What's the catch?

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Reggie:*shocked by what LSS has just said and swims around so he is staring at LSS* wh.. what?!
LSS:*gives him a strange look* ummm... what? Why'd we stop we're almost out of here....
Reggie: we stopped because you can't remember your own sister!!!
LSS: ummm... I think it'd remember my own sister thank you very much!
Reggie: then tell me this! Why can't remember DBA!
LSS:*shrugs calmly* who knows maybe it's the sister I don't like did you think of that. *raises eyebrows waiting if he can argue with her answer*
Reggie:*shakes head* that can't be true she started crying when she lost you
LSS:*shrugs* maybe it was an act or maybe she likes me and I don't like her so that's why we got separated
Reggie: yet you can't remember her *throws his hands up and turns around so his back is to her*
LSS: so what! I don't know why I can't remember but since I can't remember her she must not be that... *cuts off*
Reggie: see you can't even finish your sentence... *doesn't hear a comment so he turns around and sees LSS is really pale* crap... *runs over to her to check for a pulse but before he can she turns into a pile of seaweed..* *eyes widen until realization hits* crap!!!!! I've been played!! I should have known something was up when but heard that click and then the memory thing... *remembers that he must have left the actual LSS back in the room* *starts swims in the direction he just came* hope I'm not too late...


DBA:*not paying attention and hits his tail and pushes him forward* ah!
James: ouch! What?!
DBA: you startled me... *smiles then realizes he can't see her* why'd you say ouch?!
James:*shakes head* sorry thought you saw me stop and I said ouch because it was the first thing that came out of my mouth because you also startled me.
DBA: oooohhhh gotcha that makes sense... anywho are we almost there?
James: we are here just give me a sec. *Feels around the wall until he finds a little pebble that if you weren't looking for it won't know it was there* watch this.. *pulls on the pebble and the door, wall opens with a click*
DBA:*tries to whistle but fails miserably* that was cool!
James:*chuckles* yeah I guess it is...
DBA: you guess? It sooooo is!
James:*shrugs as he climbs out of the cramped hidden crawl space* I've never really thought about it until now that you mention it... I've gone through there so many times I forgot how cool it actually is especially when your not in it to just hide...
DBA: that's true I'll give you that *struggles to get out of the crawl space and takes James' hand when he offers it to her* well I'm glad I could help you see that it's cool again..? I guess? *Gets out of the crawl space and let's go of James' hand*
James:*laughs*yeah thanks
DBA:*laughs and looks up at James and is about to say something when she sees something over his shoulder* no.... *pushes past James catching him off guard and swims over to a lifeless LSS on the floor* no no no no...! *reaches LSS and tries to find a pulse but finds none*
James:*comes to his senses and quickly rushes to DBA and the dead LSS*
DBA:*lifts LSS up and starts to weep in LSS's shoulder and in between sobs whispers* what. have. I. done...
James:*slowly sits down next to DBA* I'm so sorry... this is my fault...
DBA:*sniffles and wipes eyes and whisper slowly* no it isn't.. it's mine and... *lifts her head from LSS shoulder with her eyes blazing with murder in them* and your boss... *slowly rests LSS down her eyes showing a bit of sorrow as she does but then quickly it changes back to her murderess glare*
James: DBA......
DBA: don't. I don't care if I'm being irrational anymore! *whips her stare to James who flinches which causes her to soften her gaze on impulse* *whispers softly with begging in her voice* sorry it's just I... I need to do something..!
James: I know but you need to think first you can't jus....
Stranger:*comes out from behind a pillar in front of them* hrs right you should listen to him *smiles*
DBA:*looks to where the voice is coming from, sees the stranger and is shocked by who she sees but quickly recovers and glares daggers* yeah I should, should I? Well I'm not to good with taking orders, especially from you...
James:*jaw tightens as he looks over at the stranger and grabs DBA's wrist tightly before she can swim at the stranger*
Stranger:*laughs as she sees what James is trying to do*
DBA: knock. it. off.
Stranger:*stops shocked by the response but then smiles* oh should I? But whatever am I doing? That I need to *pauses but then continues in a mocking voice* knock. it. off.?
DBA:*clenches fists then releases them and relaxes but there still can be seen a honey of for in her eyes* what the hell did you do this *gestures to LSS* for?!!!!!!??!!
Stranger:*smiles sweetly that makes both James and DBA almost sick* why should u tell you?
DBA: you obviously did it for a reason and that reason had something to do with me so u have the right to know *pauses* your highness... the Evil Queen..
Evil Queen: glad you can allow some respect, I see your point I'll explain to you with no catch..
DBA: there's always a catch
Evil Queen: not this time but I could probably think of something if that's what you want...
DBA: no catch could make me feel worse than I do now...
Evil Queen:*smiles* how about bringing LSS back is that a good catch?
DBA:*looks over at LSS's body with a glimpse of hope in her eyes* what do you get out of it? So far it's a win win for just me...
Evil Queen: glad you asked... all you have to do is do me a little favor...
James:*tightens his grip on DBA's wrist and switches his angry gaze to a softer one as he looks over at DBA* no don't listen to her its a trap!
DBA:*looks over to James and gives a sad small smile and mouths* sorry... *looks over to the Evil Queen* what do you want me to do?
Evil Queen: smart choice....

Heyo! Sorry about the late update! We're you surprised that the stranger is the Evil Queen?! Also please don't hate me for killing LSS!!! I promise things will get better!!.. just maybe not right away *cheesy smile* just hang in there guys and sorry if it's rough!

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