Chapter 10: Wait What?

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10th Chapter!!!

   You walked around searching for everyone to inform them of movie night, and only movie night.
         You think it's best if it's Raph who decides when to tell people and if to tell people about you two.
    You found Leo in the dojo meditating (as usual)
Donnie was in his lab
    Mikey was in his room goofing around
         And April and Casey were.....well actually you couldn't find them.
     You've been looking for like 3 minutes!!
       In hindsight it's not that long but it shouldn't take that long to find them while their in the lair.
    Soon you ran into them talking about something on Casey's phone
    "We need to delete this we know they would kill us if we kept it" April said to Casey  not yet aware of you
     "Who would kill you?" You asked happily
   "It's nothing." Casey said putting his phone away. "What do ya need?" He then asked
   "Oh well Raph and I thought we should do a movie night tonight and I'm just tellin' everyone."
   "Sounds awesome!" April said smiling
You walked back to the couch where Raph was sitting
"Told everyone about movie night! Wanna help me get snacks?"
Raph stood "Why not."
Together you walked to the kitchen and started to look around for food.
Raph of course grabbed the left over pizza and the assortment of candy Mikey had April get
And you started to make some stove popcorn
While it was heating up you grabbed a plate for all the pizza and 2 bowls for the candy and popcorn.
Raph looked over to you and smirked
"Ya know babe, I would prefer if it was just me and you watchin' a movie."
You turn to look at him
"Oh really Raphie?"
He growled at the name and then composed himself
You walked over to him
And put your hand gently on his hand
"Well that can be arranged, but not today."
He smirked and laced his hand with yours
You wished you could stay like that
But sadly Raph's brothers walked in causing you two to jump apart.
You went back to your popcorn that was popping away.
Once the popcorn was all finished Mikey salted it and Donnie and Leo brought the snacks to the main room and set them down on the floor before choosing where to sit
Casey and April were on the beanbag chairs next to each other
Mikey chose to just lay on the floor close to the TV
Leo and Donnie sat on pillows, on the floor.
And you just chose to sit with your back against the couch like thing they have.
"Alright what are we watching?" Raph asked
   "How about (Movie Title)?"
Everyone shrugged for nodded
          "(Movie Title) it is." Raph said turning that movie on
   He then made his way over to where you were sitting and sat down with you, pulling the blanket you brought over his lap.
You tried to pay attention, you really did, but the only thing that you could think of was the events that had occurred earlier.
Your hand rested on the ground while the other you used to eat popcorn,
You were somewhat paying attention until you felt a hand sneak around your waist pulling you a little closer. Then Raph reached forward with the other hand and grabbed some popcorn, throwing a wink in your direction
You rolled your eyes
As the movie played on everyone got sleepier.
And soon enough Raph was asleep laying down with you in his arms
Finally the credits were playing and that's when everyone began to wake up.
You awoke, laying on Raph's chest, his arm loosely on your back.
Raph was still asleep and slightly snoring, it was a funny thing to see
You then heard giggling behind you
You got off of Raph and turned to see who was giggling

All of them(except Mikey cause he's just dead asleep) looking to where you and Raph were sleeping
"Awww that was too cute!" Leo said
"Shut up" You said accidentally too loud waking up Raph as well. Your cheeks were turning red in embarrassment.
He stood up and went up to you then leaning down to your ear he whispered
"In gonna tell 'em."
You shrugged and crossed your arms
He stood up tall again and wrapped his arms around your shoulder
"Only I get to make my girlfriend blush." He said kissing the top of your head
You smiled as you two both walked away to his room to get some sleep
It took his brothers a while then they finally processed what Raph said
"Wait What?! Girlfriend?"
Leo and Donnie yelled together

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