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Brendon Urie's voice echoed through the lonely gym as 'Victorious' played. Come on, Lins. If Brendon Urie can do that damn flip, then so can you. I stuck my right arm to the side, then my left arm, held them above my head, and then slowly lowered them in front of me to the first beats and lyrics of the song, which were 'Tonight we are Victorious, champagne pouring over us' By the end of 'All my friends were glorious,' I had spun and started the half handspring that was supposed to end in Brendon's backflip from all those performances. My hands launched me into the air, and I spun twice, resulting in me landing on my face on the gym floor again. I welcomed the red, salty blood gushing from my nose like a friend while I lay there, too tired to move. "HOLY SHIT! ARE YOU OKAY?!" A shockingly familiar voice shouted, his feet running towards me. My long, blonde hair was probably stained with blood again. No way. Did I break my brain or something??!!! There's no fucking way that that can be Brendon fucking Urie. I was rolled over onto my back, and the chocolate eyes that stared into my green eyes were ones that belonged to my idol, Brendon Urie. Holy fucking shit, why now, of all days, do I get to meet my idol??!! "B-B-Brendon. What the fuck?" I blurted, instantly regretting it. His eyes filled with worry as he asked, "Where do you live?" It took a lot of energy out of me to ask, "Why do you need to know that?" He answered, "I need to take you home." Alarms went off in my head. Oh, hell no. My parents can't find out that Brendon even exists!! And Brendon can't find out how abusive they are!!! FUCK!!! WHAT DO I DO??!! "Just leave me here. Please." I begged him. "No, I'm not leaving you. You're hurt." Doors opening turned my head, only for it to be Raina and her cronies, AKA my bullies. SHIT!! They ruined my life enough!!! I need to get out of here NOW!!! "Oh my God, is that Lindsey?" Raina called out. I could feel her ice blue eyes destroying me. "No, that's not her. Lindsey's skinnier than this bitch." Cleo remarked, making black hair a crime for anyone that isn't Brendon Urie. And they know what sets me off. Fuck. Lins, focus on leaving. No time to focus on weight. Just leave, Lins. Just leave. I couldn't get up and leave. Besides, I was kind of scared that I gained a pound. "She probably told her parents she was at the library or something." Thea pointed out. She was the reason why I can never trust a black person ever again. "Maybe if Lindsey actually went to the library instead of messing with her homo coverup, she wouldn't be FAILING every single class." God, how do they know this?! Probably Maci. Nosiest bitch on the planet. I swear, how do they know that I hate being talked about in front of my face? Also, really?! Pointing out all of this in front of my fucking IDOL??!!! "You know, Lindsey, I understand why you're only allowed to listen to Gospel music. Now you're such a fucking hot mess. Hey Maci, who'd you say Lindsey listened to? Fall Out Boy?" Raina turned to her identical twin, who sat on the bleachers. "Raina! You don't bring me into this!" Maci protested. I was boiling mad, and so was Brendon. Bitch, you did not just insult the best man on Earth. I accidentally screamed at the top of my lungs. "Ssh, doll. I'll make them pay." Brendon whispered, holding me down so I couldn't tackle them. "Oh, look. Baby Lindsey needs her boy toy to calm her down." Grace cooed at me. "Hey Lindsey! Show him your razor scars!" Whitney shouted. That bitch always went too far. "Oh, fuck no! You didn't just say that, bitch!" I shouted at them. "Easy, doll. Calm down. I'll handle this." Brendon's voice was too soothing to resist. And then he walked up to Raina. "Bitch, who the fuck do you think you are?" Raina objected, looking at him in disgust. "I'd like to ask you the same." Brendon remarked. "And I recommend that you leave before I kick your asses." He finished. "Poor Lindsey. When you decide to kill yourself, call us so we can make popcorn and watch. I mean, if you think your life is that bad, you lonely cunt, then you should just die." Cleo said. "Damn. You shouldn't have said that." Brendon chuckled. "What are you gonna do, bitch?" Raina asked. "This." Brendon kicked Raina's legs out from under her. He went to uppercut Cleo, but Whitney jumped in front of Cleo and took the hit, knocking Whitney out. Thea went down with a knee to the ovaries. Cleo and Grace got punched and knocked out on the bleachers. Maci cowered in fear. "P-Please don't hurt me. I didn't do anything." Maci pleaded. Brendon looked over at me when I was trying to get up, and he left her alone to help me. He held out his hand, and I grabbed it so that he could pull me up and wrap his arm around me to hold me up. "That was awesome." I commented. "I know." Brendon answered. My mother's ringtone went off, and it was appropriate for her, considering that she would whoop my ass if I didn't answer the phone. "Yeah Mom. Of course I'm at the library, why would I lie to you? I'll be back by dark as usual. Bye." I hung up, and Brendon looked at me weird. "Sorry," I muttered. "It's cool. Was that your mom?" I sadly nodded. "Why lie to her?" Brendon asked me. Did he seriously just read my mind? "It's the only want I get out of the house." I confessed, wishing I could take my jacket off. Lindsey, you know better than to take the damn jacket off. Brendon can't find those fucking razor cuts. "So, do you need a ride home?" Brendon offered. "No. If my parents find out about you... I don't even want to go there." Probably get beat dead, get the door taken off my room, and get my phone taken away. Something extremely harsh. "So, I guess I'll see you in 5th period." Brendon commented. The fuck does he mean by that??!! I decided to let that comment slide and walk home.

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