A knight in shinning armor

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It had been a week since Dipper snuggled in bed with Bill, and he hadn't seen the demon since. Now as he got out of bed he stretched, when a knock came at his door. "Come in" Dipper said, yawning. Grunkle Ford opened the door, and chuckled at Dipper's drowsy state. "Hey kid I got a lot of shopping to do today groceries, clothes and everything anything you want specifically" Ford said.

"Uhm well if your going clothes shopping can you get me a couple of hoodies?" Dipper asked, "sure kid what colors?" Ford questioned, "...yellow, black, and blue" Dipper said, not knowing why he said yellow, probably because Bill's on his mind, "yellow? Huh alright if you say so." Ford said, leaving his room.

"Feel free to explore, if you want too go in the woods!" Ford yelled, from outside his door "ok!" Dipper yelled back, stretching some more. Dipper went into his closet, and changed into some black skinny jeans, and a dark red hoodie, while observing his form in the mirror of his closet.

Over the years he had sprouted up in height, but it was nothing compared to Bills height. He had also filled out over the years, gaining some muscle from running in the woods, but he was still skinny, with a flat stomach even though he didn't have abs, or big arms, he still had a pretty impressive v-line.

He heard a pop, and before he could blink he felt hands on his hips, "yes it is rather impressive" Bill said, flashing Dipper a smirk, Dipper blushed before turning around, and giving Bill a kiss on his cheek. "Hey bill" Dipper said, giving him a smile, "hey pine tree, I got a day planned for us!" Bill said giddily.

Dipper laughed at his excited expression. "Ok? Where are we going then?" Dipper asked. Bill struck a pose, before thrusting his hand in the air, "to the woods!" Bill shouted, as Dipper giggled, "ok let me get my hiking boots" Dipper said going deeper in the walk-in closet, and bending over grabbing the shoes, not noticing Bill's eyes roaming over his backside.

Dipper put on the hiking boots, before trudging down the stairs, and out the door with Bill on his heels. "Alright captain, your turn to lead" Dipper said, smiling as Bill silently grabbed his hand, before dragging him into the woods. As they walked Dipper examined all life he hadn't documented, before glancing down and seeing fairies on a toadstool, making a mental note to write down there physical features.

After awhile of roaming around the forest holding Bill's hand, Dipper heard running water. As they kept walking the sound of water got louder, until they came upon a clearing where large crystals, surrounded a waterfall. "Wow Bill this is gorgeous" Dipper said, clear awe in his eyes. Bill chuckled, "yeah it is isn't it" he said.

"That's not even the best part" Bill said, pulling him closer to the waterfall, before sliding along the cliff, and behind the waterfall as Dipper followed close behind. As Dipper went behind the waterfall he could see a faint glowing, as he turned around in the cave they went into, he gasped, as he saw glowing gems in the dark cave.

The gems were all kinds of different blue's, green's, and pink's, and the dark cave amplified there glow. "B-Bill this is amazing, thank you so much" Dipper said, turning to bill and linking his hands with the demons, before leaning up, and connecting lips with the beautiful man, after a few more seconds Dipper pulled away hugging Bill close.

Bill chuckled, holding his pine tree just as close, "no problem kid" after a couple hours of exploring the cave, they wandered back outside of the waterfall. "I'm gonna cross the river" Dipper told Bill, "okay kid be careful" Bill said in return, Dipper crossed the river with ease hopping off of different stones, until he made it to the other side.

"Oh wow hey Bill, check this o--" Dipper crumpled to the ground unconscious, as something hit the back of his head. Bill jumped, as he saw Dipper fall "pine tr--" Bill said, before being hit by something too.

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