Fight me and Bite Me

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DBA:*in head* forget about the comment its fine... Its been over 5 years take a breath and get to LSS... She is what matters at the moment... *stops and shakes head to clear thoughts*
James: hey dork are you ok there? *laughs with a little concern*
DBA: yeah sorry its hard to swim in this cramped space its not like I have a tail or anything...
James:*laughs* fight me
DBA:*starts swimming again* naaaa..... I'm good
James:*follows after DBA* but I thought earlier you said you would?
DBA: oh bite me!
James:*laughs hysterically*
DBA: oh be quiet! Anyway where are we going?
James: you probably should have let me go first then
DBA: what happened to ladies first?
James: who said your a lady?
DBA:*laughs* true true you got me there! I don't like being called a lady to formal and mannery...
James:*laughs* mannery?
DBA: yes mannery
James: ok then... Where do you get these words from? Do you have a book or something?
DBA: nope! I have my head oh! And a lot of movies especially Disney ones!
James: I'll give you that, you know those Disney shorts right?
DBA: yeah....? Why?
James: I have a bunch of those!
DBA: really?! I have Disney days and you should come over when I have one and bring those!... *hears LSS scream* *then it stops*
DBA: LSS!!!!!!!!! *starts swimming faster* LSS!!!!!
James:*grabs DBA's ankle* wait!
DBA: let go of me! *hears LSS scream again*

Hey guys sorry about the late update!! And sorry its so short just not feeling it and hope it sounds ok! 😑

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