Chapter 18.

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"Here you go." Zayn hands me a shot and I immediately shook my head.

"No thanks." I force a smile.

"Oh come on, Brae. One drink won't hurt." Niall persuades and drank his vodka.

"Water is enough." I say. Hopefully they will just stop forcing me to drink because no way in hell I would ever do that especially at 15.

"Bu-" Niall got interrupted as soon as his eyes darted to Harry who was now approaching us with a stern look on his face. I look behind him, wondering where the drunk girl is.

"Stop forcing her to drink." Harry growls, giving Niall and Zayn a deadly glare as he suddenly grabs my wrist pulling me to the exit. I guess we're going home now. His temper bothers me though. I wonder what's wrong with him.

"We're going home." He says through clenched teeth as he unexpectedly opens the passenger's door for me. I stare at him, dumbfounded. Did he hit his head or something. Why in the world would the psychotic Harry, open the door for me.

"Get in already." He impatiently demands. Without any hesitation, I quickly hop inside the passenger's seat.

Harry starts the engine and off he goes. After a moment of silence, I can't help help but ask; "Where are we going?" This whole Harry thing is totally confusing the hell out of me. I can't believe that this all happened in one day.

He gives me a quick glance. "Some near hotel."

My face drops and my heart started to beat in a quick pace. I won't let him do this to me.

"No!" I scream in terror as I attempted to open the door but Harry instantly grabs my arm.

No, no, no. I struggle to break free as I try to hit him. "Let me go!" I cried, tears already brimming in my eyes. Why do I have to experience this awful shit in my life. I was normal and happy! Why does this have to happen. I need to get away from him.

Harry stops the car and looks at me with a very angry expression. It makes me want to cry even more. I just want him to leave me alone. Is that too much to ask for.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yells in my face, causing me to tremble in fright. "You almost got killed! Why do you have to act so damn childish?"

"You're just gonna kill me anyway, so why bother?!" I shot back, tears flowing on my cheeks nonstop.

"Who the fuck told you that I'm going to kill you?!" He tightens his grip around my arm. "Jesus Brae! I have no time for this shit. I just want you to rest but since your house is 2 hours away, I decided to just check in a near hotel. Stop jumping into conclusions!"

I basically face palmed myself in the inside. I'm so stupid. Well is it my fault that you're from an asylum and so damn creepy as fuck that it makes me think about the horrible things that you could possibly do to me? See, you can't blame me for that. If some random girl is in my place right now she would probably do the same.

"You can't blame me, okay?" I croaked, hoping he would let go of my arm already.

"You're right. I can't blame you." He sighs, finally letting go of my arm and starts to run his fingers through his curly hair in frustration. I stare at him, my eyes still wet but no more tears falling.

He sits back properly and starts the engine. Before he drives, he made sure to turn on the child safety lock, in case I go crazy again. Still, I don't feel right about that. I'm 15, not 5.

I wipe my tears on my face and look out the window. The fresh breeze hitting my face, calming me. My mom will surely freak out in the morning when she finds out I'm gone again. The thought is stressing. I don't want to overthink anymore. It just makes everything worse from what it seems. Anyhow, Harry is still forcing himself into my mind which extremely irritates me. The way he's confusing me is too much for me to handle. I just want to lie in bed rightnow to be honest.

"What happened in the pub?" I quietly ask, remembering every detail from the time we were in the pub. I was honestly afraid to ask especially about what recently just happened, but I brushed it off and asked anyway.

"I shouldn't have brought you there in the first place, Brae." He glances at me with a stern look.

"Why?" I guess I know the reason but what if there's something else.



Heyy guyyysss!!!

Sorry for the short chapter but well I thought about ending it there cuz it kinda seemed kinda thrilly or is it just me lmao.

So yeah Dylan plays as Dylan O'Brien himself and this is gonna be awesome haha.

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