Tomato, To-mato

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LSS:*looks around the room with irritation than looks at the seaweed she is in with even more irritation* why me!! Ugh!! When I get my hands on who did this they are gonna regret being born!!
Evil Queen: really I'm going to regret being born I highly doubt that!
LSS:*glares daggers at the Queen* I wouldn't underestimate me if I were you!
Evil Queen:*laughs* and why would I?!
LSS:*opens mouth than closes as a confused look comes across her face*ummm... wait what?
Evil Queen: you silly thing why do you think your tied up and not that little partner of yours DBA?
LSS: ummm... because I was grabbed first?
Evil Queen:*laughs even harder* nope! I picked you because I knew you had more potential way more than that pretty thing. She was all looks and no bite!
LSS:*snorts* yeah uh huh suuure... you must not be taking about the right person than... do you have any water?
Evil Queen:*gives a look of stupidity at LSS* ummm we are surrounded by water
LSS: yeah I know but you have to drink something when your thirsty
Evil Queen: oh right ummm ok hold on a second
LSS: does it look like I can go anywhere?
Evil Queen:*glares*
LSS: hey it's an honest question!
Evil Queen:*starts muttering under breath* *comes back with a cup of water* here
LSS:*looks at the cup of water and raises an eyebrow* ummmm... ok first off I want actually thirsty and second I can't drink that by myself...
Evil Queen: you little *sighs and takes a deep breath* why not
LSS: wow I never took you as someone who was stupid but alrighty then... I'll say this slowly for you. Look. At. What. I'm. In.
Evil Queen:*realization dawns on her face*
LSS: there you go! Third of all how do I not know that you poisoned it?
Evil Queen: why the hell would I do that?
LSS: wow you are a LOT stupider than I originally thought! You. Are. The. Evil. Queen. Do I really have to say more?
Evil Queen:*glares*
LSS: I do? Ok than well didn't you use that sleeping curse on a spinning wheel so Snow White was suppose to sleep for all eternity and you kidnapped Prince?
Evil Queen: your so close except I didn't use a spinning wheel I used an apple also I didn't kidnap her Prince I should have have though that would've been smart...
LSS: well your not very smart so it wouldn't have worked...
Evil Queen: yeah well you didn't even know that I used an apple and that I didn't kidnap a prince!
LSS: your point? Apple, spinning wheel. Tomato, to-mato. Also I'm not the really big Disney geek like DBA is. And when I mean big I mean HUGE!... while we are on the topic of DBA what happened to her...
Evil Queen: you don't need to worry about her
LSS: excuse me?!! Don't need to worry about her what does that mean?!!!!
Evil Queen: she's dead so just relax once your fully trapped in that seaweed you'll forget about her anyway and we'll be partners!
Evil Queen: but once your fully incased you'll have no choice
LSS: your wrong!!! Wrong wrong wrong!! *shakes head vigorously*
Evil Queen:*smiles evilly* your just in denial you'll over come this little mishap!
LSS:*stops shaking head and snaps her head up to glare at the Queen* I will AlWAYS be in denial that DBA is gone and once I beat the crap out of you I will go look for her and never EVER stop looking, because she isn't just some mishap!
Evil Queen:*slowly comes over to LSS* oh well see about that....

DBA:*has right hand on the wall to make sure she doesn't trip* I can't believe I was so stupid! They were just distracting me just like they were told... they didn't want to be friends! They didn't care about you!! Oh! DBA shut up!! Your such a downer! Just breathe *takes a deep breathe but starts coughing than starts to feel in pain and slowly slides down the wall to curl in a ball till the coughing and pain fade away* ugh.. my head, my chest, my everything hurts... *slowly stands and places get right hand on a rock add a grip to get up with* at least I'm light in water so I don't have to do as much..? *sigh* I don't know what I'm saying anymore or doing for that matter... why did you give them your bracelet... you never take that thing off and you always panic when you do if you don't have a spare... *sighs deeply and starts coughing again than disappears as fast as it came* ugh I'm being too loud..
Reggie: that's for sure we could hear like a mile away!
DBA:*stiffens* what are you doing here? I'm not leaving *tightens grip on the rock*
James: we are here to help
DBA: yeah which side?
James:*flinches* I..
Reggie: we're sorry ok and yeah yeah before you say that doesn't work anymore we know but that doesn't change the fact that we are..
DBA: I don't forgive you but if you are here to help me than we need to go... *starts swimming along with the wall as support* Reggie:*swims after her trying to get her to lean on him some*
DBA: I don't need your help Reggie other than getting LSS freed!
Reggie: I-I was just trying..
DBA: well I said you could stop other than get LSS
James: DBA! Would you just look at me!
DBA:*whips around and glares at him* there happy!?!
James: no! I get your angry I understand that! But doesn't mean you need to be a jerk! We are trying to help so just except it! Be mad but except the help!
DBA:*face softens to show how exhausted and pale she looks* ok I will *starts coughing*
Reggie:*swims over and moves one of her arms over his shoulder so she is draped over him slightly and moves her to facing the right direction as she finishes coughing*
DBA:*sighs* thanks I guess...
Reggie:*weak smile* yeah no problem what are acquaintances for?
DBA:*chuckles a little*
James:*sighs and goes to her other side and lifts up her arm so the rest of her is draped over him* let's go find LSS and get you both out of here, sound good?
DBA:*straightens up a bit so they aren't dragging her* sounds great...

Heyo!! I was in a good mood and had it really easy writing this chapter so it's updated sooner than I normally do!😉😉 Hope that doesn't mean it's a bad chapter though! Let know what you're thinking of it so far and give me some ideas. I don't wanna take really long with updating again!!!

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