Chapter 35.

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"What?" I furrow my eyebrows in bewilderment. What is he even talking about.

"Not literally flesh." Liam nervously cuts in as he bumps Louis in the side. "What the fuck, Liam." Louis grumbles.

"Uh, then what does he mean by flesh exactly?" I ask, glancing at the both of them with a suspicious look plastered on my face. Something is off here. It's like they're hiding something from me, or maybe I'm just jumping into conclusions again. I seriously have to chill with being suspicious about nearly everything.

As I wait for them to answer, I can tell Liam was having a hard time. Louis on the other hand, tries to cover up his nervousness with a forced smile. I feel a bit bad for them for my pressuring question which in my opinion isn't supposed to make them tense and anxious like this. Nonetheless, I have to figure out what Louis was talking about. What can he possibly mean by flesh? Is Harry afraid of being in a crowd or something? I'm utterly confused and curious at the same time. This is really pushing me to have an absurd investigation.

Liam was about to open his mouth to speak but Niall unfortunately cuts in and walks infront of me with a red cup wrapped around his hand. "Here you go." He smiles, handing me my drink and I gladly took it. "Thank you Niall."

"So Liam, you were saying?" I ask, looking over Niall's shoulder to see Liam and Louis no longer standing there. Oh so they left me. Great.

"Where did they go?" I mutter, attempting to look for them as my eyes scanned around the place. Unfortunately, there were no sight of them. Sneaky bastards indeed.

"Hm, I don't know. Why?" He curiously looks down at me.

"Nothing." I force a smile.

He nods before unexpectedly grabbing my hand and tugged me somewhere.

Realizing that we were walking over to this group of girls, my breathing became erratic and the feeling of self-conscious instantly washed through me. I'm never good of conversing with girls like them. They were all a bunch of hotties and obviously the popular type of girls in school. On the other hand, I'm just an ugly potato and a weirdo.

"Oh Niall, who's the girl?" The brunette girl asked as she eyes me up and down, causing me to shift uncomfortably. She was gorgeous and hot, no doubt. However, she seemed like a bitch from the way she looked at me.

"This is Brae, she's a friend." He introduced.

"Hey, I'm Bella." She flatly says.

"Oh hey! I'm Samatha but you can call me Sam for short. It's so nice to meet you." The red-headed girl cheerily says as she claps her hand enthusiastically. She seemed like a nice girl. I think we'll get along just fine. Though, she's too beautiful for a girl like me. God I should stop being too hard on myself.

"Hm, she looks like 10. Anyways, we should go." The girl with so much make up on says as she takes her other friend with her and walked away. Ouch. Seriously, do I look like 10?

"Don't mind Taylor. She's always like that." Niall assures me as he gave me a bright smile. Oh so her name is Taylor, Taylor Swift. Nice.

"It's fine." I tell him and took a sip of my drink.

"So, how's Evan?" I hear Niall ask as his attention diverted to Sam and Bella.

"Pretty fine."

As they continued their conversation, me being out of place, I just walked over to the kitchen to check if there are any food. Eating in a party is a must since food is bae and will always be a bae.

A grin crept upon my face as I saw some mouthwatering desserts across the dining table, and without wasting time I literally ran towards it, my attention directly fixed on the food. Being the clumsy person I usually am, I ran into someone and accidentally spilled my drink all over the person's shirt.

"Oh god." I gasped, covering my mouth in shock and immediately tried to wipe his soaked shirt with my handkerchief.

"What the fuck!" He cursed. His voice sounded familiar so I looked up at him to be greeted with a very furious Harry. He didn't realize it was me since his attention was glued on his shirt but then his green eyes soon landed on mine. I gulped and took a step back. I could feel eyes fixed on us as the place started to become tense.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Harry snaps, his jaw clenching. This was utterly embarrassing and nerve-racking with the people staring at us like we were the star of the night, not to mention Harry being so furious at me.

"I-uh... Partying?" I replied but came out more like a question.

"What's going on?"

Our heads instantly snapped towards Niall as he walked over to us in confusion. "Why is she here?" Harry seethed, looking at him with pure rage.

"I invited her." Niall nonchalantly replies, shrugging.

Harry groans as he runs his fingers through his curly hair in frustration before his attention diverted to me. "I'm taking you home."

I frowned and shook my head. "No."

"Don't be a stubborn fuck." He snaps, and I flinched.

"I want to party, Harry." I roll my eyes.

"Party?" He questions in pure disbelief and astonishment.


"No. Come with me." He demands and quickly took a hold of my wrist, dragging me out of the kitchen while I desperately try to struggle out of his tight grip.

"Harry, stop." Niall orders as he placed his hand on Harry's shoulder, attempting to stop him.

"Fuck off." Harry growls and Niall instantly backs off like a coward. No offense.

"Let me go!" I yell at him, attracting more people staring at us. This is such an embarrassing situation. Why does this have happen to me. Why me?

Harry kept ignoring my pleas as he pulled me upstairs. My eyes insantly widened in horror. No, no, no, no.

As we approached his bedroom door, the memory of the blood smudge immediately came into my mind. Feeling the erratic beating of my heart, I can't help but assume that I'm going to get killed this very night. I might sound ridiculous rightnow but it's clearly happening. I thought he was going to take me home but I guess I angered him so much that he wants to get rid of me.

In split second, he throws me onto the bed and takes his soaked shirt infront of me.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter !!! Also, please let me know your feedbacks about this chapter/fanfiction. I badly need them in order for me to know if people are actually liking this or not. Thank you so much:D

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