Num! Seaweed!!!

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It took us awhile to figure out which Villain we wanted to visit first. It took as longer then we wanted because there are soooo many good ones! We finally decided on.... *dunt dunt duhn* Ursala! Now your thinking how on earth can you be able to get to her!!! Well you'll just have to wait and I'll explains, winks.

Me and LSS start by walking along the beach. Well she is walking next to me on the wet sand that has the waves lap onto it than recede back into the ocean.

While I'm walking in the shallow water and splashing as I walk getting completely wet, but having the best time.

LSS finally breaks the nice morning silence of us walking along the beach, by stopping and looking over at me.

"How are we gonna be able to breathe underwater!!!!!" I faintly hear mumble something along the lines of picking a different Villain.

"Ye of little faith! I smirk at her than shrug. Also your the one that lost the bet.."

I start up walking again and look over my shoulder to see her shake her head. Than see her jog to catch with me.

Out of the corner of my left eye I see her chuckle at me before continuing.

She replies to me with a teasing mocking look and a sarcastic comment of "Fine what is your amazing plan?"

I stop and look over at her so I can see her reaction when I give her the answer. "Have you ever seen Barbie movies?"

I watch her stop next to me and give me a confused look along with her reply. "Only the ones you have forced me to watch whhhhhyyy...? Should I be more worried? Well more than usual."

I turn so I'm completely facing her and cross my arms as I stick my tongue at her.

"No you don't need to be worried more than usual, so meh!"

I start up walking again and call back to her to see if she is coming, but as I do so I lose balance and trip land in the water face first.

When I roll over onto my back I look over see a laughing LSS walk over to me and give me her hand to get up.

"Wow it's a really good thing we are swimming since you suck on land."

She helps me get stable on my feet and when she lets go my hand I push her into the water and run away laughing.

I glance back at an annoyed faced LSS that suddenly turns into a mischievous one with a smirk playing along her lips.

Confused I look back forward but not in time because I trip over seaweed and land in it.

"Ha!! Karma!!!!"

"Ew ew ew!!!!! Ahhhh!!!! I hate seaweed! Gross gross gross.."

I jump up quickly from the pile of seaweed get out of the slimy seaweed.

"Gross okay.. I'm good I'm good.."

I shuddered as if that would help get the feeling of the seaweed off of me.

I jump and lightly punch a laughing LSS in the shoulder when she moves to stand to my left side after scaring me.


"But you love me!"

"Yeah I guess.."


I just roll my eyes at her and bend down to pick up two pieces of than turn to her and have her one.

"Ummmm what's that for?"

"To breathe under the water of course! Guess I didn't have you watch that Barbie movie.."

"Tell me your joking!"

I shove the piece of seaweed into my mouth to prove to her that I am not joking.

"Ruin a girl's dream why don't you." Sighing than dropping her head she reaches out for the piece of seaweed.

Once I force myself to swallow my piece I watch to make sure LSS eats hers.

After we finish I head over to a rock that juts over a deep part in the water.

Finally reaching the rock I get up and steady myself to get ready to jump in.


I look over to LSS climbing the rock to reach me.

When she finally reaches me she continues. "You have done this before right?"

"Nope!" Once I finish I jump into the ocean but not before I hear her say "Didn't want to die today but someone has to watch her!"

Than everything went a dark blue.


Sorry about late update hope this makes up for it!

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