Descion, descions, and heartbreak

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As Ford's car pulled into the motels parking lot, Dipper couldn't help but think about Bill. 'Did Bill even want a relationship with him?' 'You are mine!' Okay yeah that was not a question. 'But what about Pacifica? He couldn't do that to her!' Dipper thought sadly, 'that settles it I'm gonna have to tell Bill that kissing him was a mistake' As dipper thought this, he couldn't shake these depressing thoughts.

  "You alright kid?" Dippers head shot up to see his grunkle Ford, luckily stopping him from running into a wall. "Yeah" Dipper sighed, setting his stuff down on the floor next to the bed. 'Thank god there's two beds' dipper thought, 'otherwise I would have to sleep next to my grunkle like a two year old' Dipper thought.

  His grunkle got on his own high tech laptop that he created himself, Before turning to Dipper. "Dipper" he sighed, "I'm so sorry about my brother, in all the years of knowing him I never thought he could do something like this, whatever you do don't listen to him, I'm proud to have you as part of my family dipper" Ford said, standing up and giving Dipper a hug.

"Thanks grunkle Ford what are we going to do now?" Dipper said, slightly worried, "oh don't worry kid back in my day I earned all kinds of money from my inventions, the money I have now will support us for about a year, and I'll start selling my inventions again" Ford said, shooting Dipper a reassuring smile.

"Oh and don't worry about the house issue, you think the Mystery Shack was the only house I bought? I have a beautiful house that's near a school that you can go to, your nearing your 17th birthday right?" Ford questioned, "yeah next month" Dipper said, "good then you'll be a junior" Ford said, "uhm actually I'm gonna be a senior" Dipper said, blushing.

"Eh? Why's that?" Ford said, raising a brow. "The school thought that the curriculum was to easy for me, so they were gonna let me skip a grade" Dipper said looking down, "that's great kiddo!" Ford exclaimed, "you obviously take after me, and not those dimwits" Ford said, frowning at the thought of his brother.

"It's getting late kid I'm gonna take a shower, before heading to bed get some rest" Ford said, before walking to the bathroom, and starting the water. Dipper sighed, laying down on the bed relaxing, until he heard a familiar pop. "Heya kiddo! I saw what happened, I'm glad at least one of your great uncles has some sense!" Bill said grinning.

"B-Bill I can't do this, I'm sorry but I can't betray Pacifica" Dipper said, expecting Bill to get angry, but was shocked when he sent him not a glare but a.. Pitying look? "Oh pine tree, I didn't want to have to show you this but come here" Bill said, gesturing for Dipper to take his hand. Dipper did reluctantly, feeling the blue flames transport him somewhere.

"Bill where are we!" Dipper said, glancing around seeing they were in a wooded place near a mansion.. Wait! That's Pacificas house! "Shhh pine tree, I'm so sorry about this but just watch" and dipper complied, watching until he saw a figure sneak around to the balcony. Dipper was about to stop who ever was on the Northwest property, but stopped when the figure turned to check its surroundings hood coming down to reveal long brunette hair.. It was Mabel.

Thinking no one was there, Mabel shouted to the window, "Pacifica!" And immediately the blonde came out with a ladder and invited Mabel inside, when she made it onto the balcony. 'What's going on?' Dipper thought, 'I thought Mabel hated Pacifica?' He watched as Mabel went inside, and Pacifica drew the curtains back so no one could look inside her room.

"Now what bill, what are you trying to show me?" Dipper whispered, "one second kid hold on" Bill said, flying to the balcony but not touching down to make sure the two girls inside couldn't hear them, he used his powers to peel back the curtain, and what dipper saw disgusted him.

It was Mabel on top of Pacifica with her tongue quite obviously shoved down the blondes throat, now don't get him wrong he wasn't disgusted by two girls being together, no it was just the thought that both Pacifica and Mabel, betrayed him. "Take me away Bill please" Dipper said, starting to feel tears coming on 'how could they?!' He thought, 'I was going to ask Pacifica to marry me in a couple of years! I thought she loved me.'

Dipper was surprised that he wasn't more upset, but he knew why, it was because he had a new lover who he knew would love him forever, unlike Pacifica. Bill granted his wish transporting them back to the motel, outside of the door. Bill kneeled down taking his pine trees hands, not caring if his suit got scuffed up.

"Dipper pines" he said, with conviction, "when I first met you I had a strange feeling, that I couldn't comprehend, because demons aren't supposed to feel and I got scared, immediately lashing out at you for causing such a feeling, but now that I'm here with you now I know what this feeling is.. Dipper I love you would you be my boyfriend?" Bill said, holding his breath, as he stared into the brown eyes of the one he loved.

Dipper gasped In shock, he hadn't thought Bill would care about him so much, so without any other thoughts tears sprung up in the brunettes eyes, quickly forgetting about the blonde bitch and his sister, he pulled the blonde man off his knees and looked into the others golden eye, "of course I'll be your boyfriend!" Dipper exclaimed, pulling Bill down to his eyes and connecting there lips.

Bill's eyes widened in surprise, he honestly thought the kid would say no, 'but this is so much better' he thought, before wrapping his arms around the brunettes waist, and reciprocating. After a few more long seconds Dipper pulled away breathless, "I've gotta go" Dipper said, "see you soon?" Bill's little pine tree said hopefully, "I'll see you in your dreams tonight kid" Bill said, smirking.

With that the demon disappeared, leaving Dipper to walk through the motel door. Just as Ford came out of the bathroom. "Hey kid" he said, " I was honestly expecting you to be conked out on that bed right now." Ford said, with a chuckle, "I'm getting to it" Dipper laughed in return. "Wow kid your in a better mood what happened?" Ford said, eyeing Dipper up.

"Oh nothing" dipper said smiling, "just excited to move into the new house I guess" dipper said, while ungracefully flopping on the motel bed. Ford chuckled at the sight, before heading over to his own bed. "I'm glad kid" he said, "see you in the morning" Ford said, turning the light off next to the bed, "g'night" Dipper muttered, before slipping off into his dream world, dreaming about evil blonde and brunette queens capturing him, until a beautiful blonde knight with one eye saved him.

As Dipper slipped off into his dream-state. Bill appeared quietly next to his bed, pulling back his pine trees brown fringe, and laying a kiss on the Big Dipper birthmark. "Goodnight my pine tree, sleep well" Bill whispered, before transporting away.

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