Chapter 23

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   A different officer comes in and they put me in a wheelchair and cuff me to it. They didn't give me anything for pain really so I'm just dealing with it.
   They wheel me to the room where they do mug shots and prints. They do what they need to and they wheel me to the phone.
   " You get one phone call.. You have  10 minutes starting now..", the officer says taking the cuff from my wrist so I can reach for the phone.
   At least he's not such a douche bag..I get the phone and he walks to the side to talk to my nurse.
   I'm trying to remember somebody's number and the only one that comes to mind is Ana's. I dial and it keeps ringing. She finally answers after 5 rings.
   "Oh my gosh! Dee?"
   " Hey babe. I'm in trouble. Your number is the only one I could remember off the top of my head. I need you."
   " I'm here baby. Cam is here too. You're on speaker phone."
   I only have about 6 minutes left, so listen carefully. I need y'all to get me a lawyer and find out what's going on. Jay didn't make it and the other guy that was with us didn't make it. They are trying to say that I killed them both. I have money in my safe that's in my closet at home. The combo is 4-2-0-1. I need you to get me out of here Ana, please. I'll let you know when I can get visits."
   " Okay Daddy, you know I got you. We'll take care of it.", she says sounding like she's crying.
   " I'm sorry Jay didn't make it. I know how close y'all were. I tried to save him.. I really did. He said if anything happened to him that you know what to do."
   " Yeah. I'll take care of it.."
   " Alright. They are going to cut me off in a minute. Hold it down for me. I'll see y'all soon."
   " Later boo."
   " We got you. Keep your head up boo..", Cam says, which puts a smile on my face.
   The call ends..
   " Time's up..", the officer says coming over and cuffing me back to the chair.
   He takes me back to the hospital section, helps me in bed, and cuffs me to it.
   " Ma'am , I'm in severe pain. Can you please give me something.."
   "I'll see if I can get you something to put you to sleep."
   " Thanks.."
   " Don't give them any trouble and they are usually pretty lenient back here.", the officer says
" What's your name?"
" I am Officer Griffin."
" Okay. Officer Griffin listen please? You seem nice. I didn't kill anybody. Yes I had a gun on me; ONE gun. I didn't even own two guns. Please. I did not shoot myself in the back man. I know you are not dumb enough to believe that.."
" Get you a good lawyer to look into your case. They might cut you a deal or something but you need a really really good lawyer because from what I know, you seem to be screwed. You'll see a judge in about a week. They should let you know more then."
He walks away and disappears. The nurse comes back and gives me some medicine. I'm out in about 5 minutes...
The next day, it's time for my phone call and I call Ana.
" Hey boo!"
" Hey. Did you find a lawyer?"
" Yeah. Jay had one lined up in case he ever got in some shit. He is going to come talk to you tomorrow. How are you? I called the prison and they said that you were in the medical part and you can't have visitors yet. What happened?"
" Well from what I remember. I got threw against a wall and shot in my back. Before that though I got shot in my arm. I remember pretty much everything that went down up until I blacked out."
" Damn baby. I'm glad you're still alive. Cam wants to talk to you."
" Okay."
" Hello?", Cam says.
" Hey cutie."
" Hey.. What have you gotten yourself into?", she asks softly.
" A whole bunch of shit.. I'm done with this shit though. I'm going to get my shit together for real."
" You better. I didn't know you were into all of this."
" Yeah. I've done some shit I'm not proud of baby but I promise I can be better and I will be. I just need to get out of here first."
" We are going to get you out but you have to promise me something.."
" What's that..?"
" No more drug dealing and street nigga games and no more being a fuck boy.."
" Ahh.. Okay. For you, I can do that."
" Promise?"
" I promise."
" Okay good. We'll talk to you soon okay?"
" Okay baby. Later.."
" Later."
" Later!", Ana says in the background.
I hang up and they take me back to a different room where this girl is laying down.
" You will be sharing a room with Ms. James here until one of you gets to leave.", my nurse says.
" Alright.."
She turns and leaves.
" Yo what's up, I'm Dee.", I say to the woman laying in the bed that's beside mine with her arm over her face.
" Chris.."
" Cool.. Wait.. Chris?"
She moves her arm and looks over at me.
" Demetree?"
" Yeah man. What the hell?"
It's Omar's stud friend that always used to be at the house.
   " What the fuck are you doing here? What happened?"
   " I should ask you the same thing!"
   " You first."
   " Well I got caught up in some shit. I was working for this guy and we went to make a drop but it went bad. He got shot and killed and the other guy got killed. They shot me twice and I woke up in here. Now they are trying to pin both deaths on me.."
   " WHAT?", she says in shock.
   " Yeah. This is some bullshit. And on top of that, it was my own fucking cousin!.."
   " OMAR?"
   "Yeah. That motha fucka left me for dead. I think it was his gun that they found on me."
   " He's part of the reason I'm in here too!"
   " What?"
   Yeah. I've been here for a month. We were working for this dude named Kane. I didn't want to work for him anymore cause dude was foul. I told him I wanted out and at first he was cool with it then the next day I got jumped by Omar and this dude named Jason. Jason shot me in my chest but it missed my heart. They heard the sirens coming and Kane put pills in my pocket. They took off and left me there, I guess hoping I would die but I guess they needed a back up plan incase I survived. Probably the same thing they did to you."
   " Omar is a dirty mother fucka yo. I'm blood and you was his best friend! That nigga needs to go down. That Kane nigga gone get his too. I think that's the guy who killed Jay."
   " Aw damn you was working with Jay?"
   " Yeah, you knew him?"
   " Yeah. Kane had been plottin' on him for a while. Kane worked with his brother Dom and they hated Jay's ass."
" Kane must have been HIGHLY pissed when he found out Jay had Dom killed and set up that exchange, in order to get to him..It was always supposed to end badly.."
" Damn.."

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