Chapter 2.

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Brae's Point of View

Blackthorn Veil Mental Institution . . . What a fancy name for an asylum, although It's not that bad, I guess.

There I was, standing still as I stare at the extremely old worn out building in front of my very eyes. The asylum was so old that it looked like it was going to collapse any minute. Just the thought of it makes me want to refuse going in there. Not to mention that this place gives me the heebie jeebies.

"This building looks abandoned," I mutter as I glance over to mom who was typing on her phone next to me, clearly not paying attention. I let out an exasperated sigh and rolled my eyes. Typical mom.

"Oh, what?" she finally responds as she shoves her phone inside her purse and looks at me with eyebrows raised.

"Nothing important," I mumbled, restraining myself from rolling my eyes again.

"Okay then. Let's go."


As I was walking beside mom, my eyes wandered around the asylum cautiously. The feeling of uneasiness slowly engulfs my whole body. Considering the fact I'm inside a building full of insane serial killers, it doesn't surprise me.

Suddenly, in the corner of my eye, I saw a little girl, somewhat staring at me. It was quite disturbing, so I glance over to her, my eyes meeting her pair of blue ones. Her long blond hair was cascading down her shoulders as she was sitting motionless on a wheelchair, her intense gaze relatively hypnotizing me in such an odd way that I couldn't able to comprehend. I tried to ignore her stare, however, it was strangely difficult to keep my eyes off her.


Finally taking my attention off the little girl, I frantically glance at mom who was seemingly concerned.

"Are you okay?" she asks, worry written all over her face as she gently rubs my arm.

I nod. "Yeah . . . I spaced out, I guess."

"Excuse me?" a sudden voice spoke, causing both of our heads to snap over to wherever it came from.

"Mrs. Harperson?" The nurse smiled politely at us as she waits for our response. I glance over to her name tag, Nurse Hayley. What a girly name.

"Yes, that's me." Mom walks in front of me, blocking my view.

"Mom," I whine, rolling my eyes at her.

She glanced over her shoulder to look at me with a stern expression plastered on her face. "Brae, this is between me and Nurse Hayley for now. Go sit somewhere."

"What? Why? This is about dad, mom, and I've been dying to know what's happening to him here," I complained, wrapping my arms over my chest like a stubborn child, although I am a stubborn child. Fifteen years old is considered as a child's age, in my opinion. How I awfully hate being fifteen.

"Brae, please."

"Fine," I huffed.

Her attention diverted back to Nurse Hayley, whilst I search for something to sit on. My eyes scanned every single crap I could see until I finally found an empty bench. I immediately rushed towards it and sat down.

"Finally!" An exasperated sigh escaped between my lips as I make myself comfortable in my seat. Slowly fluttering my eyes closed, I try to relax and calm myself from this whole situation.

As soon as I opened them, someone caught my eye . . . a curly-haired boy staring at me. Two nurses were beside him, holding both of his arms in place. This guy must be dangerous.

His eyebrows were knitted together as he continues to stare at me intently as if he was trying to read my mind. He is a lot scarier than the little girl I saw this earlier, no doubt. However, I have the feeling his different, or perhaps I'm just stupid.

I lowered my head and chose to ignore him, but unfortunately the feeling of his intense gaze on me, was rather pestering the shit out of me. Silently grumbling to myself, I couldn't help but look up. I narrowed my eyebrows in bewilderment. He was no longer standing there . . .

A sigh of relief escaped between my lips. Finally, I am at peace.

"This place sucks doesn't it?" a sudden voice erupted from beside me, snapping me back into reality.

"What?" I ask before glancing to the person next to me. All the color drained out of my face as soon as I realized that the person who was currently sitting next to me, was no other than, psychotic curly. Without wasting time, I look behind him to see if the nurses were there, but sadly they weren't.

"I'm not repeating myself," he sighs, turning his head to face me, our eyes meeting.

"Ye-Yeah," I stammered, feeling my heart pounding against my chest as if it was almost about to explode.

"What's an innocent girl like you doing here, hmm?" he questions, a smirk forming on his lips.

"It's none of your business," I mutter.

"I see . . . mummy doesn't want you talking to strangers, yeah?" he teased, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Exactly," I retorted, rolling my eyes. This guy is absolutely annoying, not to mention insane.

He chuckled, slightly exposing his dimples. Holy motherfucker. He has dimples?! As much as I hate to admit it, he actually looked quite attractive for a psychotic person. Though, he's probably hideous in the inside when it comes to personality-wise.

"I'm Harry, by the way."

"Okay," I mumbled, not wanting to talk to him any further. I couldn't even care less about his name. I can call him psychotic curly all I want.

"And you?" He lifted an eyebrow, waiting for a response.

"As if I'd tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because, I'm not supposed to talk to you. You're crazy, and that is clearly the reason you're here!" I snapped at him, standing up from the bench. Wow, where did all that courage come from?

He unexpectedly stands up as well, his height towering over me, making me feel like I'm some tiny dwarf.

A sinister smirk came across his face as he leans in. "Your dad's right, you are a tough doll, Brae."

And with that, he walks away, leaving me utterly speechless and dumbfounded. And without warning, a question blasted its way into my head;

How did he know?


What do you guys think of this chapter? Is it crappy? Hopefully not.

School is coming very soon and I fucking hate it. U G H !!!

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