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We eventually arrived at the restaurant, exiting the car slowly. I was the last to exit. We thanked the driver and began making our way inside, one by one.

"Welcome! Welcome!" A tall brunette man greeted us at the door, shaking our hands politely as we each entered individually. We all reciprocated his actions gratefully and waited for him to guide us to our reserved table.

"I will be your waiter for tonight." The young man, dressed in white, began, slowly leading us across the restaurant. "My name is Troy, if you need anything tonight, anything at all, just give me a call." He stopped walking when he reached our reserved table and gave us all a wide smile.

"Thank you Troy!" Ally thanked, a little too enthusiastically. Instead of scaring the waiter away, he just chuckled politely at the smaller girls excitement.

"My name is Ally," the older girl smiled and held out her hand in which the taller boy didn't hesitate to shake, "nice too meet you."

Our table was a rectangular shape, three chairs on one side and three chairs on the other, seating six people maximum.

Just as I was about to take my seat next to Dinah, Normani jumped in from the right and Ally jumped in from the left, the three girls smirking in my direction. I flicked my gaze towards Camila, who was sat at the opposite side of the table on her own, thankfully she had been oblivious to the other girls actions just a second ago. I inhaled sharply before returning my gaze towards the three girls and shaking my head. Not cool.

What are they up to?

Not contemplating the thought too much, I quickly made my way over to the other side of the table and took my seat next to Camila. When the younger girl noticed someone sit beside her she lifted her head swiftly and turned it to my direction, to see who it was. Noticing it was me, she gave me a soft smile which instantly made my heart jump and I couldn't help but smile back.

We locked eyes for a brief second before she turned her head away and looked down at the menu in front of her. But I didn't look away. I couldn't look away. I didn't even realise that I was staring at her soft pink lips, slightly parting as she scanned the menu.

I peeled my stare away from the smaller girl, instantly locking eyes with a smirking Dinah.

I was staring at her, wasn't I?

"And.. There we have the camren. A rare species, moments like these are very hard to detect with this specific creature." Dinah pointed to me slightly whilst whispering to Normani and Ally, earning playful giggles from the two girls in response. I blushed faintly, when I realised what they were talking about.

"Jesus Jauregui, you looked like you wanted to kiss that girl." Normani whispered quietly from behind her hand but I avoided her gaze and briefly flicked my eyes upwards to see if Camila was watching, she wasn't.

"You now see what I mean?" Dinah giggled, informing the two girls beside her, "I'm not delusional, Camren is real!" She said, emphasising that last part a little too loudly for my liking. My eyes nervously flicked over to Camila again to find her now, looking up from her menu and looking directly at me, frowning, clearly confused by what had just been said. I showed her my best fake smile as I slumped down slightly in my chair and kicked Dinah's leg, hard. She gasped in pain and response to my violent touch and almost lifted the whole table up with her, smacking her knee forcefully. A few glasses fell on the table and a few curse words fell from Dinah's mouth, only to be blocked by Ally's hand.

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