The deal

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It was a unusually dark, and cold night in Gravity Falls. While everyone in the infamous Mystery shack was asleep, there was still one particularly special boy awake, his name was Dipper Pines.

As he laid there staring at the wooden ceiling of the attic his thoughts drifted. His life had seemed pretty amazing up to this point. He was finally 16 the age of a real man, and he had grown to finally being taller than Mabel and to his delight he now had stray brown curls of chest hair, he didn't tell Mabel yet though lest she pull them out for her old scrapbook.

4 summers at Gravity Falls and things were just as weird. Many people thought with age Mabel and Dipper would grow apart but they loved to prove people wrong with there strong sibling bond. Grunkle Stan hadn't looked like he aged a day, neither had grunkle Ford either after the years even the Stan brothers made up and started acting like a real family. Everyone in town was changing Wendy and Robbie had gotten married last summer with a kid on the way! With Robbie and Dipper making up too after all they weren't arguing over the same girl anymore, and that had been the biggest shock in Gravity Falls.

About two summers ago puberty had came and gone for Dipper leaving him confused. Dipper finally came to his conclusion though he was bisexual. He was at first ashamed but everybody excepted him and encouraged him. Mabel had finally found her own man her very own merman, that Dipper had to reverse resuscitate when he was 12. They had a few rough patches what with him living in the ocean, but somehow they managed to work it out.

Dipper on the other hand was lonely he hadn't had any relationships and was jealous of Mabel, until that is he finally managed to rekindle a relationship with his former enemy.. That's right for two years he had been dating Pacifica Northwest. At first has family was weary of her until she showed that she really did care for him. There relationship had been admittedly rough at first but they got over it.

Things were great nowadays but something about this night felt wrong... it felt evil. Somehow he felt his eyes start to close without his permission. As Dipper opened his eyes he gasped he was floating and all around him there was only color: gold and black to be exact why were those colors familiar? "Hiya pine tree!" Dipper whipped around to see once again nothing but color once again. Oh yeah that's what these colors reminded him of fuckin demonic triangles.

"That's not very nice pine tree!" A voice said right in his ear. Dipper spun around expecting to see an equilateral butthole but to his surprise he saw a guy a couple years older than him, with mocha skin, and blonde hair splayed in all directions, an eyepatch over his right eye a black long sleeved shirt with a yellow over coat and short black leather boots, his one eye was a glowing gold, he was also wearing a smirk from ear to ear.

"B-Bill?" Dipper stuttered a blush staining his cheeks. What can you blame him?! The guy was hot. "Oooooh hi pine tree! Like my new form I sure do!" Bill said getting closer, "how are you even alive? Why am I here? Why do you look like that?" Dipper shouted Bill smirked, "so many questions first I am immortal pine tree you only defeated me for a short time, second I want to make a deal, and third off my business is my own I have a human body for my own reasons."

"What?! Never! I'm not making a deal with you!" Bill frowned he didn't want to have to do this, but he wanted Dipper "you wouldn't want to risk shooting star now would you?" Bill said, frowning Dippers face darkened, "you wouldn't!" "I don't want to kid but here let's make a bet, I bet that when I possess you no one will notice but hey! Maybe they will after all you've been possessed before! They'll notice the signs right?"

That made Dipper pause, "what are the terms?" Dipper said scowling, "oooh glad you asked pine tree! If you win I leave you alone forever!" Bill said and insane smirk etched on his face, "and if you win?" Dipper said already expecting to be tortured, "your mine forever! Mine to love. Mine to care for. Mine to protect. Mine." Bill said stalking around Dipper "why would I agree to that?!" Dipper said outraged.

"oh pine tree I'm not going to hurt you or your family is this really that bad?" Dipper looked down, "I guess not, fine bill I accept your deal" Dipper said fully expecting the blue flames to pain him when he grabbed the demons hand, however he was shocked when the blue flames caressed his arm. "Let the games begin, then pine tree you will be mine" Bill growled. Dipper woke up with a gasp, glancing around the room not seeing the hot dream demon. Gods! Dipper! How could you even think that! You have Pacifica! After all this deal is stupid, everyone would notice he was being possessed right? So why did he feel like bill was going to win this bet?

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