Chapter 6: Well Then

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(The next day)

You woke up the next day because of the sun shining in your room, your curtains weren't closed like usual.
       While rubbing the tiredness from your eyes you get out of bed.
You reach for your phone on the bedside table, but instead you feel a piece of paper.

      Looking down you see a little note that was left for you. You pick it up and read it to yourself
(Here's the note again from the chapter before)
             You fell asleep on my shoulder during the movie so I carried you to your room. You're pretty adorable while you sleep so I didn't want to wake you x) See ya later doll face

'Adorable? He doesn't seem like a guy who would call a girl adorable.'
You thought to yourself, laughing at his choice of words.
      You sigh and reach for your phone, seeing that you got a message from Raph.
It was the picture you took on his phone of you two.
It was really cute.
You had to save it on your phone
After a while you changed into some new clothes. Well actually you just put on a sweatshirt with no shirt underneath and threw on some jeans.
You checked the time
                    12:35 p.m.
'Eh why not give the turtles a visit.'
You thought, grabbing your phone

(Y/N): Hey r u doing anything today?
Raph: Nothing, wanna come over?

(Y/N): Meet me at the manhole cover

Raph: Got it

     You put your phone in your bag along with $20 then hurried down the fire escape.
       Quickly you went to manhole cover where Raph told you to meet him.
When you got there you opened up the manhole you saw the red masked turtle waiting for you.
He smirked up at you
"About time princess."
      You scoffed and raised your eyebrow
       "Then catch me my prince."
You said laughing, carefully you leaped down and as you expected Raph's strong arms caught you.
         You slightly blushed at the thought of his strong arms holding you

             'AAAH! (Y/N) NO!'
You mentally screamed at yourself
          "You ok doll face?"
"Uh yeah yeah I'm good, you can put me down now you know." 
         Raph looked down, looking as if debating to put you down or not
       "You know what, I think I'll carry you." He said smiling down at you
Your (E/C) eyes staring into his bright emerald green ones.

You look away, not able to hold eye contact with his intense eyes
Finally you two reached the lair and he set you down.
"Guys Raph's home!" You heard Donnie yell
"Oooooo and he brought (Y/N)! Added Mikey
Mikey ran over and gave you a huge hug
While hugging you he looked over to see Raph's slightly jealous face, Mikey stuck out his tongue, released you, and ran before Raph could hurt him.
-You laugh quietly at Mikey's silliness-
Then Leo enters
"Great to see you (Y/N), how's your neck?"
"Scarred, but I'm tough." You said smiling and crossing your arms over your chest
Leo smiled and put his hand gently on your shoulder before walking to another room.
You turn to Raph and rock back onto your heels
"Soooo whatcha wanna do? "
Raph thought for a bit
"Wanna just hang in my room? Ya know so my brothers won't be to annoying."
You raised your eyebrow and shrugged
"Why not."
Raph nodded his head motioning  for you to follow him.
Raph's room was dark, well what else did you expect it is in the sewers. There were weights in one corner and comic books/magazines in another. His bed was medium sized with a blanket thrown over it. Posters and pictures covered his wall and a stereo sat on a small bedside table.

You walked in and sat down on his bed, Raph copied you.
      He shuffled around at where he sat feeling a little awkward.
"You alright Raph?" You asked
"Peachy" he said quickly
You weren't buying it. You gently placed a hand on one of his shoulders and smiled
   "Am I really adorable when I sleep?"
You asked laughing a little
    His head turned and he looked at you weirdly, then he smiled
"Absolutely doll face." He said chuckling, he then threw in a wink.
You pushed him, now full on laughing
That one little push then led to you two playfully wrestling.

He won, your wrists being held by his large hand, you were trapped.
"Alright I give." You said giving him a half hearted glare.
Raph smirked and let your wrists go
"I knew you'd give, no one can stand up to these babies." He said flexing his arms
     As impressive as it was you still rolled your eyes.
    Pulling out your phone you checked the time
    1:40 p.m.

Raph looked over at your phone to see the time, but instead he saw what you were looking at now.
    "Is this that pic you took of us?"
He asked
       "Yeah it is, I really like it."
You said smiling at him
        It was silent for a bit, but not an awkward silence, it was comforting like you two were just enjoying each other's presence.
            You laid down on his bed, he once again copied your actions laying next to you.
You two just laid there staring at the ceiling
Then you became aware of how close your hand was to his, your pinky was touching one of his 3 fingers.  
     You decided to break the silence
"Think the foot is still looking for me."
         "Maybe, but ya have me and my brothers, we always got your back."
Raph said smiling, then his demeanor changed and he scowled
"I swear the foot is gonna pay, those pricks workin for Shredder, messin' with people I care about." He said growling
       Hoping to calm him down you cut him off by taking his hand in yours and then you whispered.
               "They will."
He got the weird feeling in his stomach again
--------Later you and all 4 turtles ate pizza and hung out together---------

9:39 p.m.

You were heading out your apartment, Raph accompanying you of course.
He took you from rooftop to rooftop until he reached the right building.
"Well night Raph."
You said
"Yeah, see you later." He grunted
You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and then went to your apartment.
'What was I thinking!? Why did I do that?!' Was all you could think.
While Raph on the other hand...

'...this feeling won't go away, a feeling of a million annoying ass butterflies in my stomach."

The end

Well there you go! I got a lot of comments asking me to update and I just wanna say thanks for reading this story and actually liking it. Love you all

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