Angel with a shotgun

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The next morning I got and went to the stairs and looked down them and thought about how I was getting down them. I went to my brothers room and pulled his mattress off off him bed the best I could. I pushed it to the stair case and jumped on. I got it to go downstairs but it got caught on the last stair and I flew off and slide in the kitchen. When I look up i see Christian looking down at me. I just started busting out laughing. He looked at me confused and I got up and said,"I didn't know you were here so I got my brothers mattress and rode it down the stairs. He just started laughing. I asked him,"why are you at my house?" He said that my mom asked him to come and help me today while she was at work. I just rolled my eyes and stood ups and went to the stairs and looked back at Christian with sad eyes. He smiled and throw me over his shoulder and took my crutches in his other. When he got me upstairs he asked where I wanted to go and I said,"to my bed room peasant."He just laughed and went in to my room and threw me on my bed. I when to my dresser and got out Nike shorts and my lacrosse camp shirt. I went to my bathroom and got dressed did my hair in a messy bun and brushed my teeth(I really don't need makeup). I hopped into my brothers room and got Christian some clothes because he is wearing his uniform from last night. Grabbed him some kaikik shorts and a t shirt. I went to the stairs and screamed,"peasant!" I saw him walk up to he stair case and I threw the clothes at him and said,"here are some clothes for you." He said," thanks." I went to my room to get my phone but I left it in the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and opened the door I saw Christian with no shirt on. I said," I just came to get my" I grabbed my phone and walked out. I grabbed my crutches and pushed them down the stairs. I felt myself being lifted up and thrown over a shoulder. When I got downstairs Christian grabbed my crutches and we walked to the game room and played games all afternoon.

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