Chapter 7: Welcome Home

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After you got into your apartment you laid on your bed, thinking about how your an idiot for kissing Raph on the cheek
    'He probably already thinks I'm stupid, now I made it worse.'
    You shrugged off your thoughts and got up to change into some more comfy clothing.
You put on a pair of lose grey pajama shorts, a (F/C) tank top, and a patterned cardigan.
You were sitting on your bed enjoying your comfort when you heard a noise from the kitchen. Being the curious cat you were you went to check it out.
What you saw was your uncle, the one who always left you home alone cause he was a useless drunk. And big surprised he was completely drunk.
Not wanting to take your chances you tried to back out of the kitchen before he saw you.
But you stepped on a noisy piece of floorboard.
Your uncles head turned towards you, his face covered in drunken fury.
Raph was relaxing on the couch when you texted him.


(Y/N): Can I stay at your place for a bit?

Raph: What's wrong?

(Y/N): Uncle problems

Raph: Have your things packed we'll be there in a few

Raph could just tell something was wrong.
He grabbed his brothers explaining that you needed to stay at the lair and that they were coming to grab your stuff and bring it there while Raph brought you.
They nodded, while Leo went off to ask Master Splinter to prepare a room for you to stay in.
As Master Splinter began to prepare a room the turtles set off to your place, they hurried wanting to make sure everything was ok.
The four turtles finally reached your apartment.
"Stay up here, I'm gonna knock on her window." Raph told his brothers, they nodded.
Raph knocked on your window and you opened it immediately.
He motioned for his brothers to follow him in.
They all entered your room
You sat on your bed with your head down.
Leo turned on your bedside lamp and all four turtles kneeled on the floor around you.
"(Y/N)" Donnie said gently
You lift your head up, there was a large bruise on your left cheek near your eye, and a bruise on your wrist.
Your uncle got caught up in his rage and hit you. Your eyes were watery and you looked at the ground again.

This is the first time this has ever happened, and it terrified you.
The boys could see that you were scared, it showed in your eyes.
Mikey was the first to act
He pulled you into a gentle yet big hug, the others joined.

The hug was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. Your uncles drunk voice yelling incoherent words.

The turtles acted quickly
Leo, Donnie, and Mikey all grabbing your multiple bags, that were filled with only the things you needed.
While Raph stayed kneeling on the floor, he was shaking, visibly angry.

You placed a hand on his shoulder
"Raph, I'm fine." You said a small smile on your face
He stood and helped you up as well. When everything was all ready to go Raph put you on his back, piggyback style, and they all headed out of your room.
When everyone finally got to the lair you went and sat down on the couch.
Mikey, being the sweetheart that he is went and got you some leftover pepperoni pizza.
Raph came over and sat next to you on the couch.
"Sorry to be a bother and ask to stay here." You said looking only at the pizza you were eating

"We care about your safety (Y/N)."
Leo said walking over to where you and Raph sat
You nodded smiling
Master Splinter walked towards you
"You are welcome to see your new room." He said with a fatherly smile
Raph decided to show you to your new room which was right across from his.
Your room had a bed, that had your bags placed gently on it, right up against the wall and a dresser in one corner. Plus the promise of Donnie who said he would build stuff for you.

To some people this wouldn't be much, but to you this was everything.
There was a knock on the door
You opened it to see Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey all standing there.

"You know I only have to stay here for a bit, this is too much, you guys are too nice!" You told them
"We've all talked about it (Y/N) and we thought that you should just stay with us." Donnie explained
"Really? But like this is the first time my uncle has ever done th-."
"It's not just your uncle."
Raph said cutting you off.
"Remember that the foot are hunting you, you're just safer here. There's less of a chance you're gonna get attacked or hurt here."
You sighed and smiled
"Alright I'll stay, but good luck getting used to me." You said laughing
Mikey jumped forward and hugged you
"Yeah!!!! (Y/N)'s living with us!"

You laughed and hugged him back,
At this very moment you didn't have a care in the world. You were surrounded by amazing friends in your new home, things couldn't get better.


I'm sorry about the thing with your uncle I've been having a writers block and that was the only thing I could come up with. Thank you for commenting, voting, and reading this story it means a lot! Please comment anything: ideas, constructive criticism, compliments, preferably not hate (lol) but still I LOVE hearing from you guys. You're all amazing and beautiful people

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