One big happy family

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(2 years later)

It had been 2 years since Dipper accepted Bill, and they became boyfriends, 2 years of love and happiness, but also 2 years of dancing around, and hiding from his own grunkle Ford, and Dipper didn't like that at all. "Bill?" He asked, "yeah pine tree?" Bill responded, "I think we should tell Ford about us." Dipper said.

Bill was silent a moment, before he responded, "if that's what you think Dipper, but if things get rough, I will not hesitate and take you away" Bill said, As Dipper nodded, "I know, I just feel like he should know." Dipper said, "alright kiddo when are we telling him?" Bill asked, "tonight" Dipper commented, confidently.

That Night~

"Uhm grunkle Ford." Dipper asked hesitantly, "yeah kid, what's the matter?" Ford questioned, "my boyfriend is coming over tonight for dinner, I know I never told you about him, but I've been dating him for 2 years now, and I want you to meet him" Dipper said, Ford didn't look shocked in the least.

"So that's why you've been sneaking off?" Ford asked, as Dipper nodded silently "well why didn't you say so! I'd be happy to meet him!" Ford exclaimed, "I wouldn't be so sure of that" Dipper muttered, "what was that?" Ford asked, "oh nothing!" Dipper said nervously.

"Well alright kid, dinners ready when's this boyfriend of yours getting here?" Ford questioned, as soon as he finished his sentence there was a knock on the door. "That must be him I'll get it!" Dipper said jumping up to grab the door. "Ok kid I'm gonna get the food" Ford said, chuckling.

Dipper silently thanked the gods that Ford hadn't answered the door, as he scurried over swinging the door back, "hey b--" Dipper suddenly stopped, right in the entrance of the front door was.... Stan. "S-Stan?" He questioned, silently.

"Who did you think I was your boyfriend?" Stan growled, Dipper gasped in shock, "oh yeah, you didn't think I knew? Everyone's seen you two in town, they think it's adorable! but there missin the fact that you and him are just a bunch of faggots!" Stan snarled, pushing Dipper out of the way, and stepping inside the house.

"Ya know why I liked Gravity Falls? It's cuz there were no gays!" Stan snapped, in Dippers face, oh god where the hell was Ford? " it's disgusting what your doin pollutin the air is what it is!" Stan said, shoving Dipper against the wall, and grabbing a knife from the kitchen table.

"I thought I raised you right! Then Mabel goes runnin off with that blonde bitch! You infected her didn't ya!" Stan said, digging the knife into Dipper's neck as Dipper whimpered, when suddenly there was a bang as the front door was slung open, and there standing was Bill Cipher.

"What the hell do you think your doing to my boyfriend!" Bill growled, "Bill!" Dipper whispered, tears of relief spilling down his cheeks. "Who the hell do you think you are?!"
Stan growled, letting go of Dipper and throwing him to the floor.

"I'm Bill fuckin Cipher!" Bill shouted, just as.. Ford walked in. "Bill" Ford gasped, frozen at seeing his old enemy. "You!" Stan said, whipping around and facing his twin, "you have to be the reason that he's so fucked up!" Stan said, pointing to Dipper.

Fords attention quickly diverted to his brother, as he noticed a knife in his brothers hand, and Dippers neck bleeding, with Bill standing over him protectively. "Dipper" he asked, ignoring his brother, "did Stan hurt you?" Ford questioned, as Dipper nodded silently, "and is he?" Ford gulped, "is he your boyfriend" Ford asked, nodding to Bill, not being shocked when Dipper once again nodded.

Stan tired of not being noticed, started to yell "disgusting what they are!" Stan shouted, "it's all your fault" Stan said, pointing the knife at Ford. "Oh real mature Stanley, blaming your brother" Ford said mockingly, watching as Stan became enraged.

"Oh fuck this shit! I'll kill you all and then the filth will be gone!" Stan yelled, throwing the knife intending to hit his twin, when suddenly Bill appeared in front of the knife, taking the blow to his shoulder. "W-why would you do that?" Questioned Ford, to the demon. "Hey we're family after all" Bill said, with a smirk.

Grabbing the knife, Bill pulled it from deep within his shoulder, laughing as he did, as his golden eyes turned a deep red, "pain is hilarious!" Bill said, throwing the knife at Stan hitting him in his shoulder. Teleporting in front of the idiot, he growled, removing the knife from the old lunatics shoulder, "especially when it's your pain!" He said, manically.

Stabbing him in his opposite shoulder, Bill laughed, grabbing a seat from the kitchen table, and forcing Stan to sit in the chair, and using his fire to make blue chains wrap around the man. "You know usually my fire doesn't hurt, but for you I'll make an exception!" Bill said, winking at Stan, and laughing as Stan yelled, from the increasing heat of the chains.

Stan started to struggle and yell, as Ford sighed calmly, and said, "I'll get some duck tape" leaving the room. Bill went over to his pine tree, who was still on the floor, helping him up, Bill studied Dippers face, and growled at the bloody stream on his neck, that was slowly trailing down to Dippers chest.

Bill touched the wound, using his fire to heal it before leaning into kiss when.. "Oh that's fuckin disgusting!" Stan yelled, sneering making Dipper jump. "Oh shut up" Ford said, slapping a piece of duck tape on his brothers mouth. As he turned to the couple he said, "I called the police, they'll pick him up in a few minutes."

Bill nodded, before once again leaning in and connecting lips with his pine tree. After a couple of minutes of them making out, Ford politely interrupted, "ahem" he coughed, laughing as Dipper jumped away from Bill, blushing hard.

As the couple pulled apart, Ford walked up to the taller dream demon. "Son you saved my kids life, and mine, and for that I'm thankful, but if you ever hurt him" he said, grabbing Bill's collar, and pulling him down to his level, "I will have your head on a platter" Ford growled, "Dad!" Dipper yelled, and suddenly stopped shocked.

Bill and Ford froze at his words, "D-Dad?" Ford questioned, "U-Uhm I mean" Dipper stuttered, before he could say anything, Ford wrapped up in a hug, "I love you son" Ford whispered, while Dipper hugged him, uncomfortably.

"Alright kiddo I won't embarrass you anymore" said Ford chuckling, "and I accept this relationship, but my threat still stands"
Ford said, there was a knock at the door, Ford opened the door to see officer Blubs, "he's in the chair officer" Ford said, nodding to the man.

  "Alright I'll take him off your hands" Blubs said, handcuffing Stan and taking him out the door. As they left Ford closed the door, and turned to the couple, "alright kids let's have dinner" Ford said, setting down steaks for everyone at the table.

   "I'm so glad you were here" Ford said, "I was taking out the trash, and then I hear that asshole yelling at Dipper, I don't know what I would've done if something happened to him" Ford said, tearing up "thank you Bill" Ford said,  shooting the demon a genuine smile. "No problem" Bill said, pulling out Dippers chair for him, which was not missed by Ford, 'at least he has manners, maybe he's not that bad' Ford thought.

  Ford sat down, before turning to them "alright let's dig in!" Ford said jovially. As Dipper sat there eating his steak, he contemplated everything, he was disappointed in Stan, but now his other family bonds had grown even stronger, his gru-- no his dad accepted his boyfriend, and now.. Well now they were one big happy family.

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