Chapter 25

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   It's court day. They had me put on an inmate uniform. The uniform is all navy blue with a short sleeve shirt and long pants.  Well at least it's my favorite color right?..
   Before we go in the court room, I meet with my lawyer.
   " Hey. When we go in here let me do all of the talking. If the judge asks you something, speak clearly, and remain respectful. I'll handle the rest. I got you."
   " Don't be nervous. All you have to do is tell the truth but don't give them more than they ask for."
   " Okay. Let's do this."
The nurse rolls me into the court room and I see Cam and Ana. They are in the front. I can't help but smile when I see them. They smile back and Cam blows me a kiss. I catch it and put it on my lips. The nurse puts me in my spot and we wait for the judge.
When he gets there, he looks at the file and says the case.
"Alright now Mr. Marshall. You have the floor.", he says to my lawyer.
" Sir, it's avery difficult situation my client has been put in. Ms.McCall has been shot and framed by a man that your officers can't seem to get a hold of. A man named Jacob Kane."
"Do you have evidence of this?"
"Yes sir."
" Show me."
My lawyer picks up a bag with a gun in it and brings it to him.
" Explain."
" The bullet found in my clients back matches this gun. On this gun, there was discovered the tip of a fingerprint that hadn't been wiped away and some other smudged ones. Some of my colleagues were able to use what they found to put together a complete print. It was Jacob Kane's print. There was another print that matched Mr. Omar McCall. This gun was found in the bushes, about 1000 feet from where my client was found bleeding to death. The bullets found in Jamal Lewis and Damien Wallace do match one of the guns found on my client but we had that gun tested as well and there are prints from a Mr. Omar McCall and Mr. Jacob Kane. My client hadn't touched the gun. Mr. McCall is here with us. If it's okay with you, I would like to ask him a few questions."
" Proceed.."
A officer opens the door I came out of and he brings Omar in, in handcuffs. Omar looks straight at me and I glare back at him. He puts him on the stand and they swear him in.
" Mr. McCall let's keep this short and sweet. Is this your gun?"
My lawyer pulls out the gun in a bag that was found on me and takes it over to him.
" No." Omar says.
" This is the gun found on my client. Let me remind you that you are under oath. Now I ask again.. is this your gun?"
" No!"
" Is this Kane's gun?"
"... No."
" Oh really? Well it's either your's or his. Ms. McCall's prints were not found on this gun. The only prints found were your's and Mr.Kane's . Now with that being said if it's not his, it must be your's."
" No man! I didn't kill anybody! I swear!"
" Well why are your prints on this gun?"
" I don't know man."
" Well I think that Kane shot Jamal Lewis and then he shot Damien Wallace. I think he handed you the gun to put it on her and you stupidly fell for it. I think that the gun found dumped in a bush was your's but you gave it to Kane when he asked for it. I think that it was you who shot Ms.McCall in the arm and then when her and Damien started to run, Kane wanted your gun so you could go catch them while he did the shooting!"
" I didn't kill anybody! That's my cousin man! I didn't want to hurt her! I didn't know it was her!"
" So you were there? Tell the court what happened and we might can help you."
" Man.. Look. Yes, I was there. Yes, I shot her in the arm but I didn't know it was her. I'll do time for that but I didn't kill nobody. I swear on everything.."
" Who shot Jamal?"
" Not me.."
" Mr. McCall answer the question.", the judge demands.
" If I tell you, I'm dead."
" Tell the truth. Don't go down for something you didn't do. Be a man. Did you shoot Ms. McCall in the back?"
"Who's gun was this found in the bushes?"
" ...."
" Speak up."
" Answer the question Mr. McCall.", the judge chimes in.
" Mine.."
" Alright.. Who's gun was found on Mrs.McCall?"
" Kane's.."
" For the record that's Mr. Jacob Kane."
" Are you ready to tell your side of the story so we can get this straight?"
" Yeah.."
" We're all ears.."
" Okay so Kane shot Jamal, and then we started shooting at Demetree, and the other guy, Damien. One of my bullets hit Demetree and that's when they started to run. Kane told me to give him my gun because he was about to run out of bullets. He said to go get them. I was the fastest so I was closing in. Kane was behind me and we saw Demetree and Damien standing by Jamal's car. I kept running towards them and Kane got a good view and shot Damien in the head. Demetree took off and I tackled her. While I was bringing her to the ground, Kane shot her in the back and she fell. I didn't know it was her until I turned her around. I got mad at Kane because he shot her. He kept telling me to leave her. He handed me the gun that he had just shot Jamal and the other guy with and I put it beside her so it would look like she did it. We thought she was dead so it wouldn't matter.. When we ran off, Kane still had the gun that he shot her with and he wiped it with his shirt and threw it. We kept running until we got back to his car and took off."
   " I think I've heard enough.. Let's do a recess and continue in 30 minutes. I need to go over the statements and evidence."
   We go away for 30 minutes and then come back in. The judge takes his seat and Omar is in the seat at the table beside our's.
   " Okay. The stories match so here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to dismiss both murder charges for you Ms. McCall.  However you were involved in a shootout and were carrying an unlicensed gun. Since you are a first time offender, I will set  your bond at $5,000. If you are unable to pay this today, you will have to stay for 6 months or until you post bail."
   " Thank you sir.", I say feeling relieved.
   He nods and looks at Omar.
   " You sir will be serving 30 years for accessory to murder on 2 accounts, an unlicensed hand gun, and for being involved in a shootout which resulted in this young lady being shot . Your bond is set at $60,000. If you post bail, you are to be back here for court when called. If you do not show up, my officers will find you and you will be arrested on site."
   Omar looks at me and I look back at him. The look on his face is pitiful but I feel no sympathy.
   " Ms.McCall do you have your bail money today?"
   " Yes sir."
   " Alright then. Pay the clerk, collect your things, and be careful out here. Stay out of trouble."
   " Yes sir. I will."
   " Court dismissed.."
   An officer comes and takes Omar to the back. The judge leaves and I just sit here for a minute with my face in my hands.
   " Told you I had you.", my lawyer says with a smirk.
   " I appreciate it man, for real.", I say shaking his hand.
   " Now all you have to do is have someone pay and while they are doing that, they'll get you processed out and you're free to go. Just stay out of those cuffs."
   " Yeah man.. I'm not coming back."
   Cam and Ana call my name. I turn and smile at them. My lawyer wheels me to them.
   " I'm free!"
   " Yayyy!", they both say and they are both cheesing.
   "I brought $10,000 from your safe so I have enough. We'll go pay and we'll be waiting for you out there.", Ana says.
   " Okay. Thank y'all for everything."
   " No problem boo."
   " You better keep your promises.", Cam says trying not to smile.
   "I will, beautiful .", I smile.
   "Alright let's get this done." , my lawyer says.
    He wheels me to the back and I get to the room and Chris is in there.
   " How'd it go?", she asks as soon as I get in the door.
   I tell her what happened and she has a look of shock on her face.
   " Damn! Well I'm glad you're getting out of here. Stay out of trouble and be careful. "
   I will... Oh and this is the lawyer I was telling you about. He's going to help you get out too. Hopefully they can lock Kane away for life. I pray that he pays for everything he's done."
   " Yeah me too. Thanks. I'll see you later."
   She comes and hugs me and I go get processed out. They give me a crutch to walk out on. Cam brings the car as close as possible and they help me in. They drive me to the hospital.

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