Chapter 9

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   I wake up to Ana laying with her head on my lap as I'm sitting on the couch. She's still asleep with her face in my stomach and I feel her hand on my back. I guess we fell asleep like this last night. I check my phone and I have 3 missed calls and 4 texts from Jazz.
   I start reading.
   " Hey. where r u? Omar said you don't live there nomore? Did yall fight or something?"
   " Can you answer the phone please?"
   " I know ur still mad but please pick up"
   " call me... I'm worried about you.."
   It's 8 Am so I doubt she's up but I call anyways.
   " Hello? Dee?"
   " Hey."
   " Why wouldn't you answer last night?"
   " It's a sort of long story but long story short.. I don't live with Omar anymore. He kicked me out over some bs."
   " Oh. Damn.. Sorry to hear that. I would let you stay with me for a little while but.."
   " I know. Too serious..Too much... You need your space.. You need to be able to bring your hoes home.. It's cool. I have somewhere to stay."
   " ... Well I wasn't going to say it like that.. I really do care about you, you know that right?"
   " Mhm.."
   " I do. If it was any of the other girls I wouldn't have stayed up all night worried if you were safe or not."
   "... Why do you think that is?"
   " I don't know.. I feel something for you I guess."
   " Right.."
   " I'm for real. I do. I just don't really want to. I'm not good with the emotional, feeling, kind of shit, ya know?"
   " Yeah, I guess."
   " I'm sorry..I am the way I am, but I'm not gone change for nobody."
   " I know Jazz...Well I'm safe."
   " Are you going to your classes today?"
   " I don't know. I have to figure some stuff out."
   " Okay well I hope to see you soon."
   " Yeah okay. Bye."
   " Later."
   I hang up and slide from under Ana's head, trying to be careful not to wake her up. I start looking around, since I never got a tour. I find Jamal in his room stretched across the bed, knocked out. I go down to the basement to look at his garden. It's huge. He has lights on everywhere. I see purple, white, and rainbow. It's beautiful! A stoner's dream haha. I start walking up the steps and I hear someone in the kitchen.
   I walk in there and Ana is half asleep, fixing her a Hot Pocket. She looks kind of cute with her long,straight hair swishing back and forth as she wipes the sleep out of her eyes.
   I walk up behind her and put my head on her shoulder. She gets her Hot Pocket out of the microwave and turns around to face me. She takes a bite and smacks on it and then smiles at me.
   "Good morning.", I say smiling back.
   " Morning!", she replies walking off to the living room.
   She turns on the tv and turns it down a little. I watch her as she rocks back and forth and finishes her hot pocket. Why does she seem so happy?
   " Are you a morning person or something?"
   " Yep, how about you?", she answers.
   " Nah, not really. I used to be."
   " What happened?"
   " I started college.", I laugh.
   She giggles and gets up. She reaches for my hand.
   " You coming or not?"
   " Where we goin'?", I ask getting her hand and standing up.
   " To take a shower."
   " Okay."
   We go in my temporary room and she turns on the shower. I watch her as she strips with no hesitation and gets in.
   " Hurry up slow poke!", she shouts from the shower.
   I strip and get in behind her. She turns to face me and smiles.
   " What?"
  " I told you you couldn't resist me forever hehe."
   " I haven't done anything yet.", I smirk.
She pushes me against the wall and starts kissing on my neck. I flip so that she's on the wall and I kiss down her body. She puts her leg on my shoulder as I squat down and serves me breakfast.
   She's pulling my hair with one hand and trying to grip the shower wall with the other. I pick her other leg up on my shoulder and stand up slowly, since there is a high ceiling over his shower. I keep her back on the wall and she holds on to my head. 
I give her head for 30 minutes straight and then let her down to my waist. She holds on weakly as I turn off the shower, get out, and dry us off a little with my towel. I lay her on the bed and start making out with her while I'm still between her legs.
I stick 2 fingers in her hole and find her g-spot. She starts breathing fast and moaning on my mouth and I make her keep kissing me. I start playing with her g-spot faster and her body keeps jerking as her breaths become shorter. I feel her hole tense up while she arches her back. Her cum drips down my fingers, I suck them, and then I go down and start cleaning her up, which makes her have back to back orgasms. I give her head for another 2 hours. I come up and lay beside her while she lays motionless trying to catch her breath. The only thing she can say is, "Damn."

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