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*James and DBA are walking down the last corridor*
DBA: ok so what's the plan
James: don't really have one
DBA: your joking right?
James: really wish I was....
DBA:  icarumba
James:*laughs* at least I didn't say I did and then you figured out I lied *turns toward DBA and smiles then faces forward again*
DBA: you do have a point *smiles at the back of his head* *then trips and falls on her face*
James:*turns around looking ready to attack but then sees DBA on the ground* *bursts out laughing then tries to cover his mouth* I'm sorry its just I don't know anyone who can trip IN water.
DBA:*laughs* its all good! *gets up* I walk better with my shoes untied for your information well unless one of my friends steps on them then of course I'm gonna trip *smiles*
James:*laughs* alright let's get going *turns around and starts walking*
DBA: eye eye captain *salutes*
James:*shakes head* come on dork
James:*stops and quickly turns around* what?!
DBA:*stops and laughs at his facial expression* everything is fine captain chill *shakes head and laughs again* I gasped because I was being over dramatic to the compliment you gave me! *smiles* *starts walking ahead*
James:*laughs* wow ok then *catches up to DBA* what compliment did I give you?
DBA: its not really a compliment but to me it is. When you called me a dork
James:*laughs* alright then dork let's hurry up
DBA: ok Captain let's go...

James:*stops at the end of the corridor* hold on something's wrong...
DBA:*sarcastic* no really never would have guessed it Captain not like we're I'm a cave or anything
James: are you being sarcastic?
DBA:*hits forehead* *grumbles* no one gets my sarcasm...
James: you say something?
DBA: never mind... Whats happening?
James: nothing thats the problem... She is always here...
DBA: ooooohhhh.... Gotcha
James: where is she!... *turns to look at DBA* you stay here I'm gonna go aro.... What's with that look?..
DBA: haven't you seen the movies I'm gonna get attacked!
James:*laughs* ok fine just keep up
DBA:*exhales* thank you
James: I didn't really have a choice
DBA: true... I don't like scary movies or being alone in strange places... Mostly because of the scary movies.... *shudders*
James: alright dork let's go... *swims towards a wall*
DBA: umm... Captain where are you going?..
James: come on you'll see...
DBA: uhh... Ok? *swims over* sooo...  What am I looking at?
James: come closer...
DBA:*swims right next to James* what am I looking at?
James:*glances at DBA and smiles* this *looks forward and pushes on a part of the wall*
DBA: sooo exciting! What's next? A rock reveals another doorway?
James:*sticks tongue* just hold on... Also I got your sarcasm that time...
DBA:*turns to face the side of James and sticks her tongue out at him*
*wall opens up into a crawl space*
DBA:*jaw drops*
James: hey close your mouth before a fish craps in it *chuckles then stops when he sees DBA wince* *faces her* hey you ok? Did I say something?
DBA:*looks down then looks into the crawl space* don't worry about it...
James: hey we're friends aren't we? you can talk to me
DBA:*looks ahead and gives a weak smile* yeah... Yeah we are.. Let's go we've wasted too much time... *starts to go in*
James:*confused look* alright let's go dork *follows after DBA*

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