I'm Getting Your Chest Wet

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DBA:*stops trying to see and sinks down to the floor* wha.. what do you mean there isn't another way through...?
Reggie:*sighs* this is the only way...
DBA:*whips angrily to Reggie* there has to be another way!!!!!!
James:*quickly interrupts Reggie and looks at DBA* you need to chill out ok?!
DBA:*whips her head to James* I won't!!! There has to be a way!!!! Another secret door, wall thing?!!!!
James:*swims over to DBA and carefully puts his hands on her shoulders as she looks away from both him and Reggie* DBA... dork... look at me *DBA lifts up her head to look at him and he sees her eyes full of tears* you need to relax ok? We've been here a long time... *puts his hands on either side of her face and wipes away the tears that are falling down her cheeks with his thumbs* we know this place really well you've got to trust us.. DBA:*looks at him and nods slowly then turns towards a very upset Reggie who is also looking at her* I'm sorry Reggie..
Reggie:*sighs* it's alright you've forgiven me lots of times I can forgive you *gives a small smile to DBA and sees her relax*
DBA:*turns the corner of her mouth up into a small smile then looks back at James*
James:*notices DBA look a little drained all of a sudden* you ok?
DBA:*places her hands on James' that are still on her face and brings them down off her face* yeah totally ok... *let's go of his hands and barely swims backward then bursts into tears and starts to float down to the ground*
James:*quickly swims to DBA followed by Reggie and pulls DBA into a hug, keeping her up of the ground as she cries into his chest* I'm so sorry I really am...
Reggie:*swims around to the other side to join the hug* we're here for you well get to LSS I promise you that
DBA:*swims up a bit to wrap her arms loosely around James' neck so her head is still resting on his bare chest causing his arms to wrap around her waist and she continues to cry softly* *mumbles* sorry... I wanted to stay up right... I thought I was gonna slip and I wanted to hide my face as I'm crying so that's why I didn't try to... *cut off by James and Reggie shushing her*
Reggie:*let's go of DBA and goes to look at the pile of boulders on the way of the path*
James:*pulls DBA closer and tightens his grip on her as he hears her crying fade away a bit*
DBA:*drops her arms and puts her hands on his chest, pushing away from James a little but still in his tight, comforting grasp* I'm getting your chest wet...
James:*chuckles softly* it's alright we're in water its not really any differen... *trails off as DBA lays her head back down and snuggles against his chest* thanks...
James:*shifts to try and get her comfy and just decides to pick her up and cradle her and waits till she finishes moving around to get comfy*
DBA: it's a good thing I weigh like...
James:*chuckles until she doesn't finish her sentence and doesn't feel her breath on his chest* DBA...? DBA..?!!!!! Reggie get over here! Quick!! *stares at DBA with a big look of concern*
Reggie:*swims quickly over and looks DBA over and realizes why James is freaking out and looks for a pulse and drops his hand down as he finally finds a really small one* I found a pulse... *looks at James who relaxes a little bit tightens his grip even move on DBA and doesn't look away from her* you heard me right?
James:*nods his head* yeah yeah I did... what's wrong with her..?
Reggie:*shakes head* your guess is as good as mine..
James:*but... but her breathing is so shallow I can't even feel it...
Reggie: I really don't know James... do you remember anything from talking to her?
James:*shakes his head and pulls DBA up farther on him so that her head is resting on his collarbone and he can finally hear her breathing*
Reggie: crap... hmm... wait!! I got it! Didn't Queen say she needed her distracted for a couple hours?!
James:*closes his eyes and exhales loudly* yeah so? That was before the beauty thing-a-ma-jiggor... *looks down at DBA and thinks inside his head* wow you've really rubbed off on me with all of your crazy words...
Reggie:*snaps James out of his trance when he starts talking* well yeah but there had to be another reason right? *waits for James to respond but gets nothing and continues* and since the Queen is always talking and her crystal ball records anything that happens *both James and Reggie flinch at the that remembering something* and she always talks to herself so if we can hack into it...
James:*finally looks at Reggie* then we'll know the other reason why we needed to distract DBA *as he says her name she moves around in his arms and his head snaps down to look at her*
Reggie:*sees she just moved and her face start to scrunch up in pain an confusion* you stay here and watch her, trying sitting down though so she has more space... I think she's having trouble breathing...
Reggie and James:*turn a sickly pale*
James: ok... sounds good... *tried to slowly and carefully swim down and sit on the floor as Reggie swims quickly away to look for information* *finally makes it to the ground and sags against the wall so DBA can still lay on his chest with her laying in the crook of his left arm and his right arm draped over her so he can bring her a bit closer but he makes sure her torso is not scrunched up like it was when he cradled her in his arms*
DBA:*murmurs something James can't quite make out*
James:*sees DBA's face slowly relax but still looks in pain*
DBA:*mumbles* LSS... alone... Fred... dead...
James:*confused by what he just heard and tries to lean toward DBA's mouth to listen better but can't make anything out so he leans back against the wall wondering about this until he sees Reggie arrive* any good news?
Reggie: sorta but you aren't gonna like it
James: if it helps DBA and LSS then I'm for it
Reggie: it's not that...
James: then what is it?
Reggie: well I was right what the problem with DBA is... she is indeed having trouble breathing and I'm amazed that she didn't show any pain before hand...
James:*looks at DBA* I think I know why she didn't.. she's more worried about LSS and also she wanted to hide her face when she was crying I think she thought it'd be awkward for us so she was trying to help us instead of herself... oh dork why...
Reggie:*looks at DBA* that makes sense but that isn't there worst of it...
James:*looks quickly to Reggie* whats worse? Can't we just bring her to the surface?!
Reggie:*shakes head sadly* no we can't she would need to eat the seaweed from before since she's been underwater so long... but to make it worse someone would have to ummm... feed it to her and the seaweed is far up on shore...
James:*looks down at DBA's and his tail then back at Reggie* and we have tails...
Reggie: yeah that's the problem...
James: what about LSS
Reggie: Queen has a plan with her so she has more time I think... and she's been unconscious most of the time so she's fine... *looks at DBA*
James: how.. how much time does she have left... *slowly looks down at DBA who finally looks sorta relaxed and not in as much pain as before but sees tears are going down her cheeks to show how much pain she is actually in and he gently wipes them away with his right thumb*
Reggie: just a little over 3 hours....

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