Chapter 26.

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"Thanks for the ride." I mumble, still in the midst of confusion because of what happened awhile ago. I open the passenger's door and hop out.

"I'll walk you." I hear Harry say behind me. I nod, as we both walk over to my house. As soon as I'm finally infront of our door, I raise my hand to knock, and it automatically swung open to reveal my mom. I smile at her but it soon faded the moment my eyes darted to Luke who was just behind mom. He gives me a smile and I roll my eyes. I don't care if I'm rude to him rightnow to be honest.

"Hey mom, what's Luke doing here?"

"Oh he just came to see you and take you to school." She smiles and her eyes immediately went to Harry. I could tell she wasn't happy.

"Who's this?" She bluntly asks, her face showing no emotion as she just continue to stare at him.

"Oh this is, Harry." I glance at him who was nonchalantly leaning against the door frame.

"Hey." Harry waves.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Luke smirks.

"N-no." I shook, lowering my head. I can't help but glance over to Harry who was now shooting me a wink. I can't help but flush, causing me to look away. I almost forgot mom was just infront of me.

"Anyways!" Mom cuts in. "Uh so Harry, do you want to come in?"

"No thanks. I need to get going now." Harry says, and looks at me. "See you around, Brae."

"Yeah, bye." I awkwardly smile.

"Bye ma'am." Harry waves at mom before he went to his car.

Mom closes the front door and turns to face me with a frown. Here it goes. "Was that the friend you were talking about?" She asks in a stern voice.

"No mom. That was her brother." I lie, hoping she would just let it go. I'm totally not in the mood to talk rightnow.

"Sure?" She suspiciously looks at me.


"He seemed like a criminal." Luke joins in and laughs.

"Yeah... I don't think you should be around him, Brae." Mom agrees, and I frown. "Those tattoos are horrible, and he's probably no good."

"Just because he has tattoos, doesn't mean he's some killer, mom." I argue. I hate the fact that they're judging him so easily. They don't even know him yet. Well, Harry can be a bit of an asshole sometimes but he's also nice in a different way, and that's what makes him unique. I can surely tell that Luke is the one I should not be around with. Mom doesn't even know the real Luke yet, and she thinks he's so sweet and shit. Gosh, people nowadays trust the wrong ones.

"I know sweetie, but I still don't trust him."

"Whatever mom." I mutter, not wanting to argue with her any further.

"Oh dear." She sighs heavily as she rubs her temples.

"He's probably some fuck boy." Luke says.

"Like you?" I retort as I raise an eyebrow at him.

He gives me a glare, and I just roll my eyes. Thank god mom is here. If she wasn't, Luke would be screaming at me rightnow.

"You should get ready for school now." Mom informs me. I nod and ran upstairs to my bedroom.


"You okay?" Luke asks as he took a glance at me and back to the road. We are driving to school now unfortunately, but atleast there's something that's making me sort of happy. I can't believe Harry likes me. A guy like him could never like a girl like me. I'm just a weird loser that everyone ignores. I'm basically a freak in their eyes. I'm too naive and shy and shit and ugh... I'm seriously a fucked up teenager. If Harry was studying in my school rightnow, I can tell he's popular already, no doubt. I think I'm just assuming. Harry was probably lying to me.

"Brae, what the-"

"Wh-what?" I frantically blurt out as Luke snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Why are acting weird? You're creeping the hell out of me."

"Uh sorry. I was thinking." I try to explain myself.

"About the Harry boy?" He smirks, his eyes still fixed on the road.

"It's none of your business." I mumble.

"Oh come on, princess. You must really like this guy, obviously. You were blushing and shit the whole time he was in the house." He rolls his eyes. I can't help but feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. I didn't know it would be that obvious ugh.

"So you do like him?" He press in, already starting to annoy me.

"No. Can we please stop talking about this." I groan in frustration. When the word "no" rolled out of my mouth, it was quite weird. It felt like a lie. Oh no... No, no, no, this can't be happening to me. Do I seriously like him?

"Brae, snap out of it. We're here." Luke tells me, snapping me out of my thoughts once again.

I open the passenger's door and hop out of the car. I straightened my grey t-shirt, and sighed deeply. This is going to be a long day.

"I'm going to my class now, Luke. See ya." I wave my hand at Luke and he waves back. "Bye."


"Bitch." I hear Julie call me. She always hated me since 7th grade and I don't get why. I'm used to her calling me harsh names and I don't know when she'll ever get tired of that. I'm seriously a lover, not a figher. Can't she just move on with me, and mind her own fucking business.

I ignore her while I continue to put my books inside my locker.

"Stop ignoring me bitch." I hear her say from behind me. Her high-pitched voice ringing through my ears. "Fucking slut." She snarls, as she roughly took a hold of my wrist, catching me off guard, and forced me to look at her cupcake face.

"What?" I snap, starting to lose my patience.

"Wow, acting tough I see." She laughed, like a witch may I add. "You honestly look horrible rightnow, Brae. Oh god, and ew your shirt looks like shit." Her friends laughs along with her, causing me to roll my eyes. I honestly don't want to waste my time with them.

"Thanks, now can you please let go of me." I force a fake smile.

"Okay." She shrugs. "Girlssss, alcohol please." She pulls both of her hands out, and some friend of hers sprayed her hands with it. I roll my eyes, thinking how awfully rediculous she is. I swear, I think I've rolled my eyes a millionth time already.

Since i was finally no longer in her grasp, I walk out. "Don't you fucking walk away from me, bitch!" She yells, as I simply ignore her.

As I continue walking, I bumped into someones chest, causing me to curiously look up to see...


Hope you enjoyed ;)
And I'm currently writing this at 2:32 AM rightnow lmao

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