Chapter 27.

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Yooo!!! :D How are you guys doing? Hehehe By the way, I got another Instagram account for wattpad. The username is @1dhnlzl23x Also, theres a link of the account in my bio so you can just check it out on there as well.

I seriously can't wait for 1k guys Ahhhh !!!

"Where do you think you're going, Harperson." Drake smirks as he looks down at me. I seriously hate this guy. He is one of Julie's friends, and there's this rumor going on that they are fuck buddies. Well, I'm totally out of that. I honestly don't care.

"Leave me alone." I mumble as I attempted to walk past him but he caught my arm.

"Aww." He teases. "Come here slut."

I was taken aback when he forcefully dragged me over to Julie. I let out a whimper and damn it was pathetic.

"Thank you Drake." Julie giggles and seductively bit her bottom lip as she stares at him. I sigh as I was held in place, making it almost impossible for me to escape.

"What do you want from me?" I ask sharply as I glare at Julie.

"I want you to be in pain." She laughs wickedly as she lifts her hand, about to slap me across the face. I close my eyes, ready for the impact since I'm used to this already. She would do this all the time and do much worse, since when we were in 7th grade.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as her hand took awhile to collide against my cheeks. I curiously flutter my eyes open to reveal Harry's hand wrapped around Julie's wrist, stopping her from slapping me.

"What the-" Julie started, and quickly looked at Harry. Her frown disappeared and a smile came upon her face. She was obviously stunned of how attractive Harry is.

"Woah, you should keep your hands to yourself babe." Harry teased with a smirk plastered on his face. She just continued to stare at him ridiculously, and Harry lets go of her, causing for her wrist to fall carelessly on her side.

"Let her go, mate." Harry orders in a stern voice as he steps closer to us.

"Why don't you make me." Drake taunted.

"Just let me go already, Drake." I groan.

"Shut the fuck up you fucking whore!" He yells angrily at me, making me flinch.

"Fucking he-" Harry started, already loosing his patience as he roughly grabs Drake's collar. He was in shock as he lets go of me. Finally, I was free. I quickly went behind Harry. Should I stop him?

"You have no fucking idea what I can do to you, big guy." Harry growls as he effortlessly threw Drake across the floor, and a few gasps was heard.

"Oh my god!" Julie squeals.

Harry's head snapped towards me and I gulped. He slowly walked over to me and unexpectedly took my hand in his. I can't help but feel my cheeks heat up. Us holding hands is something surreal for me.

"What do you think about skipping?" He whispers to me.

"How about my mom...?" I mutter.

"She won't find out." He assures me as he slowly intertwined our fingers together. What the fuck is happening. I hesitantly nodded and he smiles, his dimples popping out, causing me to blush like crazy. I can tell I look like a tomato rightnow. I almost forgot that people were staring at us. This is so embarrassing.

"Show's over!" Harry announced. They quickly walk away, seemingly afraid of him. Well, what he did awhile ago was something really scary so I don't blame them.

"Is she your girlfriend?" A high-pitched voice catched Harry's attention.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Harry replied. My eyes popped out of my sockets as I almost choked on my own breath. What the actual fuck?!

Julie's eyes widened as she looked at me as if I was some freak.

Harry tugs my hand, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Brae, let's go." I nod, and we both make our way out of the school. Mom is going to kill me if she finds out I'm skipping. This is my first time doing something rebellious, and this is making me anxious as hell. God help me...


"Harry?" I mumble softly, as I take a glance at him. We are currently driving to who knows where, but I trust him, so there's no need for me to worry.

"Hm?" He looks at me.

"Thank you..." I shot him a smile, and he he smiles back, making my heart melt. His dimples are absolutely amazing.

"I'm always here." He quietly says, almost a whisper. That honestly made me feel safe, like no one will ever hurt me. Well, he saved me the 3rd time now, and it's somewhat hard to believe. As a matter of fact, everything that's recently happening is all hard to believe. Harry is slowly changing my life, and I don't know if it's a good thing.

"Since, you can't go home yet, would you like to stay at my place?" Harry questions, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Although, the lads are not home rightnow, so you're unfortunately going to be alone in the meantime."

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "Alone? But you're going to be with me."

He shook his head, his curls slightly moving. "I'm going elsewhere."

"Then I'll go with you. I don't want to be alone and die of boredom."

"Are you sure?" Harry lifts an eyebrow at me, and I nod without any hesitation. "Yep."

"If you say so."

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