Richard Brook personality yet, so I made my way back to my flat to change for my date at seven. I reached the front door of my now familiar building to see that the light was on in the lounge of my flat, I swore that I had turned it off. Being cautious I slowly crept up the stairs, unravelling the clues to who my intruder was. It was a he, you could tell from the muddy footprints on the stairs, they were at a shoulders length apart for an average man of about 30. He was quite tall as there was a newly made scuff mark on the top of the first doorframe onto the landing outside my flat. The door was slightly ajar, showing that the intruder was sure of himself, he wanted me to find him. I was now stood outside the door. How did I want to approach this? With charisma? With rage? or with a different character, a cleaner, maybe? I then realised that he would know I was outside the door by now so, I went with my first idea.

I pushed the door open with quite some force, bursting into the room, making plenty of noise.

"Oh, Hullo Mr Jim I was starting to get worried I was expecting you to be here by now," Said the intruder.

"Well, you have to account for the fact that the ordinary walk soooooo slowly, and you are?" I said.

The man was sat with one foot on my desk one on the floor, inspecting one of my codebooks. He had dark brown hair, was quite well built, looked like part of the military who had joined the winning side. Very interesting...

"My name is of no importance to you, I am here to ensure your arrival at a particular place and time this evening," He said.

"Oh, how predictable... it is so boring! The same thing over and over with you petty criminal types. Get some inspiration!" I said, annoyed that my meeting would not be fun, it would be the same serious kind. I crossed the room to get to my seat, reclining back into it, I was thinking.

"My orders are to escort you to the rendezvous and to make sure that you are protected,"

I smirked in my chair, I was right a military man, nobody uses words like 'rendezvous' and 'Orders' if they are your standard messenger. Also, an assassin enough to protect a consulting criminal. All very impressive but why send him and who for? An idea sprung in my brilliant mind, this is it! My own mundane ordinary, on loan at the moment but he will be mine once a deal is done or not done as the case could be.

"Well, mister Boring Ordinary Hitman I guess you can tell your employer No," I said mockingly. I had a plan brewing and it would end well, for me anyway.

"I am no ordinary hitman. I am the best of the lot and you can not say No. Put it this way; you either go in the state you are in or, you can go in wheel chair with a few vital bones damaged. It is your choice Sir," He retaliated.

This one was good, an ordinary with a bite.

"Fine as you wish, but I need to change before our date in the square, food is in the fridge and then we shall talk" I replied flippantly. And I left him to go to my room, to change.

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