George's House

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So back to my part of the story

On the way to Camden I explained that we were going to a secure location where I could show him my world. It did not take long to reach Camden itself but it took forever to get to our location due to traffic in the centre. On the other side of town, on an industrial estate, was the building we were looking for. I directed Seb to the small garage by one of the concrete boxes.

"Okay, mind telling me what we are doing here?" Sebastian asked looking about the small room.

"Could I possibly tell you once we are in the secure location?" I told him sarcastically, I liked Moran but sometimes he just was a touch too mundane, I guess though that this was part of it, to help me tolerate them all a little more. We got out of the car and I locked it up.

"Follow me!" I called cheerily walking briskly across the paving towards a metal grey door. I knew this place back to front but I bet Sebby has never seen anything like what I shall show him. I tapped on the door. George answered.

George was a sympathizer of Richard Brook. He was a slightly older gentleman with a southern sounding accent. All of his vowels very rounded and nasally. His hair was white and cut into a short wedge at the back. And he always wore the most awful, vivid, knitted jumpers anyone has ever seen. That day he was sporting a lime green one.

"Ah, Richard how very nice to see you again. You know how much I love to hear from you, how are you?"

"Hello George, I'm much better now you know all that business is over, but you know I would never wish..." I played on this just a bit more than I should have. But it was good acting all somber and getting a tad choked up.

"Now, now," said George ushering me inside and popping me on a seat. "Don't be like that, let's have some tea and put it out of our minds eh?"

Seb followed me in and tried to play along looking ever so slightly concerned.

As George went to get some tea I whispered to Seb "Go the Bathroom, there'll be a cupboard, open it and type the numbers 1157 into the keypad behind the boiler and take whatever you need," At first he looked at me confused, more than likely thinking 'why would we steal from this man?' but I knew that he would understand once he had just seen it. Just as George came back Moran had disappeared off to do his task. George put the tea down on the table carefully. Slipping on the character like an old glove, I asked how he had been keeping. He replied that he had certain aches and pains as to be expected of a man at his age. He also had said about the fact he was thankful the court case went well as I was completely innocent. Then he said it, the name, the distraction, my most beautifully orchestrated game, Sherlock. The name rolled off his tongue and landed in front of me. It affected me more expected, it seemed. Perplexed by myself, I swallowed the thoughts.

"He was pretty unstable but I never thought he would do that," Continued the chatty fellow.

"I'm sorry, my manners. You kind of knew him, I guess, ummm... don't worry I won't tell anyone but did you feel loss or..." George trailed off he could see it through all of the facade, the bare truth that actually it had affected me, deeply, at that. He decided to skim over it as I took another sip of tea.

"So, who is your friend?" hmmm well, I couldn't exactly say 'actually he's my pet because I need one' so I went with,

"Oh, just Sebastian. He's a friend, from work," I said flippantly. George gave me a look, one of those indirect things where you know they want you to tell them something but won't ask. I just smiled and sipped my tea.

"So, you two aren't...ummm, together or anything?" George asked hesitantly.

"No, no," I denied.

"But you know from the way you were,"

"Definitely not,"

"Looking at each other I just thought,"

"Well, you are wrong George!"

The room went silent, you could have heard a pin drop. Finally George piped up just as Seb was walking back in quietly.

"Well, I think you too would be a great couple if your boat rocks that way Rich."

That face said it all, Seb looked confused, then considering then shook the thought from his mind and chuckled slightly.

"Well, we should probably be going now, Jah, I mean Richard"

"Yes well it has been lovely seeing you George, I hope to see you soon,"

"Umm well of course, lovely meeting you Sebastian," said George standing up to shake Sebby's hand.

"Gosh, you've got rather a firm handshake there my lad, well I'll see you both soon, Goodbye." And with that he ushered us out and closed the door behind us. As we started to walk across the car park I gave Seb a few glances, he did the same, then we burst out into laughter.

"I can't believe you have all that stuff stashed and he doesn't even know who you are, what you do Jim, what you do" Sebby started. I unlocked the car, Seb flung the bag into the boot there was a bit of a ker-klunck as it went down so it was practically obvious there was more than a couple of heavy-weight objects in there. "What have you got then?" I asked already knowing the answer but he would probably take joy in telling me. "Don't you know from the way my trousers are dusty in a certain place or something?" he replied playfully. "No, it's all down to random chance I don't know what's in there anymore than I would know your mother's middle name," I lied, it was Patricia. "Okay..." Moran unzipped the bag and showed the contents. "I brought, a few blades, a handgun, a few big babbys and look at this..." He showed me very high tech sniper rifle, interesting choice though not many people would pick that because of its sheer size but I already knew that he was a size matters guy. "Well, you brought quite a collection, darling maybe we should hop home now and get something to nabble on." I said as we got in the car he nodded, slammed the boot shut and climbed in.

Soon enough we were back in the garage. "I don't want to leave my present on its own Jim, what if someone steals it?" Seb clung on to the steering wheel like it was his only means life. "Well, I'll just have to ask my friend to give it back or be sssskinnned," I replied getting out of the car. We locked up the garage and walked to the flat. Moran stopped short, "Sorry Jim, this might sound odd but can we go out for lunch? I'm starving," So we went back out the building to go to lunch. It was within walking distance so we didnt need to take the car. We went to a little place up the street or so. Reminds me of my plan before really I am thinking about that again?

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