They Turned On Maci

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Today was my first day back at school after a while. And the first people I ran into were Raina and her cronies. But they didn't notice me. They were too busy yelling at Maci, who was in tears. Brendon clenched his fists, marched up to Raina, and tapped her on the shoulder. I ran up to them and grabbed Brendon's arm. "Lindsey. Stay back." Brendon ordered. "My dad's going to arrest you if you ever touch me again, Urie." Raina threatened. And of course she's going to pull that. Everyone knows that her dad's a cop. "Mr. Stevens is going to suspend you if you ever bully a student again, Wilson." Brendon remarked, using Raina's last name. "Maci. Why don't you come with me and Lindsey?" Brendon offered, grabbing my hand. Maci looked horrified. "Get her, girls." Raina ordered. Cleo and Grace ran into the building after Maci, while Raina, Whitney, and Thea suddenly ambushed me. Brendon tried to intervene, but Whitney and Thea had gotten ahold of my limbs and carried me into the building with Raina leading until we were locked in the handicapped stall of the girls' bathroom. Maci had been trapped in the next stall over by Cleo and Grace. Whitney had pushed me head first into the wall as Raina held my hands behind my back and hooked them together with handcuffs. Well, shit. Now they can do whatever they want to me. "Start with giving Lindsey a swirlie. I'll be back in a minute." Thea grabbed my white P!ATD shirt and pushed me onto the toilet, forced my head into the bowl, and flushed it. So much water went up my nose that I thought I was going to drown. God damnit. Brendon, please find me soon. Thea eventually pulled my head out of the toilet, which must've been under Raina's command. I heard the diminishing sound of a flush from the next stall over. Poor Maci. Little bitch didn't do anything to anybody. Except for find out their secrets. "Oh, Lindsey. Look what we found last week. Thea, sit her down." Thea forcefully grabbed me and put me on my ass. In Raina's hands was a pink razor... Oh shit. Bitch, how did she find out what happened to my razor?! Only Brendon knows about that. And I never told a soul I had a pink razor, or that I even cut. "I don't recall telling you anything about my razor. Now hand it over." I snapped. And I just signed my death certificate. "Hm. Cleo, Grace!" Raina knocked on the stall wall that separated Maci and I. "Bring Maci in here. Thea, Whitney, you better have a tight grip on Lindsey." Cleo slid under first, then Maci, then Grace. Raina drug Maci to the rail on the wall and handcuffed the handcuff that held her hands to the rail. "Cleo, Grace. Grab Maci's legs." Cleo and Grace did so. Raina took the case off the razor and took it to Maci's right arm, cutting it deep. Tears and screams of pain left Maci's body, but I knew it was only going to get worse. Raina kept slashing at Maci's arms, cutting deep each time. Soon enough, her arms were littered with gashes. Raina then glided the razor on her cheek, and Maci screamed even more. "Quit screaming, wimp!" Raina shouted in her ear, kicking her in the stomach hard. Maci started whimpering, which provoked Raina to slash her face even more. "Jesus. You're such a wimp, Maci." Raina demeaned her. Blood surrounded Maci's body as her skin turned paler by the minute. "I told her that she shouldn't have worn those white pants." Raina commented. "Now, Lindsey's turn." She handcuffed my handcuffs to the rail as Cleo and Grace ran to hold down my legs. Raina undid the bandage on my left arm, which hid healing scars that Raina reopened with that damn razor. I hid my pain, knowing that it was only going to make me die faster. I wouldn't be surprised if that bitch has actually killed somebody- OW!!! FUCK!!! Raina slashed at my chest, which was extremely painful since she was making those scars for the first time. She then went to slice at my face when somebody rammed into the door and screwed up her gash, making it peel off more skin than it should have. Motherfucker, that was too damn painful. Blood had stained my shirt, which was why I probably shouldn't have worn white. Maci had passed out, and the time to save her was decreasing fast. "Lindsey! Maci!" Brendon shouted, his voice echoing throughout the bathroom. "Hurry! Maci's gonna die!" I shouted. The last bit of hope I had died and resurrected. "Shut up, cunt!" Cleo kicked me in the face. I was used to this, so it didn't hurt as much as it did in elementary school. "Snitches get stitches, you know." Thea stomped on my stomach before going to torture Maci's limp body. Maci was probably either dead or hanging on to dear life by a string, and Thea kicking her as hard as she could was only going to speed up Maci's death, if she wasn't dead already. Whitney grabbed my head, pulled it forward, and slammed it into the wall behind me repeatedly. Grace literally jumped on Maci's stomach, and it probably did damage, since Grace was the heaviest of the girls, and Maci was thin and frail. Holy shit. I can't let her die. I slammed my legs into Cleo and knocked her onto the ground, hitting her head on the toilet. I slid over to Maci, since we were hooked to the same railing. I got on my feet in a squat, jumped, and knocked Thea down with the same move that took Cleo down. I finally managed to stand after taking a second or two to catch my breath and headbutted Raina in the neck. Brendon finally busted the door open and slammed Whitney into a wall with it. "Lindsey!" He shouted, pulling Grace off of Maci and into a wall on the other side of the bathroom. "Holy fuck. We need medical help in here!" Brendon shouted, before trying to unhook me and Maci from the railing. "Raina's got the key. She's the one that put the handcuffs on us." I commented. Raina's dad was angrier than hell as he searched Raina and found the handcuff keys in the back pocket of her jeans. He quickly unhooked Maci so that the paramedics could try to save her as quick as they could. "Lindsey, what happened in here?" Raina and Maci's dad questioned me as he unhandcuffed me. I immediately took Brendon into a deep, tight hug. Brendon hugged me back, deeper and tighter. "Thank God you're alive." Brendon then led me out of the bathroom and to his class, where he pulled out his first aid kit and started applying antiseptic to every cut on my arms and chest and then recovering them in bandages. He held my chin and turned my head so he could get a good look at the mishap Raina had caused on my face. "This is gonna hurt, doll." He informed me before taking some small scissors out of the first aid kit and snipped at the peeled skin before applying antiseptic and putting a bandage on it. "There. That's all the cuts." Brendon put his kit away, held my face with both of his hands, and pecked my forehead. "Which one of them called you a cunt?" He questioned me. "Oh, I made Cleo pay for that already. She hid her head on that toilet so hard when I knocked her off her feet." Brendon rested his forehead against mine. "You actually fought back this time?" "I couldn't let Maci die. Besides, she wasn't even there to bully me most of the time." I explained. "I'm proud, Doll."

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