Chapter 5

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I leave the mall and drive home. I go take a shower and straighten my hair and it reaches the middle of my back. I go put on a black sports bra, avengers boxers, black b-ball shorts and black footies. I walk to the kitchen where I find my cousin thawing out some steaks for us to eat.
" Wassup cuz?", he says looking back at me.
" Hey. You cooking steaks?"
" Hell nah nigga. You cooking em. "
I suck my teeth.
" Man, you act like you can't cook. Why I always got to be the only one cooking?"
" Cause nigga! You know you got damn chef-boy -yard -dee in this bitch!", he jokes.
I laugh pushing my hand towards him and walk out to the living room.
Omar yells from the kitchen," Aye! I got a female coming over later so don't fuck it up!"
" I got you!", I laugh.
" You goin' out right?"
" Maybe, why?"
He walks in and sits on the couch turning on the tv.
" 'Cause nigga every time I bring a fine ass girl over here some how she ends up in your bed."
" Nah see what had happened was-"
" Nah bruh don't even!"
" I said sorry dang!"
We both laugh.
" Yeah, yeah. Whatever fool."
" I won't do it no more. I'll be good haha."
" The fuck out of here asshole!", he jokes.
" Mad or nah!", I laugh walking outside.
I go sit on my trunk and pull out my phone. Just as I do, I look up and see Jordan pulling up. She gets out wearing a fitting pink dress and black hills. She catches my eye and smiles motioning me to come to her. I hop down, trying not to land wrong since it's a high jump for my short self. I walk over to her.
She smiles at me and says," Hey sexy, do you want to come in or do you have something better to do?"
" Sure."
She walks in front of me and I catch a glimpse of that ASS.
So round. So plump. So juicy. So fit. I Can't WAIT to-.
" Are you thirsty?"
" Huh?"
"Do you want something to drink?", she giggles.
" Mhm."
I pick her up on my waist. I run to her bed and lay her down and we start kissing and giggling. I slip my tongue in her mouth and she sucks on my tongue ring. Our tongues start fighting for control and she wins flipping us over and pinning my hands down, locking our fingers.
She kisses down my neck, making chill bumps pop up on my arms. She pulls up my sports bra and takes my right breast in her mouth and starts sucking my nipple causing me to bite my lip. Then she does the same with the other and then kisses down my abs and stops at my v-line. I flinch because that's one of my biggest spots.
She gets a smirk on her face and starts making out with it. I put my hands on her head trying to push her away before I go crazy. She pulls my shorts and boxers off and spreads my legs.
Usually I'm the one doing this besides when I'm with Jazz. She likes to take control but sometimes I take over even though she tries to fight me. She doesn't like to admit it but she can't resist me just like any other female I choose to fuck with.
She slides her tongue down between my lips and back up causing me to let out a low moan. She grips my clit with her lips and starts sucking it and swirling her tongue around it. I can tell she's done this before. I start moaning more and gripping the sheets. I feel her slip her fingers in my hole. She finds my g-spot and starts tickling it while she quickly flicks my clit with her tongue.
In her sex voice she says," Let it out baby."
Jordan removes her fingers and makes her tongue take their place. She puts her thumb on my clit and starts moving it in circles faster and faster. My body tenses up and I let out high moans and scream as I cum on her tongue. She slurps up my juices and sucks me off of her fingers.
I bite my lip.
"Damn Mami.."
" You taste good.", she smirks.
" I bet... Now it's your turn."
I flip her and get down to business.
An hour later, after she cums for the 5th time, I lay beside her and let her catch her breath.
She takes a deep breath and says, "I'm going to go take a shower."
She gets up off the bed and her legs are shaky. She puts her hands on her thighs.
" You good?", I say smiling from a job well done.
" Shut up.", she smiles and keeps walking.
" It's okay, I know I got that walk different haha."
She laughs.
" Whatever.."
" Hurry and take a shower so we can go to my place."
" I'm cooking steaks."
" Oooh yum. Okay."

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