Chapter 15.

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"Get out of my bed." I demanded as I slowly approached him, my fists clenched.

I hear him laugh and a smug look immediately grew across his face as he looked at me. "Why don't you make me?"

Ugh he is making me so mad like what the fuck is wrong with him. "I'm gonna call the police." I threatened with a slightly shaky voice.

"And?" He raised an eyebrow. What and?

"You're gonna go back to the asylum, do you want that?!" I spat, swallowing every courage I can take.

He sat up with a frown plastered on his face. I gulped, hoping he wouldn't hurt me.

Then suddenly, an evil laugh erupted from his mouth, confusing the hell out of me. This guy is insane, no doubt. "Do you think a little girl like you could possibly send me back in that shithole?"

I stayed silent, completely baffled. What have I brought myself into. I just went to the asylum to visit my dad, not to deal with this guy.

"Can you please leave me alone...?" I beg, running my hands all over my face in frustration.

"You haven't answered my question, love."

"No, okay? The answer is no." An exasperated sigh escaped between my lips. I feel so weak with him...

"But I can atleast try." I muttered, lowering my head.

"Poor you." He mocks, acting as if he actually cares.

"Stop being so mean to me!" I yell, my patience running thin. I want to just fucking hit that asshole.

He laughs hysterically, showing that he is absolutely entertained. What the fuck is wrong with him. Oh right, he's crazy. My heart almost went out of my chest when Harry suddenly stood up, making me walk backwards. Oh shit. Why is there something about him that is totally terrifying. Maybe it's the evil aura thing.

He looks down at me, his height towering. I wish I wasn't this short.

"Stop being so mean to me." He mocks, walking closer. I slighty jumped when he laughed again. Why does he laugh all the time over nothing.

"Please don't hurt me..." I beg, my voice shaking as I kept my head low. I could scream for mom but I don't want Harry to hurt her. Ugh, what will I do?

I closed my eyes the moment I feel Harry trying to make me look up at him. I could feel him getting closer and his breath was already fanning all over my face. This is such a scary situation. I think I'm going to die.

"Open your eyes." He orders, his voice unexpectedly soft.

I kept my eyes shut. Fuck, I could also feel my hands sweating.

"Open your eyes." He whispered into my ears, sending shivers down my spine.

I couldn't help but open them, and there I saw Harry infront of me. His face was so close that our lips were slightly brushing. My heart was beating so fast that I think it's going to explode. I am so damn scared and overwhelmed by this whole situation, that I feel like passing out any minute.

One question immediately came up into my mind. "A-are you go-going to ra-rape me?" I stuttered.

He smiles, his face still a few inches from mine. The smile was different though. It wasn't a smirk and no single evilness was detected. It was genuine.

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