Chapter 13

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   I walk up to them and smile.
   " Heeey you two..So you remember Anastasia right?"
   " Mhm. Your cousin's girl."
   " That ship has sailed, but yeah I remember you. You're name is Jamie right?", Ana cuts in.
   " Um no.. Jordan.", she says with a smirk.
   Ana has a look on her face like she's about to start being petty.
   " So you going home with her tonight?"
   " Um..yes.", I say trying not to sound nervous.
   " Aww, I was hoping we could have a sleep over again tonight.", she smirks.
No No No No No No Nooo! No she didn't! Okay um think quick..
   " Maybe another night..I haven't seen Jordan in a while."
   " Okay, Daddy.. I'll talk to you later then?"
   " Yeah, okay."
   She walks off, and looks back to see if I'm watching and I am. She smiles and I turn to Jordan, who seems upset.
   " What was all that about, Dee?"
   " Nothing. She just wanted to get a reaction out of you."
   " Bitch was close to getting snatched.", she says rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.
   I put my arms around her and kiss her forehead.
   " Aww look who's jealous."
   " Aint nobody jealous. She's just a stripper hoe.", she laughs.
   " Oh, so what am I then?"
   " A sexy, loveable, adorable, stripper hoe haha."
   I laugh and we go to her house. I haven't been in this neighborhood since the day I left. We get out and go in her place and get comfortable. We start throwing back shots and next thing I know, we are taking a shower and things get heated. I have to say I missed her. I missed a lot of things about her but she won't know that..
   We have sex for about 2 hours and then I get a call from Jazz right when we finish and lay down. It's 4:43 Am, so this better be good.
   " Hello?"
   " Hey, I know you hate me but please just come get me. I need you..", she says fast like she's out of breath.
   " Where are you? What's wrong?"
   " I was riding with this girl and somebody ran us off the road and kept going.. I just called the ambulance and they are on their way. Meet me at the hospital near the school please?"
   " Alright. I'm coming.", I hang up and look at Jordan who's staring back at me.
   " Who's that babe?"
   " Jazz was in a wreck. I have to meet her at the hospital."
   " Oh my God. Okay.. I would come but I don't want questions about why we're together."
   " It's okay. I'll keep you informed."
   She kisses me and I get up and put my clothes on.
   " Be careful out there baby."
   " I will beautiful."
   I leave and drive to the hospital. I run in and run to the desk and ask what room Jasmine Cohen is in. The lady tells me that nobody by that name is here. I go sit down and a couple minutes later I see them wheeling the girl in that I have seen Jazz getting in the car with, on a stretcher. They are running her down the hall and through these big double doors. I see another stretcher coming in and I stand up and run over to them. I see it's Jazz and there is blood running down her face and arms. There is someone putting pressure on the wound on her head.
" Jazz! I'm here!"
She looks at me and reaches for me with her good arm and I give her my hand and follow them into the room. We get in there and they are cleaning up her wounds. They stitch the cut on her head and bandage it. I sit here as they take her to get X-rays. They bring her back and they say that her left arm is broken in 2 spots.
"Your friend is very tough. We'll get that arm fixed it up and put it in a cast and sling pronto.", says the doctor.
" Thank you so much."
They fix her arm in the cast and put it in a sling. They run tests and say that she is okay but since she got a minor concussion, she shouldn't be left alone tonight.
"The girl that she was with just got out of surgery and her family is here with her. I'll send a nurse in here with your release papers. Take care.", her doctor says.
" Thanks.", Jazz replies.
He leaves and the nurse releases her. I help her to my car and drive her to my place. She's on pain meds so she was asleep the whole ride. I call Jay.
"Yo.", he says half asleep.
" What's up man, sorry to wake you. I'm outside. I had to bring my friend here because she got in a wreck. Is that cool?"
" Yeah, that's cool as long as she aint no snitch or nothin' like that. "
" Nah, she good."
" Alright, but if some shit go down, it's on you.."
" Okay."
He comes to open the door and I wake Jazz up, put her on my back, and carry her into the house. I help her up to my room and lay her on my bed. I strip the bloody clothes off her and throw them away. She's trying to stay awake but her eyes are barely open. I put her naked body under the covers, strip down to my boxers and sports bra, and lay on the side of her good arm. She pulls the cover over me and I lay on her chest with my arm around her stomach. Jazz kisses my forehead.
" I love you..", she says in a faint voice, before falling back to sleep.

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