Chapter 8: New People

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        --3 days after you moved in with the turts--

  The turtles worked so hard to make you feel at home, and it meant a lot to you.
         Your room was now almost fully furnished, Donnie has been  working his shell off to make you things for your room.
You stood in your doorway admiring your beautiful room, you walked in and sat on the chair next to your new bookshelf.
The chair faced your door. You looked through and saw that Raph's door was open.
Raph's room was across from yours and thankfully you two haven't had any awkward moment, yet.
Usually he didn't have his door open, he prefers his privacy.
Feeling curious you stood up from your chair and walked towards his door.
You knock on the open door
"Who is it?" You hear Raph grunt

You peak your head inside
"Me."  you said
Raph was laying on his bed, his feet on the pillow and his head slightly hanging off the bed.
He looks toward where you poked your head in.
When he sees you he smirks
"Whatcha need doll?"
You step into his room and shrugged
"I dunno, I was bored and saw that your door was open."
You walk over to his bed and sit down next to his feet.
You saw his T-Phone sitting next to him and reached for it.
When you turned it on you saw that you needed a password to get into his phone.
You pout
Raph sits up and looks at you
"What's up with the pout?" He asked

You held up his phone and he chuckled
"My password is TMNT, 8668."
You went to enter what he just said but stopped and looked at him.

"What does TMNT mean?"

"Mikey came up with it."
He said rolling his eyes.
"It means Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."
You looked at him as he said that, when he finished you burst out laughing
"Oh my god that's hilarious! Mikey sure has a talent for naming things!"
Raph chuckled and pushed you lightly.
When you finally finished laughing you entered the password into Raph's phone, it opened and you saw his background.
It was the one of you two when you first hung out.
"Awwwwww Raph! This picture is your background? I'm touched."
You said putting a hand on your chest then showing him what picture you were talking about. He looked a little embarrassed but coughed trying to act like he wasn't.
You laughed and went looking at what he has on his phone.
He didn't have a lot of stuff on his phone, but you did see that he had some photos. Becoming extremely curious you look up at him and asked if you could look at his photos.
He shrugged and moved to sit next to you.
You smiled at him and clicked on his photo album.
You scrolled all the way to the top and started looking through them, Raph every once and a while cutting it to explain what was going on in that picture.
You came across one picture:

    Raph went silent there, you turn to him and he has a slight frown

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Raph went silent there, you turn to him and he has a slight frown.
You remember Leo said that Raph used to have a pet turtle.
You figured something bad happened and you quickly changed the photo
You came across one of all 4 turtles and two other humans

You figured something bad happened and you quickly changed the photo       You came across one of all 4 turtles and two other humans

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     You showed Raph the photo

"You guys know other humans?"
You ask tilting your head 
Raph chuckled lightly.
"That is April and Casey. We saved April once and I met Casey when I was topside once."
You thought the boys name sounded familiar but you brushed it off.
"Can I meet them?" You ask leaning forward excitedly
Raph rubbed the nape of his neck
and shrugged
"Eh, I don't see why not."
You were in the dojo attempting to meditate with Leo, so far it's pretty damn hard.
You shuffle around while in the basic meditating position.
     Leo noticed your struggle, he was about to help you but there was a loud crash, a girl yelling, and a boy laughing.
     "Casey! Be careful!" A girl yelled
"What Red? I'm just having fun."
Said a boy who was laughing while talking.
      "That would be Casey and April."
Leo said standing up, he held a hand to help you as well.
     You took it and walked to meet the new humans.
         As you walked out of the dojo you see Raph standing there staring at something, looking irritated as usual.  
            He was watching a red headed girl argue with a boy that had black hair and a torn black sweatshirt with spray paint splatters all over it.
        He looked really familiar. But once again you couldn't place your finger on who it was.
   You walked closer to them
Finally they finished their argument and noticed you two walking over.
The girl looked at you and smiled
       "Hello I don't believe we've met before." Said the girl "I'm April O'Neil."
        "(Y/N), the turtles saved me so I'm kinda living with them now." You say laughing a bit.
Suddenly the boy stood up
"Wait your name is (Y/N)?" He said staring at you. You raised an eyebrow and nodded. He got closer and studied your face.
"Oh my god (Nickname)! I can't believe it!"
Your eyes widened in realization
"Casey! Casey Jones!" You said in shock
"The one and only."
He said smiling and holding out his arms
You ran forward and hugged him with all your strength.
Raph interrupted your reunion, making a face you couldn't figure out.
"So how do you two know each other exactly?" He asked with fake enthusiasm
You smiled, not catching the tone in his voice
"Well Casey was my best friend back in middle school, I moved and I thought I would never see him again, but thankfully we know some kickass turtles." You explained

Raph seemed to have relaxed a bit after hearing best friend.

You and April began to talk, you showed her your room, promised that you two would go shopping one day, and so many other things.
       And while you and April were talking, Casey and Raph were talking as well.
   Raph told the story of why you live here and Casey told stories he remembered from middle school.
      When it started to get late Casey and April decided to end the conversations they were having and went to go find each other.
      They found each other in the main area of the lair.
          They stood there looking at each other and nodded
  "They've got it so bad for each other."
      With that in agreement they left the lair.

    Hope you guys like this one, I've been getting so many nice comments from so many amazing people and I'm glad that those people are reading this story! Love you guys!

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