Chapter 1

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   I've had my eye on this stud named Jazz for about 2 months now. We fuck around and shit but nothing serious  and every time she leaves it's harder for me to let her go. I have to keep in mind that she's not going to chill on her fuckboy ways just for me.
   I really have came to have strong feelings for this girl because when she's with me it's like it's just us and nobody else. She sends shivers down my spine with her kisses.  Her touch takes me back to a point before heartbreak existed in my life.
   The first person to break my heart was  a lady named, Mom. My mother kicked me out at the age of 17. I had a week until my birthday so I thought,  well so what, fuck it. My mom doesn't like the fact that  I'm a stud. She said that there was no way in hell she would have a dike for a daughter. When she disowned me, I moved out here to Chicago with my cousin Omar. I just started college and  I have no clue what is going on in any of these whack ass classes.
   Jazz passes by me everyday walking to class. We say a brief "wassup" and keep it moving. After classes are done we sometimes meet back at my place.
   I'm on my way to my last class that I happen to have with her. It's a Biology lab and Jazz is in my group. I walk in and she's already here. She's wearing a white and black polo, khaki jeans, and all black j's. She smiles at me with her perfect teeth barely showing as I sit in front of her.
   "Hey Dee.", she says still grinning.
   " I'm still coming over today but I got some stuff to take care of first."
   "Alright then. Don't take forever either.", I say jokingly smiling back at her.
   The professor comes in and we get quiet. She's this sexy, young, dime that lives around the corner from my place. I saw her when I was walking to my car one day, and I walked up to her. Shawty was mad flirtin' for real! She fine I aint even gone lie but I got my eyes on this cutie in front of me.
   Ms. Jordan always makes eye contact with me when she comes in. Since we sit near the door in the front, she usually sees me first and speaks.
   "Good afternoon, Demetree."
   "Hey, Ms. J."
   "Good afternoon class! Alright let's get started so we can get out of here."
   After class Ms. J calls me to her desk.
   " I'll see you later Jazz."
   " Later."
   Everybody clears out and it's just the two of us. Ms. J is short and thick with a tiny waist. She's wearing a fitting maxi dress that hugs her hips and ass in a way that makes her body look SO irresistible.
   She has milk chocolate skin a little passed caramel and grey eyes.
   She looks me up and down.
   "Well don't you look cute today.", she says licking her big, juicy lips. Damn bruh.
   I'm wearing a blue, short sleeved button-up with black skinnies and blue, black, and white j's. I'm light skinned with hazel eyes and long curly hair. I'm majority black with a little bit of indian, so I got that good hair that the ladies love to play in.
"So, I need some help moving a flat screen in my house and since you live by me and look like you got a little muscle on you, I was hoping you could help me?"
" Yeah, I got you."
" Okay, um.. are you done with classes?"
" Yeah, your's was my last.", I smile.
She grins and says, " Well, I guess you can call me when you get home and we can get it done so you can get back to your plans."
She writes down her cell number and hands it to me and I put it in my pocket. There are cameras so she's trying not to look too flirty but I can still tell.
" Alright. See you in a little bit."
I leave out and go to my car. I see Jazz getting in the car with some girl, smiling and laughing. Jazz puts her hand on the girl's face and pulls her close enough so that the girl thinks she's going to kiss her and then releases her and the girl shoves Jazz in a playful way and pulls off.
I head to get something to eat and then head home and call Ms. J.

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