The big day, and the apology

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  It was finally the day of Dipper and Bill's wedding, and Bill had never felt so sick. He knew he wanted Dipper more than anything, he just wanted things to go smoothly, over there wedding. A lot of Dipper's family was here, and Bill had no family to speak of but, that was fine by him, all he needed was his pine tree.

   They were waiting in a rental house,  because Dipper decided an outside wedding would be best,  seeing as how it would be weird to have a demon in a church, everything was going smoothly until they came. Bursting through the doors, stood the cruel couple Mabel Pines, and Pacifica Northwest. Cringing at the sight of his sister, Dipper braced himself, but before he could move, his fiancé was brushing past him, pushing his sleeves up, about to pummel the blonde bitch, and her girlfriend.

  Though a hand on his shoulder, stopped him. Bill turned around, glancing at Dipper, as his lover stared into his eyes, and silently shook his head. Bill getting the message, 'walked off', oh hell no he wasn't leaving, the Pines family was fuckin nuts, he was just glad the he was marrying the most sane one, making sure to stay out of sight, Bill watched.

  "Pacifica I've got this" Mabel said snootily, as Pacifica grinned, and nodded before leaving through the door that she came from. However when the door shut, Mabel collapsed. Fast as lightning, Dipper caught her, before he knees slammed into the ground. Glancing down at his sister, gone was the snooty facade.. No, now he saw a broken woman.

  "Mabel?" Dipper questioned, holding his sister close, "oh god Dipper I'm so sorry, I'm such a fool, and I know I have no right, but.. I need help." She pleaded, "Mabel what's going on?" Dipper questioned, "P-Pacifica she- she over the years she got crueler to me, she was so nice when we started our relationship, but it just got worse and worse until.."

  Mabel broke off, lifting up the sleeve of her t-shirt, to show a large nasty purple bruise, that was forming, "T-There's more" Mabel said, tears starting to freely run down her cheeks, as she turned her back to Dipper, she lifted her shirt, showing plentiful bruises, coloring her whole back.

  "Served you right kid, for betraying your brother like that" Bill said, coming forth from the shadows. "Bill.." Dipper trailed off warningly, until a dainty hand stopped him, "no Dipper he's right, if I were you I would never forgive me" Mabel said, standing up, and pulling her shirt back down.

  "I'm just gonna.." Mabel said, heading to the door, shocked when Bill popped in front of her, "oh hell no kid, you may have been a dumb ass, for hurting my Pine Tree, and you needed to repent for what you did, but this... This is far too much" Bill said. "I'm gonna heal you kid" Bill said, bringing forth his flames.

  "No!" Both Dipper, and Mabel shouted. "What" Bill asked, putting the flame away "if I want to get away, I should take this to court, and if I don't have photographic proof, my case won't mean anything" Mabel sighed, as Dipper, and Bill nodded in agreement.

  "Don't worry Mabes, we'll get this sorted out, you, and me will live with Ford now!" Dipper exclaimed, glancing at Bill when the demon coughed, 'not for long' cocking his head to the side about to question the demon, before Bill perked up, "I believe we have a wedding to get ready for!" Bill shouted, before strutting away about to change into his tux.

  "Ohhhh can I come with you" Mabel asked, suddenly excited about the prospect of a wedding, "what about Pacifica?" Dipper asked, frowning when Mabel's shoulders slumped, "oh.. She already left, she doesn't care about me unless she beats me or fuck's me" Mabel bit out.

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