The big win

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He started to lean in but....

James walked in with Chloe. They were talking and laughing. When they saw us they stopped and stared at us. I tried to get down from my chair but when I jumped down and tried to land on my good foot I wound up almost falling over but Christian had caught me so I wouldn't hit the hard wood floor. He pulled me up and I thanked him and got my crutches and was walking to the game room. When I walked in I saw Liz and Mingus kissing. I was in shock so I just walked out and went to the movie room. I got the remote and started flipping through the channels when The Walking Dead came on so I stopped and watched it. I was so into it that I didn't notice Christian walk in. When Daryl started a fire in the lake it scared me alittle.(I know it is not that scary but I am a wimp) when I jumped I grabbed onto Christian arm and closed my eye. When I opened them I saw Christian looking at me. When I looked at him he started leaning in again but so did I. When our lips met butterflies were in my stomach. When we pulled back he said," I have waited so long to do that." I just giggled. It was getting late but it was Friday so I asked if they wanted to spend the night and the said sure. My mom came in the door and ran to me and hugged me and said sorry. I said I was fine and the doctor said that I can't play lacrosse for a whole month. I was sad about it but I still could have time to do school work and watch Christian play and still be captain of the team. I pulled my mom aside and said that I told everyone could spend the night and she said it was fine. I told her there was one problem and she got worried and I just laughed and said I couldn't get up the steps to my room. My mom said she would figure something out. Everyone was hungry so I ordered pizza and when it came we went into the theater and watched grown ups 2 which I have to say was pretty funny. When I got done Chloe Liz and I when upstairs to my room but I stopped at the stairs and just looked at Chloe and Liz sad. They both smirked at me and ran past me back to the theater. When they came back out they both had the biggest smiles ever. When I looked behind them I saw Christian then Mingus then James. The girls took my crutches and I almost fell but I fell in to the arms of the boys. Mingus grabbed my arms Christian held me by my back and James was careful with my legs. When they got me upstairs I told them where my room was so when they walked in they laided me on my bed and told all of us girls goodnight and walked out. I didn't feel like changing but Chloe made me so I got up and hopped over to my dresser and got out some boxers and a Wisconsin High lacrosse shirt and when to the bathroom and changed and when back and got in my bed. Right when my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

The next morning
I woke up to something falling down the stairs. I grabbed my crutches and tried to get to the stairs fast and when i got there I just started laughing because Christian was at the bottom of the stairs upside down on the wall. He looked at me and his face went red and he stood up really fast. When I stopped laughing I saw that he was just in pajama pants and he was shirtless I almost passed out. He has muscles and abs. He came up the stairs and grabbed me and carried me downstairs and into the kitchen. He put me down at the bar and he sat down next to me and said," what do you want for breakfast." I told him,"scrambled eggs and bacon." He simply nodded and when to get started. I went to the fridge and got out orange juice and poured me a glass and pushed it across the counter and when and sat down and took a sip and when I looked at Christian i saw him looking at me. I just smiled and started talking about lacrosse. We actually had a lot of thing in common like we both were high attack and we knew about the game so we gave each other tips that could help them win the game.

Christian pov

When she saw me fall down the stairs I was embarrassed so I just played it off and got up. When I was talking to her about lacrosse I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was so gorgeous. When the eggs and bacon were done I made two plates and went and sat next to her and we just talked all breakfast about things about us. When we were done with breakfast James Mingus Chloe and Elizabeth came in. I told Elizabeth to come and talk to me because I wanted to take everyone to eat before my game today. I said,"hey Elizabeth can I talk to you for a sec." She walked over to me and said,"you can call me Liz and what's up." I said," I want to take everyone out for lunch before my game today and I want Emma to help me coach the varsity players today because our main coach is sick and our assistant coach doesn't know what to do." She said," Emma would like that and ok." I walked over to Emma and asked," would you like to help coach varsity boys today?" She smiled and said ok.

At the lacrosse game
I said that Emma was going to coach us today and all of the boys started laughing and I said what is it? They said that they weren't taking commands from a girl. That pissed her off. She stood up and stood her ground. She said,"I maybe just a girl to y'all but I will not let some stuck up brat laugh at me because I am a girl. Y'all will listen to me because I am the best thing you can listen to. So if y'all don't shut the hell up and listen to me,y'all can go out there and get you butts whooped. So what is you chose? She had her hip popped out to the side and squinted at the whole team. At that they shut up and looked at her like they were scared. She said," that is what I thought now if y'all want to win this game y'all are going to listen to me very closely. She gave them instructions and they listened.

After the game

(Still Christian pov)
We won the game 15- 2. After the game we all ran over to Emma and picked her up and were cheering her on. She was just smiling. I have to admit she was the best coach ever.

Hey guys!! I really think this story is going pretty good so far (ever thought it is only three chapters but hey it going somewhere other that down hill)I know this is a long chapter but hey what is there to lose.i can really relate to Emma because she has my sassiness 😂😂 and my dream is to date someone like Christian and my other wish is to be caption of the lacrosse team. I play for my high school now but I am the only 8th grader in the team. Bye for now loves 💖😘

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