Chapter 31

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   The club has a new boss. Ana hired him to watch over things because Jay left it to her. He's cool but he's no Jamal. We stay and watch the show. I get a call from Omar.
   " Yo."
   " It's done.."
   " Bet. Good look."
   " Get out and get away from here cuz.."
   He hangs up.
   I text Chris.
   " It's been taken care of. Time to leave
this shit.."
   " Bet.. I'm wit you..jus let me knw when.."
   I look over at Cam and smile and she smiles back. I kiss her and it's time for Ana to get on the stage.
   She walks out and she's dancing to Pony. She smiles at me because that was the song I made my debut to. She's slaying.
When Bianca and Chanel get up there they smile at me . Bianca is up now. She blows me a kiss and comes and makes me a part of her show by pulling me up on stage to get a lap dance. She sits me in the chair and I look at Cam. She has a smirk on her face with her arms crossed. She's sitting back. Then she grabs her drink and starts sipping. Ana comes out and she sits next to her.
   Bubbles starts twerking on me. I'm trying so hard not to get into it but that ass is something serious! I put my hands behind my head and let her do her thing. She's going in and I'm trying really really hard not to touch. I keep looking at Cam's face and she still has on her cute little smirk. Ana is smiling and whispering in Cam's ear.
   She drops and starts twerking in a split in front of me and I feel my eyebrows raise. It's time for her to get Caramel dropped on her. I get up and walk back to Cam. It drops on her and she sucks her middle finger and looks at me.
Oh my lawd! Why is she making this so damn hard?
   I feel eyes burning holes in the side of my face. I lick my lips out of habit and look at Cam who's staring at me. Ana's staring at me too.
   " What? I'm trying man."
   " We know.", they both say, laughing.
   Bianca's song is going off and Cam pulls my face down and starts making out with me. Bianca walks backstage.
   I have my hands rubbing up and down Cam's side and her's are on my neck.
   "Well damn..", Ana says.
   Cam's pulls away and I lick my lips.
   "Damn baby."
   " Y'all ready to go?", Cam asks licking her lips as well.
   "Yeah just let me tell them I'm out.", Ana says getting up and going to the back.
Ana comes back and we leave and meet at Cam's house.
" Okay so I can't go in detail but everything has been taken care of. So y'all don't need to be afraid anymore."
" Oh my gosh! That's awesome!", Ana says.
" Finally!", Cam says, hugging me.
" Yeah. So I've been really thinking and both me and Chris agree that we need to get out of here. There's no good coming to me staying here... So will y'all come with us?"
" You know I'm down for whatever.", Ana says.
" I love you, so I don't want to be apart from you. Of course I'm coming."
Ana's face goes in shock.
" I love you too babe."
"Awwwwwww. Well I'll be damned..", Ana says placing her hands on her hips.
We laugh.
" Well where y'all want to go?"
" I've always wanted to live in Miami.", Ana says.
" Me too. Or Colorado. Or Cali.", Cams says.
" Hmm.. Let's try out Miami. ", I laugh.
"Let's do it.", they both say.
" I think this will be good for all of us. A new beginning with new experiences."
I text Chris and let her know. She's down. We all help each other pack up our clothes. We take a week to get everything in order and then we all get in our cars and drive there.
We've been here for a year now.. Everything is great! Cam's 1 month pregnant. I'm excited that I'm going to be a daddy! Ana and Chris have been dating for about 6 months now. We all stay close to each other, on the beach. Ana works at a bar close by. Chris got a job working in construction and Cam is in Culinary school. She also works as a chef at a little restaurant near our house.
I am in school online at a University, studying Graphic Design. I also work as a chef right along side Cam.
Hopefully things keep going this great. With all of the money I had saved from before the move, we are living very comfortably. Ana had a bunch saved up too and so did Chris. I guess all the hell we went through and the bad decisions we made, ended up paying off. I wouldn't take my promise back for the world though. I'm trying to stay on the right path so that I can give Cam and our baby, the life they deserve. I'm excited to see what the future holds for once in my life.

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