Chapter 17.

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-Harry's Point of View-

I look over my shoulder to check on Brae, wondering why she's quiet. I expected her to ask me again if we were there yet.
I restrained my self from smiling as I saw her sleeping, her head leaning against the window in such a cute position. God, I should stop with the cute word. She looked so innocent and it makes me want to protect her so badly.

"Harry." My head immediately diverted to Niall who was clearly trying to get my attention.


He takes a glance. "Why did you end up being with her especially in her house?"

"Long story." I bluntly say, looking out the window, not wanting to talk about it any further.

"What are you planning with her?" He asks curiously.

"I don't really know." That question makes me want to find a reason to stay with her more. She's intriguing me... Especially the things her dad told me. She's not like the others but I most definitely do not plan on having a special relationship with her.

"Well, I like her." He proudly says, making me look a him with a confused expression.

"You shouldn't hit on her, Niall. She's not the girl for you." I remind him. He knows very well that she's not the type of a girl that's up for a good fuck. And he can't just like her and then fuck her afterwards then bam that's it.

"But I like her, mate." He fires back.

I roll my eyes. "That's what you always say when you meet a chick."

"Yeah well... You got a point but she has a different effect on me man." Niall argues.

I sigh. "Niall, have you got any idea how young she is? She's 15 years old for fucking sakes."

"I know... Age is just a number anyway." He continues. "Though, perhaps you like her hm?"

I glared at him. "No, I don't"

"Then why are you so 'She's not for you Niall' blah blah." He mocks.

I groan. "I don't plan on hitting with girls, you know that and I usually don't take them seriously. A fuck is a fuck." Yeah that's right. I just fuck with girls then done. Nothing really special and I don't plan for it to change anymore. Love is totally not my thing. I just feel like I care for Brae but definitely not more than that.

"I guess... So that means you wouldn't mind if I try to win her heart, right?" He gives me a playful wink.

I hesitantly nod and rolled my eyes, completely irritated by him. Typical Niall. But he's right anyway. Why should I care if he really wants Brae.

-Brae's Point of View-

I woke up when I felt someone shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Niall grinning at me. I kinda felt disappointed because I thought Harry would be the one to appear. Shit, what's going on with me. I rub my eyes as I sat up straight. "Are we here?" I ask him.


I felt mixed emotions hearing that response. I don't know if I should be happy with it or not. Oh god, please help me.

"Get out of the car you two." Harry sternly says, snapping me out of my thoughts. I immediately went out of the car and straightened my shirt and jacket. I hate this jacket like seriously.

"I can't wait to drink." I hear Niall say in excitement, making me slightly confused. What drink? Water?

I look up and my mouth fell agape, utterly shocked. No way in hell, I am going inside that damn place.

"A pub?!" I angrily say and looked at Harry and Niall, throwing my arms all over the place in frustration.

They both switched looks and unexpectedly laughed. "Too innocent eh?" Niall jokes.

Harry smirks at me. "Don't worry, you won't be a virgin for long."

Anger boils in me. "I'm not joking here! I am not going in there."

"You prefer staying outside?" Harry laughs. Well he has a point. Ugh, I should just go in but strictly no drinking.

"Fine..." I sighed in defeat.

"Come on, the lads are waiting for us." Niall states, checking his phone. Oh great, there's more of them.

We walked over to the entrance and my breathing became heavy. The intoxicating smell, suddenly taking over me when we were finally inside. This is my first time in a pub and it's actually much worse than I expected. My eyes then landed on a girl who was grinding herself against a guy while they literally suck their faces off. My eyes scanned the whole place, noticing most girls wearing almost nothing. Couples were all grinding and making out in every corner and some people were dancing, completely drunk and wasted. I don't get why this is called fun.

I got snapped back into reality when a drunk girl bumped into me.

"Sooorryyy." She slurs and giggles when her eyes landed on Harry. "Harryy, is that you?"

I watch Harry, rolling his eyes clearly not interested. "Obviously."

The girl, walked closer to him and placed her arms around his neck. "I missed youu babyyyyy." She slurs, completely going crazy.

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion as I stare at them. What the hell is happening. I look over to Niall, who was talking to a very mysterious looking guy. He looked attractive and hot, no doubt. Then his hazel eyes unexpectedly landed on me. I uncomfortably shifted, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Oh this is Brae." Niall introduces, noticing the guy's attention on me.

"I'm Zayn. Nice to meet you, Brae." He smirks and attempted to kiss me on the cheek but I immediately backed away.

"Woah..." He laughs, shaking his head. "You're different."

"I know right." Niall laughs with Zayn.

"So where's Harry?" Zayn asks, changing the topic and looks around.

"He was right behind me not so long ago but then there's this drunk girl so yeah." I bluntly explained.

"Typical him." Niall shakes his head.

"I want to go home." I say, glaring at him.

"Not yet babe. We just came here." Niall furrowed his eyebrows.

"That's right. You should drink atleast one shot." Zayn agrees.

"I don't drink..." I mumble.

"Come on." Zayn grabs my wrist, catching me off guard as we went over to the counter.

Zayn finally lets go and orders. I take a seat as I try to look around for Harry. Where could he be... I bet he's fucking with that girl. Why do I care anyway? He can do whatever he wants.


Hi guysss!!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and plss don't forget to VOTE COMMENT SHARE and FOLLOW

Good news there will be no goals in the meantime :D

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