Snuggly Blanket

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Reggie:*stops once he finally reaches the room again, surprised when he realizes people are in the room and stays hidden in the doorway*
Evil Queen:*drops a passed out DBA who crumples and hits her head and looks at her in disgust* pathetic... hopefully she doesn't remember anything though... she'll be usefu... *cut off by James yelling at her*
James: don't you touch her!!! Leave her alone!!!
Evil Queen:*whips her head to look at James and snaps at him* you are in no position to talk!
Evil Queen:*narrows her eyes* I'm getting sick and tired of this crap! I'll be back and you better be in a good and begging for forgiveness mood when I get back! *storms out of the room out of a door opposite Reggie*
Reggie:*waits a couple of mins then slowly swims over to James* hey pal! *sees James shocked face when he sees him* long time no see! Would you look at that I leave you for a couple of hours and your already tied up! *starts to untie James*
James:*shrugs* you do what you gotta do *smiles then raises eyebrows* I'm surprised you weren't...
Reggie:*finishes untying James* I was... LSS got me out you haven't seen her by any chance have you?
James:*quickly starts swimming towards the two lifeless girls on the ground* nope *nods towards the LSS on the ground as he sits down and picks up DBA and sets her on his lap to check for damage* that one's fake *looks at Reggie who is now next to him* I thought you were suppose to get her?
Reggie: I was... did... but I also ended up with a fake one... *looks towards "LSS"*
James: what happened?
Reggie:*a confused look covers his face* I'm not sure I had her but I just looked away for a min... *pained look covers his confused one* I heard a click and my head snapped up and everything seemed ok... LSS was fine or what I thought was LSS she must have been switched then...
James:*feels DBA moving and looks back down to her* then what happened...
Reggie: well we were almost out when she said she had no reason to leave here *tightens fists then relaxes them* she said she couldn't remember DBA... so we got into a fight and I turned away and when I didn't hear anything I turned around and she was a pile of seaweed... that's when I realized she was fake.
James: hmm... ok I wonder..
Reggie:*looks at DBA then to James* what?
James: it's just for some reason Queen needs DBA's beauty *squeezes DBA a little and brings her closer* she made it seem like the end of the world if she didn't get it... and it seems she used LSS to get to DBA but remember earlier she said that we had to stall DBA because she needed time for LSS to do something for her plan?
Reggie: oh yeah that's right... *looks around the room* that means LSS has to be close then...
James: yeah when she screamed before DBA passed out she sounded really close... *looks around the room until he sees Reggie's face* what?
Reggie: what do you mean LSS's scream?!
James: well a while ago about maybe a half an hour ago LSS screamed causing DBA to flip out, not that I blame her *looks concerning as he stares at DBA* then just a couple a mins ago she screamed again but not like the first ones... those were terrified ones where this last one sounded like she was annoyed
Reggie: hmm.. well for starters I was with the real one a half an hour ago and I didn't hear the last one
James:*looks back at DBA as she moves around in his arms then towards Reggie* so I was right that wasn't LSS we heard before and if you didn't hear LSS the last time that means she is really really close... I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing..
Reggie: let's go with more good than bad
DBA:*murmurs* what's bad..? *groggily opens eyes and sees Reggie* oh hey Reggie how are you..? *starts shutting eyes*
Reggie: ummm... ok you? *looks at James concerned and mouths* how hard did she got her head?
James:*shrugs* we're in water it can't be that bad right? Then again she did trip in water so anything is possible...
Reggie:*gives James a confused look*
James: I'll explain later *looks down at DBA*
DBA:*eyes flutter open* ummm.. James?
James: yeah?
DBA: why are you holding me like I'm a snuggly blanket?
James: oops! Sorry *loosens grip a little*
DBA:*raises eyebrow* ok then... can you let me go so I can get up?
James: ummm.. sure sorry.. *slides DBA of his lap and down on her back and stand up*
DBA: thanks, *starts to stand up and takes Reggie's and James' hands* also why was I on your lap?
James:*calmly says* after Reggie untied me I went over to check on you to see if you had hurt yourself since you did trip in water earlier
DBA:*steadies herself and puts her hands on her hips and looks at James* hardy har har but I see your point... *casually crosses arms* did you guys anything out? *looks back and forth from James and Reggie* Also was I talking while I was out?
Reggie: no well sorta *sees DBA's worried look* but don't worry it was nothing!
DBA:*raises eyebrow then looks at James for confirmation*
James:*crosses his arms* your good we didn't hear anything
DBA:*relaxes* ok phew that's good
Reggie: we did figure out stuff though
DBA: ok what you figure out
Reggie:*explains everything that James and him talked about*
DBA: ok so where is the closet place that only me and James would have had heard LSS not Reggie *sees James and Reggie look at each other, then look back at DBA*
James and Reggie: we know just the place
DBA: alright let's go...

Sorry if this chapter is a little anticlimactic! I'll try and make it more exciting. But I still hope it was a good chapter and you guys liked it though!

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