Chapter 21

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I wake up with Cam's head on my chest and her leg across mine. Her hair is in a messy bun and she's wearing one of my t-shirts. She's sleeping so peacefully so I just grab my phone and check my notifications.
Ana texted me asking if I've been talking to Camilla. I ignore it. I get a text from Jay saying to meet him at his house tonight at 8. I text him back, "alright".
I put my phone down and turn on the tv. She starts to move and I turn it down. She wakes up slowly and looks up at me and smiles.
" Hi", she says.
" Good morning beautiful."
She starts stretching and it's so cute. She starts playing with my belly button and poking at it.
" Ding dong.", she says and giggles causing me to laugh.
Last night was great. We just talked and joked around. We didn't even have sex but we still enjoyed each other's company. I'm not used to this. This girl might be special.
I sit up some and she does too. She gets on my lap facing me and kisses me.
"Ana's going to be mad at me."
"She'll be alright."
   " No, you don't get it. I told her I wouldn't catch feelings.."
   " So you DO have feelings for me?"
   " No. I-"
   I pull her face down and start making out with her slow and soft. I wrap my arms around her waist and she has her hands on my abs like she wants to try to push me away but can't. She finally pulls away after about 5 minutes.
   " Stop doing that.", she says.
   " Stop doing what?"
   " Confusing me!"
   " I'm sorry.."
   " I'm not sure what is going on with me. I'm not supposed to want you like this."
   " Look, the sooner you can admit it to yourself, the sooner you'll stop being so confused. "
   "I know but I'm not ready.."
   " Well when you are, I'll be here for you to talk to. "
   " Thanks."
   She kisses me and gets up.
   " So can I borrow some clothes?", she giggles.
   " Sure. Take what you want."
   She takes off the t-shirt, puts on a sports bra, and puts the shirt back on. She grabs some boxers,b-ball shorts, and some of my footies and puts them on.
   " I have to get going. I'll talk to you later."
I get up and hug her. I give her a kiss on the forehead and walk her out. When she pulls off, I go back in the house and put on grey joggers, a black tank, and black Vans. I go smoke a blunt and fix me something to eat. When it's finally time to go to Jay's house, I head over there and knock.
He opens the door and daps me up.
"Sup bro?", I ask as he lets me in.
" We got business to handle and I need you with me."
" You already know I got you.. What are we doing?"
" I have to go make a drop. I need y'all two for my back up.", he says pointing to me and Damien, who is sitting on the couch looking at us.
Damien is a really buff personal trainer. He is always the "muscle"when needed. I walk over and dap him up.
"Well let's get it."
We strap up and go to the spot. The 3 of us are standing here in a alley behind these apartments waiting on the dude to show up.
   " If shit go South, we stick together. None of that run opposite direction shit. Got me?"
   We nod.
   We see 3 shadows coming around the corner and they walk to us. First person I notice is my cousin, Omar. They aren't close enough to see our faces so I'm guessing he can't make me out. I have on my black hoodie with the hood up. I lower the hood some more so he can't see my face really.
   Jay steps forward with a bag with 2 pounds of his best weed in it. The leader of the group steps forward and I've seen him before but I don't know his name.
   "Sup Jay. How you been man?", he said with a smirk.
   " I been alright. Let's make this quick."
   " Aw now Jay. We can't catch up?"
   " You got my number.."
   Dude smiles and I can feel that this isn't going to go as smooth as we hoped.
   I look at Damien and he's staring Omar and the other guy down. I watch Omar.
   Jay and the leader start to exchange and Omar and the other guy pull out their guns and aim them at us. While they were pulling their's out we were too so we all have have our guns pointed at each other.
   "Looks like we have a situation..", their leader says.
   "It aint even got to go down like this yo." Why we can't just have a clean exchange?"
   "I know you killed Dom."
   " I don't know what you talking about yo."
   " Don't lie mother fucka! "
   "I ain't kill nobody my nigga so I don't know what to tell you. Put y'all guns down before somebody get hurt."
   They don't move so we don't move. My eyes move from Omar to Jay to the leader to the other guy who is across from me.  The leader motions for them to lower their guns and they do so we do but I keep my finger on the trigger.
   "We doing this or not?", Jay asked sounding aggravated.
   "Yeah man.. let's do it. They exchange and they start walking out the alley. We start backing up and Jay turns to walk towards us. The leader turns and quickly shoots Jay in the back. They open fire on us and I grab Jay and try to pull him out the way. Damien starts shooting back and he hits the guy I don't know. I start to shoot at the leader  trying not to hit Omar.
   I get a sharp pain in my arm.
   " Ahh shit! I'm hit! Damien get Jay. Let's get out of here!"
   He grabs him and we start running towards Jay's car. I get my phone out and hit Ana's number.
   " Hello?"
   " Ana! Jay just got shot! I need you to call an ambulance. It's bad. They are chasing us. Hurry."
   " Okay okay just calm down. Where are you?"
   "  By Garner Street. I'm putting Jay in his car in the back seat now. Please hurry!.. Ahhh Damien! No no no get up!"
   " Dee!.. Demetree!"
   I put the phone in my pocket and take off. They shot Damien and he fell by Jay's car. I keep running and they are closing in on me. Somebody catches me and throws me into a brick wall. I guess somebody else shoots me in my back.
   The one who threw me, flips me over and I see it's Omar. The look on his face is complete shock.
   " Oh shit! Nooo no no..Dee what the fuck? I didn't know it was you. Stay awake man."
   He starts to panic. I hear sirens coming towards us. I hear the leader and the other guy yelling at Omar, "Let's go man!"
   " This is my family yo! You shot her!"
   " She worked for Jay..She aint no family! Fuck her! Let's go before we be behind bars nigga!", the leader says.
   " I can't just leave her!"
   " Fuck that shit! Let's go! She shot at you my nigga! Let's go!", he says pulling at Omar.
   They all take off and then everything goes dark..

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