Chapter 12: The Weapon

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(Long time no update hope you still love me!!)

You couldn't contain your excitement, you were getting a weapon!! You quickly got up and ran to hug Mikey.
"Thank you so much Mike, you're the best!" You squealed
Raph turned and looked at you offended, and cleared his throat.
You let go of Mikey and looked at Raph who was still on the couch.
"(Y/N) are you sure you are ready for a weapon?" Raph asked
"Why wouldn't I be?" You challenged
Raph got up. "Well you're barely trained, pretty clumsy and ..."
"Ok! I see your point." You interrupted

"Splinter says tomorrow at 6 A.M. sharp, if you're late you'll have to wait longer." Leo added to the conversation walking towards the couch.
You turned and looked at him with a face of pain and annoyance.
"But that's soooooooo early!" You whined
"What's more important? Beauty sleep or weapon?"
You sighed in defeat, knowing that if you slept in who knows when you would get another chance.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up to see Donnie
"(Y/N) you have been in danger a lot and we might not always be there to protect you."
          "I will be." Raph grumbled under his breath , his arms crossed.
You looked at him and smiled then to Donnie so he could continue
"Anyway" Donnie continued "We might not always be there on time so you need to know how to protect yourself, or just harm the person, either one."

You were deep in thought, who knew what weapons they would have, and what weapons would work for you.


You're snapped out of your thoughts by a green hand being waved in front of you, you shake your head and focus on Raph who's right in front of you looking concerned.

"Sorry Raphie."
He scowls
"I must have zoned out there, I was thinking about weapons."
"It's fine babe, I just wanted to make sure you were ok."
  "Awwwwwww you care about me!" You teased with a smirk
He smirked back and gently shoved you, which you escalated and forcefully shoved him onto the couch.
He splayed there shocked then burst end into laughter and grabbed you and took you down too
You had just finished eating dinner which you made.
         It was your favorite, (favorite food)
          And it seemed the turtles liked it too!
And they told you that many times, but you weren't paying attention
You were too focused on the fact that you were getting a weapon. You were so distracted             that you.
                  As you walked off the turtles all stared at you in shock and with confusion. You always give them hugs and a kiss on the head when you say goodnight. And Raph  just looked concerned.
You layer in bed with your eyes closed and brainstormed and dreamed of what weapon you could get.
Maybe you could get...
     A bow and arrow. A mace? Or how about a katana, a katana that turns into a whip? Or just a whip. Maybe you could just be like Raph and learn how to use the sai.
There are so many possibilities of what you could get it started to give you a headache.
       Someone knocked on your door and you flinched
"Yes?" You questioned
    "(Y/N)? You kinda went off with no explanation is everything ok?" You surprisingly heard Leo speak, while you were expecting Raph.
        "Yes Leo I'm fine, just thinking."
You heard another knock
You smiled there's your turtle.   "Yes Raph?"
"I'm coming in."     The door opened and you saw Raph looking at you practically inspecting you.
"Raph what if I was in the middle of changing? You would've seen me naked. You have to ask before you come in." You said laughing slightly.
        He smirked and you knew what he was thinking 
You laughed and threw a water bottle, that was next to you, at him.
He caught it and walked over. "So you ok?" He asked his faint Boston accent coming out making you lightly blush.
"Yeah I'm fine I've just had a lot on my mind, will you stay with me till I fall asleep?"
        He smiled and nodded
You fell asleep very quickly
You woke up abruptly to the sound of your alarm waking both you and Raph up. You looked at your phone
You get up and start to put on your training cloths.
    Raph groans at the lack of your body near his. "(Y/N)?"
                   His morning voice sounded so good.
"Why are you getting ready it's so early."
You wanted to crawl back into bed but you knew if you did you would never get up
          You walked over and kissed his cheek
  "I need to get ready Raph, I'm sorry."
He grumbled something along the lines of its fine I forgive you but it wasn't clear, he just turned onto his stomach, taking up the whole bed, and fell back to sleep immediately.
You went into the training room and saw no one was there.
        Deciding not to leave and risk being late you kneeled down on the mat and waited.
You may have fallen asleep but the sound of soft footsteps pulled you out of your sleep and you opened your eyes  slowly to see Master Splinter standing in front of you.
    "My child, I am proud, you are on time." He stated
"I didn't want to risk being late, so I came here early." 
He nodded then walked over to a wall that was covered in weapons and there were all types too.
He held a bo staff out to you for you to test it out, but you walked right passed him and to a weapon that caught your eye.
You reached for it and took it off the wall. It was a beautiful slick all black whip that seemed to fit perfectly in your hand. You turned to master Splinter and he nodded.
                                       You knew this one was the one.
Immediately you started to practice with it and it got intense
       And during one move you were trying the whip snapped back and hit your wrist
It stung and you dropped the whip immediately
There was a large red mark that appeared on your wrist, master splinter dismissed you to see Donnie.
You ran out holding your wrist and the turtles turned to see you and immediately questioned on what weapon you chose.
Raph noticed your wrist though and saw you were in pain
        He sat down and held out his hand so he could inspect your wrist
You gently placed it in his hand and he told Donnie to get some ice.

AHHHHHHHH You guys I've misseD you so much!!!!! Please forgive me for mistakes!!! I just wanted to post this immediately cause I've left you for so long!!  If you have any idea for plot stuff or just requests them message me or put it in the comments I might not see it if it is on the comments tho but I will try to look at them all! Please don't hate me

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