Chapter 17: Photograph

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"Ok, I've had enough of this kid for now," Nathan grumbled. A ghost-like spirit popped out of Nathan. The spirit was the leader Dubleka. Immediately after that, Nathan collapsed onto the ground and passed out. Emma ran over to him, close to tears and trying to wake him up.

"Wow... Jake and Rose..." the leader Dubleka chuckled. "Never would have thought you two would get married and have kids." Both Rose and Jake frowned angrily at him, who simply giggled. The leader Dubleka floated over to Ethan. "What a handsome young man. You got a girlfriend?"

"N... No--" Ethan started.

"Well, I'm surprised," the leader Dubleka laughed. "Surely you must have girls chasing you every day." Ethan stared at the floor. The leader Dubleka then floated over to Emma, who was still lightly shaking Nathan. "And here we have Emma. Such a beautiful girl you are."

"Get away from me," Emma growled, her hands being balled into fists.

"Wow... feisty too, just like your mother and father," the leader Dubleka laughed. "Your boyfriend is this kid, am I correct?" He gestured to Nathan. Emma slowly nodded. "Sweetie, you shouldn't ever date a Dubleka. It's common knowledge."

"You're going to pay for all of this," Emma angrily boomed. She then stood up, glaring at the leader Dubleka with fearless eyes.

"Oh, am I?" the leader Dubleka chuckled. "Let's test that, shall we?" The leader Dubleka took Emma's hair and dragged her away from Nathan.

"Stop, please, stop!" Emma cried as she screamed in pain.

"Leave our family alone!" Jake yelled. "What did we ever do to you?!" The leader Dubleka stopped, turned around, and furiously looked at them.

"Are you being serious?!" the leader Dubleka exploded. "You and your wife killed me and the other Dublekas! You killed us!!" Jake stared at the ground.

"Well... you were going to kill us," Jake said quietly. "You were going to kill everyone on Earth, and we couldn't let you get away with that. You're.... evil."

"Shut it," the leader Dubleka growled, with a small chuckle at the end of it. "And I would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you two and S.T.A.M.P. But oh well, it is what it is. But now... I'm hungry for revenge. And what's a better way of revenge than torturing your enemies' family?" He dropped Emma by everyone else. She quickly stood up and was engulfed into Jake's hug.

"What are you going to do to us?" Nicole asked, shaking with fear.

"What am I going to do with you?" the leader Dubleka repeated. "Why, I'm going to show everyone your 'grestest', of shall I rephrase it 'most dreadful', memories before you die in the hands of me."

"But... why do that?" Gavin spoke up. "They're only memories."

"Well... to be honest, I don't seem them as memories," the leader Dubleka explained. "They're more like photographs. People seem to remember one specific image of an event that triggers the memory. That's the photograph. They all are locked away in our consciouses, and I must release them now. Why I want to reveal your 'memories'? Well... it's fun to reveal the deepest, darkest ones to put fear and shame in my victims before they die."

The leader Dubleka laughed and hovered over Jake. When Jake tried to punch the spirit, his fist simply went through the spirit. The leader Dubleka smirked.

"Let's begin with my favorite person in the room, Jake Charleston," the leader Dubleka began with an evil laugh following. A screen popped up in the middle of the blank canvas. The screen showed many images, which were the photographs of Jake's memories.

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