Chapter 5.

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Mom's face dropped.

"Ofcourse you can mom! It's not like they control us. I don't even get why they have time limits!" I complained, throwing my hands in the air in frustration.

"Brae." She warns, giving me a stern look.

"Bu-" I started.

"Cut it! Now, go sit somewhere. Me and nurse Hayley need to talk." She orders, interrupting me.

"Not again. I'm tired of sitting and waiting for you." I complained.

"Then just stand." She retorted, obviously irritated by me.

"I'm tired of standing and waiting for you." I remarked.

Mom groaned in annoyance. "Just go!"

I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Fine."

As I searched for something to sit on... AGAIN, I saw the Harry guy, sitting on a bench, alone. He was solely looking around until his eyes landed on me and a smirk immediately grew across his face, as soon as he recognized that it was me.

I immediately walk over to him with clenched fists. "How did you know my name?"

He looks up at me since he was sitting down. "Ah, look who showed up. How does it feel seeing your dad, hmm?" He continued. "Too bad you can't talk to him."

Can't? I just had a limited time. It's not like I can't actually talk to him.

I narrowed my eyebrows. "I can to."

He scoffed. "Really? What did he say then?"

"None of your freaking business!" I spat, my patience running thin. He is really annoying me on purpose, for sure.

He chuckled. "If I were you, I would've said fucking business instead of freaking. You're just too innocent."

"Tell me how'd you know my name?! And how did you know about my dad?!" I snapped, ignoring his statement as my nostrils started to flare in anger.

He sighed as he shook his head. "No can do, Brae."

"And why?"

"It's not allowed, and if I were you, you should stay away from me." He implies, his tone stern and serious.

"Don't worry, this is the last time you're going to be seeing me." I roll my eyes.


"Don't hmm me. I'm not done with you yet. Tell me, why is it not allowed." All of these secrets and mysteries and weird shit that's happening in this damn institution is totally not normal. I can't believe dad is here rightnow. He should think of running away.

"I need to go." He immediately stood up from the couch and ignored my question as he starts to walk away but I quickly walked infront of him in attempt to stop him, which caused him to bump into me. The worse part was his other foot got tangled with my other foot as well, resulting for the both of us to fall straight on the floor. He fell on top of me but he swiftly placed both of his hand in each side of my head so he won't put all of his weight on me and crush me to death.

"Shit." Harry cursed ontop of me and in split second his eyes landed on mine. I never noticed, he had a pair of beautiful green eyes, until now.

We were too close for my liking. I could already feel his warm breath fanning all over my face. The tip of our noses were slightly brushing, which made me more uncomfortable. But as soon as his gaze landed on my lips, everything went in slow motion. I don't know what to do in situations like this. Oh god help me...

I can't believe I took long enough to notice that he looked young, like he was around my age, but obviously a bit older than me. He was so good-looking... Snap out of it Brae! He's definitely not good-looking.

I got cut off my thoughts when I felt Harry's lips gently brushing against mine. No way he's going to kiss me. As he went closer and closer, my heart started beating fast and my palms are sweating like crazy. Shit shit shit shit. I shut my eyes close but when I felt him shift, I opened my eyes.

I sighed in relief as soon as he moves away and stands up. Thank God! He pulls his hand out for me to take, and I hesitantly took it. He effortlessly pulled me up to my feet, me amazed of how he strong he was, like I was just as light as a feather. Needless to say, he is a muscled up guy.

"Go back to your mum." He demanded, sternly.

"Who do you think you are to just tell me what to do?" I barked.

He frowned, completely not pleased with what I just said.

"Then I'm going." He walked past me, slightly bumping my shoulder. I have not gotten my answer yet, and I just can't let him go like that. Ugh, but unfortunately I have no power over him.

Nevertheless, he doesn't look and at the same time act like a crazy person, as a matter of fact, he seemed like a normal human being...


Thanks for reading:)

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