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I heard her call my name.


I turned over on my bed so that I was no longer facing the annoying younger girl, rolling my eyes pathetically.

"For gods sake Lauren, will you please answer me already?!" She snapped, now clearly agitated by my actions.

I clenched my jaw as I quickly shot my head upwards, turning to face the small brunette once again.

Her guilt filled brown eyes met my emerald ones but I didn't turn to look away, unlike her. She had flinched slightly at the sight of my fiery eyes.

"What do you want Camila?" I spoke lowly, my voice quiet but so cold. "What. do. you. want?"

We had just got back from the restaurant, I had told the other girls that I was just going to go straight to bed but I wasn't, I was so upset that I just didn't feel like speaking to anyone.

But now, here she was, the girl who had snapped my heart in two, trying to get me to communicate with her like nothing was in fact wrong with me.

She was literally the last person that I wanted to talk to right now.

"Why have you been acting so strange since we have gotten back from the restaurant?" Camila asked, running a hand through her hair. "You were fine before and then something just clicked inside of you and you haven't been speaking to me, or looking at me at least."

I stared at the smaller girl, almost in complete disbelief. Was she that oblivious to everything?

"Camila... you're dating Austin. Austin?! You fucking told me that nothing was going on between you two and now you're magically his girlfriend?! How does that even happen? You're now that-that fuckboys new girl. You don't mean anything to him. Don't you realise?!" I snapped, raising my voice slightly towards the end.

Camila's whole expression changed as she widened her brown eyes with shock and locked then with mine once again.

Saying she looked hurt was an understatement.


What did I just say?!

I didn't mean to say that... No, in fact, I did. I meant every word of it but it was harsh of me to just suddenly blurt it out for no reason.

"I'm sorry." I sighed as I shook my head and looked down at my bed, completely disappointed in myself.

Camila didn't say another word, she only continued to stare at me like I had two heads or something.

Yeah Camila, thanks for adding to the pain.

She probably hates me right now.

"I'm gonna go on my phone and then, probably go to sleep or something. I'm sorry Camila, goodnight." I mumbled, quickly turning off my bedside lamp before crawling under the covers of my bed.

I closed my eyes tightly, taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.

She didn't understand how I felt. She would never understand.

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