An Unexpected Intruder

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Once I had closed the door to my room I started to panic. I had a plan, but how would it work? It relied on him trusting me in the space of 3 hours which I know would be a challenge to any more than plain person. I decided that I needed to keep the charismatic personality going, I went over to the record player and put on some Jailhouse Rock. God I love that song! I opened up my wardrobe to find a little post it note stuck on one of my suits it read "this one". Mister AJ must have told the intruder to put it there, I took the advice either way as it was one of my personal favourites. It was the one I wore that evening at the pool with my previous toy...Sherlock. Oh, do I almost miss toying with him and his little pet. That reminded me of my need for a pet. I needed to know more about the bloke in my lounge.

I put the suit on and peered around the door. The assassin was pacing about the lounge with a mug of tea in his hand. Yes, he had helped himself, meaning he trusted me enough to not have poisoned him. I strolled into the lounge each footstep in time with the beat of the music, a slight skip-shuffle of the 3rd beat, in towards my desk where the intruder had been sat before. He looked at me quizzically,

"Nice tea?" I asked grinning.

"hmm, yes," He said licking his lips. "Now, what are your plans for the next few hours, Mr Moriarty?"

"Oh nothing really, just sitting, waiting, thinkinggggg" I answered playfully. Oh how I wanted him to give up the game just join my side already.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" He asked.

"Of course not, come sit. I'd like to know more about you, mister..." I said trailing off implying that I wanted to know his name.

"Moran, Sebastian Moran," he replied.

"Hmmm, interesting. I'm guessing that you were formerly a military man no? An officer? In the Commandos? Well educated...Perhaps trained at Sandhurst base? Now I wonder why on earth a man in such a high ranking position would be discharged? Oooooh dishonourably too? How sad," I said making a little frowny face to mock him, I didn't need to guess I knew from him being there in front of me.

"How did you know that? No one just knows... did you look me up or something!?" He started to move threateningly towards my seat, anger and confusion in his face.

"I knew because that's what I do, I'm very clever you see. Would you like to know how? Its alright, I'm going to tell you anyway... I'm not going to brag but I know quite a lot from the look of you," I rose from my seat coming face to face with him, he obviously felt a little uncomfortable being so close to me so I offered him my seat.

I began to pace slowly and dramatically, I wanted to really show my guest a performance, Moriarty's best work with the tiny amount he has to work with.

"I could tell you were formerly military from the way you hold yourself, smart and the way you said your name surname first. I knew you were an officer as by the words you use, you seem so sure of yourself. You are clever, not as clever as me but clever for ordinary. Being well educated means good schooling. Your accent says you come from the Berkshire border, but your words say educated, your family is upper middle class, from the way you dress... suits are a bit garish for your line of work surely. So from Eton to Cambridge no, Oxford you wanted to get away from the Berkshire side. I suppose it was only natural for you to want to go back, to be at Sandhurst. However, you wouldn't be here now if not for a discharge and by the look on your face it was a shameful one." I finally concluded, his face was stunned I was expecting a bad reception really, oddly enough I received quite the opposite. He shook his head in disbelief, after a short while he spoke.

"That's absolutely absurd that you know all that.Although it was pretty impressive, I was informed that you were something else but that, pffft" Mister Moran was rendered completely speechless. I had got my foot in the door, now all I have to do now is get him to want to hear more and he shall stay as my little pet.

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