The diffrence between the Grunkle's

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As Dipper ran into the forest he easily got lost...and he was just fine with that. He wandered around the woods aimlessly, until he came to a stream that was connected to a waterfall. As he glanced down at his own reflection, he noticed thin streaks of red covering his face. Oh yeah those thorns he passed, he must of hit a lot of them, but he couldn't feel the pain until now.

The small plentiful scratches felt like nothing compared to the deep pain in his heart. 'I guess the townspeople were right' Dipper thought, with a sigh, 'I guess our sibling bond wasn't meant to last long' he thought, frowning at his reflection as tears streamed down his face, 'even grunkle Stan thinks it's my fault! I know it isn't! I wasn't the drunk driver!' His rage suddenly turned cold, 'oh god how is grunkle Ford going to react?

'Get out of here before I tell Ford and he kicks your ass' Dipper started to shake, 'Grunkle Ford wouldn't hurt him would he?' He heard a pop right above him and quickly flung himself back, to see Bill hovering in the air slowly descending, until he touched the ground.

"Hey pine tree I heard what happened and it's not your fault, I'm sorry for your loss" Bill said, no cocky smirk in sight. Dipper sniffled and before Bill could even blink, Dipper tackled him into- into... A hug. "Y-Your the only one who thinks it isn't my fault, not even my own family believes me!" Dipper sobbed into his shoulder.

Bill was suffice to say shocked when his pine tree wrapped him in a crushing hug, but pleased none the less. He slowly crouched down with his pine tree, leaning against a large tree, pine tree didn't mind the change in position, as he curled in-between Bills legs in a fetal position.

Bill pulled off Dipper's hat setting it aside for now, as he hushed his pine tree and stroked his surprisingly soft hair. As pine tree settled in, his breathing starting to slow, Bill felt when he drifted off to sleep. Bill held him there a few hours until the sun started to set, and the woods cooled off, not that he was worried he'd keep pine tree warm. He just knew the kid would rather be in a bed.

"Ooooooh pine tree" he whispered, to the cute brunette, and giggled when the said brunette scrunched up his face in his sleep, like a grumpy kitten. "Pine tree!" He shouted, laughing as Dipper's head jumped up from his abdomen. "It's getting kinda late kiddo, time for me to take you home" Bill said.

"Mmmm? Ok" Dipper said yawning wrapping his arms around Bill, as he stood up. Bill laughed as his Pine tree wouldn't let go, he wrapped his arms around the kid carrying him bridal style. Good thing the kid wasn't that awake, or he would totally be protesting.

"I'm gonna transpo-" Bill suddenly stopped, finally getting a good look at the kids bloodied face. "What happened?" He asked gently stroking the boy's check, Dipper flinched slightly but not at the touch but at the memories it brought. "I-I kinda ran into some thorn bushes when I was running from the shack" he said quietly.

"Okay" bill sighed, "I'm gonna heal these so don't freak out okay?" Bill said giving a reassuring smile to the kid. "Y-Yeah ok" Dipper said closing his eyes he gasped, though when he felt a warm comforting heat surrounding his face. He peeked open his eyes to see the blue flames dancing harmlessly across his cheeks, when they suddenly stopped, Dipper blushed and looked up at his friend? 'I guess that's what he is' Dipper thought.

"Thanks Bill" Dipper said smiling up at the blonde dream demon. "No problem kiddo" Bill said, smiling. "I'm gonna transport you back to the shack now so hold on!" Bill said smiling, as blue flames engulfed them.

As they both appeared near the Mystery Shack, Bill set dipper down, "we'll hear ya go kid anything else before I leave?" Bill said, with a smirk Dipper thought about his next actions, 'Ah what the hell Bill did help him out so much.' With those thoughts in mind, Dipper smiled shyly at Bill.

"Actually there is something I need to tell you" Dipper said, beckoning the demon down to his height, hey! What could he say Bills human form was extremely tall. Bill looked at his Pine Tree worried, 'oh gosh' Bill thought, 'this is the part where I get smacked for even touching him' Bill grimaced slightly at the thought, but bent down to Dippers height anyway.

Dipper jumped up to meet bill slightly, and planted a soft kiss on the other's mocha skin cheek. "Thanks for everything" Dipper said, blushing as red as a tomato, before scurrying off to the Mystery Shack. Bill on the other hand stood in utter shock, before smiling a genuine smile. 'That coy little minx' he thought, before transporting away smiling, so he didn't embarrass his little pine tree anymore.

Dipper quickly stole a glance behind him to make sure Bill was gone. 'What the hell Dipper' he thought to himself, 'you betrayed Pacifica!' But his thoughts quickly disrupted, as he heard arguing in the kitchen, quickly glancing around the corner Dipper saw his Grunkle's both fighting over... Him?

"It's not his fault Stanley it's the drunk drivers fault!" Ford yelled to his brother, "yeah right sixer of course your takin the kids side! It's cuz of his stupid science award isn't it!" Stan yelled right back, "No! It's not because of the stupid science award! It's because Dipper's family! He's a fantastic young man and if you can't see that then I'm taking him with me!" Ford screamed, "go ahead! I don't need that idiot anyways!" Stan yelled.

Ford whipped around to see Dipper watching them both, "ah Dipper" Ford said, quickly putting on a smile, "I was just talking about leaving want to come with me?" Ford asked, Dipper thought for a moment before nodding. "Great News!" Ford exclaimed, "pack your things off and we're off!" Dipper nodded again before rushing off to the attic.

As he opened the door however he got screamed at immediately, "what the hell are you doing in my room!" Mabel screeched at him, "Mabel Pines! Stop harassing your brother we're leaving anyways!" Ford said, huh Dipper hadn't even heard him come up the stairs. "Fine" Mabel huffed turning away to text Pacifica.

Dipper quickly gathered his stuff, before running out of the shack with Ford on his heels. He didn't want to deal with his sis- no with Mabel anymore. He threw his stuff in Fords small car, before climbing into the passenger side. "Where are we going grunkle Ford?" Dipper asked. "We're just going to get a motel for the night kid, we could use the rest" said Ford, pulling out of the gravel driveway, and ruffling Dipper's hair affectionately.

"Yeah" Dipper said, looking at the passing trees, as they drove by. All in one day his life went to hell, but he had two people maybe even three that still cared for him, and he now knew what the difference between his Grunkle's was, one couldn't care less about him, and the other would give the world to him, and that was fine by him.

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