One week no Bill

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  It's been exactly a week since Dipper made the  deal with Bill. At first Dipper was expecting to be immediately possessed, but after a week there was still no sign of Bill. Honestly Dipper wishes he was possessed right now, because his day had already went to hell. First it was just stupid stuff like having to take a cold shower, because Mabel took all the hot water, but it got worse much worse.

  As Dipper came down for breakfast, he noticed the thickness in the atmosphere downstairs. Mabel was picking at a hairy Stan pancake with tears streaming down her face, and Grunkle Stan was glaring at the wall. However his face shifted when he noticed Dipper.

   "kid" he said with a heavy sigh, "I've got some bad news" he huffed out. "W-What's going on?" Dipper stuttered. "The police called, you know how your parents were coming up here to celebrate your science fair project win?"  Stan said, with a sorrowful face "y-yeah? something didn't happen did it?" Dipper said, eyes turning wide and scared. "Sorry kid there car- there car got hit by a drunk driver, they- they went over the side of a cliff" Stan said shakily.

Dipper dropped to the floor head in his hands. "W-why did this have to happen?" He questioned to the ceiling. That's when he heard a growl coming from his sister, he glanced up to see her angry face directed at him. "This  happened because of you!" She shouted, "if you wouldn't have begged them to come down for your stupid science fair project, this wouldn't have happened" she shouted, glaring at Dipper as he cringed, he hadn't been expecting this out of Mabel of all people.

  "M-Mabel! H-How could you?! They wanted to come and support me!" Dipper shouted, as tears streamed down his face. "Sorry kid" he heard from his right, "I gotta agree with Mabel on this one." His Gr- No he couldn't call him that now, Stan said as Dipper glanced at him tears staining his cheeks.

"I'm so sick of you Dipper!" Mabel said, still glaring at him "I save your ass all the time and what do I get in return?! Two dead parents!" She yelled eyes wide with a red and puffy face. With that said she burst from the Mystery Shack, slamming the door on her way out. Dipper looked to Stan for support, but he was glaring at the wall again.

  "S-Stan?" He said hesitantly, "do you think that about me?" Dipper said, scared of his reaction. "Yeah kid, now get out of here before I have to tell Ford, and he kicks your ass" Stan growled at him. Dipper stared in shock for a moment before running out of the shack just like Mabel. H-He just couldn't believe it, his own family thinks that it's his fault a drunk driver crashed into his parents, and with those thoughts, Dipper ironically ran to the only place that felt like home... The woods.

  Meanwhile- rare (Mabel's POV)

  She just couldn't believe it! Her parents had both died all because of her fuck up of a brother. I mean sure he was pretty cool when he was younger, but now he's just a loser. As she kept running forward she finally noticed the object of her desires, sitting on a large hill.. The mansion. She ran around the security cameras, far used to this by now until she came to a balcony, "Pacifica!" She whisper shouted to the window.

  Almost immediately the blonde burst through the big doors, "Mabel?" She questioned. "Just one second" she said, before she retrieved a short latter that extended a good 20 feet, for Mabel to climb up to her balcony. As Mabel climbed up and over the ladder she looked at Mabel confused, "Mabel your not supposed to come until another 2 days, what brings you here so early?" She said, Mabel whipped around with an enraged face, "it's all Dipper's fault!" She shouted, before nervously looking around.

  "No it's fine" the blonde said,"let it all out about dipshit, my parents are gone for the week. Come on let's go inside" Pacifica said, leading Mabel to her bed as they both sat down. "So what happened?" Pacifica said, eyeing Mabel up worriedly, "oh Pacifica! it's all Dippers fault" Mabel said with a screech, "he bitched to our parent to get them to come up for his stupid science fair award! And they got hit by a drunk driver!" Mabel said, with tears soaking her long bits of hair on her shoulders.

  "Oh my god Mabel that's terrible I'm so sorry!" Pacifica said, with a pitying look that quickly changed to a sneer of disgust. "Without you dipshit would be dead!" She growled, Mabel sniffled and said, " I know right? And then he killed our parents!" Pacifica's sneer suddenly turned into a grateful smile, "I'm so glad you talked some sense into me after dating dipshit for a week" she said, "you were right he's so boring, always keeping his nose buried in a book but now I have you" Pacifica said, sliding her hand up Mabel's thigh.

  Mabel giggled at her actions. "Yeah pats! After all I'm so much more of a better lover than my brother" she said, before pressing her lips to Pacifica's. Pacifica grinned as Mabel straddled her on her bed, before the two got into a heated make out session.

  But unbeknownst to the cruel couple, a certain one eyed man was floating near there window golden eye, now turned a satanic red he growled, "I'll save you pine tree, from all these cruel and terrible people, just you wait!" and with a snap of his fingers he was gone.

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