My Pet Seb

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I slept well that night not even once having to get up to clear my mind of a distraction. I had created the perfect way of venting my thoughts, by having a real, live boring in my residence meant that I could get put my thoughts out to him so, he can keep them. But is that making me a dependant on him? Yes but was it worth it? Of course it was. I turned over to look at my clock 7:30, perfect! I jumped out of bed and went to the record player, now what to put on...maybe, ah yes! A bit of The Rolling Stones. The familiar sound of that guitar riff filled the silent spaces in the flat, then moving twisting into lyrics. I pushed the door of my bedroom open letting the waves escape passing through every corner. I walked through the lounge with my symphony of British culture following into the kitchen. I filled the kettle and put it on, then waltzing over to the cupboard for some crumpets and butter. I hadn't noticed Seb in the corner,

"Good Morning Jim," He said, he was sitting right next to the window looking out, twiddling a sharp blade in his hands with and cup of tea on the side.

"Gooood Moorning, What's that you've got there?" I asked getting a little worried that he may have changed his mind about staying. And that soon I would be heavily wounded before even my crumpets had popped.

"Oh, this?" He held the knife up slightly. "Nothing much, it was my fathers favourite. I got up early this morning so thought I'd do a bit of polishing with it. It's not much to protect you with but it'll do for now," I clicked, of course! He had no weapons with him because AJ had them shared. Obviously, I couldn't be having that.

"I think its time to show you just a part of what my life entails Seb. Let me have my breakfast then we shall go out,"

"Alrighty then," He said, getting up from his chair. I wanted to show him something he could have as his. I no longer needed it. After the moment had passed, the kettle whistled and the toaster popped. I brought my breakfast into the lounge where I set it on the table I looked up to see that Seb was staring at me.

"What? You can get breakfast for yourself if you want it,"

"I've already had breakfast, that's not what I'm thinking I'm trying to do what you do, you know. The Moriarty thing, where you know things from just looking at people,"

"Oh, right. Got anything?" I stood there arms open. I was really quite interested in what he thought here. Usually, I would make sure that nothing would give away my background but I had just gotten up, cut me some slack. He gave me a look of concentration.

"ummm, you are quite patriotic? I don't know, this was probably a bad idea to try it," I felt a little sorry for him he had tried, was I really getting a soft spot for him? No, surely not.

"No, no you are right yes it was obvious but that's how you start," I thought for a moment. Moran rolled his eyes and he looked into the distance, looked awfully saddened.

"I shall teach you, we'll start in the afternoon," I said with a slight smile. His face lightened up and he nodded in appreciation, placing his blade down on the side.

After breakfast we left the house it was too hot outside to wear any kind of jacket I was in my usual clothing, a navy suit. But Seb insisted that he wore a jacket he said that it would help protect me. I had to let him otherwise it would give the game away. Seb led me to the usual place where we would catch a cab but I stopped him before he could hail one.

"No, no we shan't be taking one of those," I said pulling him round the corner down the side of the building to a set of stairs. He started to look a little worried but he'd been in odder situations I'm sure. We went down the stairs to come to a metal door.

"This is what we will be taking," and with that I unlocked the door and pushed it wide open, to reveal my car, well actually my fathers car he left it to me.

"An E type Jaguar... you can't go around in this!" He was thrilled to see that this had been here but I could see the concern for my protection in his eyes.

"Well actually, I was going to let you drive, if you would like to?" I knew that he would just one nod from me and my pet was thrilled with his surprise but this was not the only gift of the day. We both got in, as he started up the engine and revelled in the sound I looked through the glove compartment for my sunglasses and the garage door fob.

"Shall we go then? I said cautiously he could want to go any minute now. Seb patted the dashboard and smiled,

"Yes, let's. But ummm... how do we get out?"

"What do you mean?" I said clicking the fob, the floor began to move boosting us up on to the ground level into another room with a big garage door. The door lifted slowly,

"Bloody hell, this is amazing!" Seb was so impressed with my fancy play things. He could have them I didn't need them. The way he smiled, it was pure happiness on that face of his.

We sped off down the street stopping at the junction.

"Head towards Camden there's somewhere I want you to see," I wanted to seriously blow the competitors, for Seb, out of the water. We pulled away heading right through Trafalgar Square, he really wanted to show off. We drove right past the spot where last nights events happened, those fleeting moments that changed our lives forever.

Meanwhile, I had no idea that my old toy was not as I presumed, and had actually survived the destination I had sent him to. Sherlock Holmes was secluded from society once again, like he was before his companion joined him. He told me that we were the same, oh and weren't we just. So similar that he needed the puzzles I needed to provide for him. He was my favourite of all the distractions yet.

After the fall he assumed John had got the message to move on, needless to say he did not, oh so sentimental ordinary people. Sherlock cared about his pet in the same way as I care about mine but did his pet know that? I will never know for sure. After the carnival of body, ground and tears Sherlock stuck about in London in the sketchy parts and in the higher places, courtesy of his brother, Mycroft knew he was about somewhere. Sherlock never made it difficult to find him. He made it so that he was just to be unnoticed, invisible to those who even look. Sherlock made ends meet as he could taking the occasional private case for his brother but without his brother directly being involved, of course.

The days of the carnival, after the fall, were the days where I gained and he lost. He had lost his talking post, his morals and his inspiration. His life seemed in tatters but to him his refreshed start was beginning.

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