Chapter 11: New Couple

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**Just after Donnie and Leo processed what Raph said**

Raph's arm stayed rested on your shoulder as you two walked to your rooms, just when you were about to part ways and go to your room Raph's arm tightened around your shoulder
"Come on babe, just sleep with me tonight."  He said
You raised an eyebrow trying to hide a smirk, but failing
Raph noticed your smirk and a light blush started to creep onto his cheeks.
"I....uh...ju...I just wanna spend time with you that's all." Raph said stuttering slightly
You move away from his arm and patted him on the shoulder
"Of course you do." You said smiling and then started to walk towards his room
   You turned your head to see he was not following you
     "Well don't you wanna spend time with me?"
He shook himself out of the daze he was in and started to follow you to his room.
           He went to his bed and sat down then patted the spot right next to him.
   You smirked and sat on the edge of the bed next to him.  
    There was an awkward silence of you two just sitting there in each others  presence.

  Raph was the one who broke the still silence by quickly  placing a hand on yours. You could tell he was nervous around you.
   You turn to him quickly and he jolts back in shock then recovers with a chuckle 
     "Have you ever...kissed a girl or... Been together with a girl before me?"
    You asked the question that had been on your mind for a while.
   "To be honest, no." He said looking  anywhere but your eyes
     You could tell he was a bit embarrassed
       "What about you?" He asked
You shrugged
   "I've dated a couple guys and we've kissed a few times." You told Raph
  "But your my favorite." You added
He looked at you and smirked deviously.
     He pulled you in for a gentle kiss then pulled away
            "Damn right I am."
You laughed and gave him a quick kiss and nothing more
You smiled at his slight groan in protest
     You laid down on the bed and he followed suit
     You turned to face him and patted his chest
"Get some sleep hot stuff, you look terrible."
    Raph's eyes were already closed as he grumbled something in response
      You laughed slightly and cuddled up next to him drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
   You woke up peacefully
(Hahahahaha not)
    You woke up in panic cause you realized you slept in.
   You grabbed your phone and checked the time

12:06 p.m.

        "Crap!"  You (quietly) yelled to yourself
     You got up put ran to your room and grabbed a random tank top and pair of sweats that were just laying around

You put them on and went to the kitchen to grab an apple
    Then finally you went to the training room
Master splinter has promised to train with you and well that training was supposed to start today. And early in the morning I might add

When you entered you saw the four turtles kneeling with Splinter talking to them
   You took a hesitant step forward knowing that you would soon be acknowledged
  "Ah (Y/N) how good of you to finally join us."
    You gave an apologetic smile
"Sorry Master Splinter, it won't happen again."
You apologized bowing to him.
  He walked over to you
   And placed a hand on your shoulder

"It is alright child, I expected you to be late anyway."
You looked up at him confused
"A movie late at night would of course make you tired." He informed you "Now stand so we can start your training."

Training had finally ended and you were exhausted, this was definitely something you had to get used to.
You sat on the couch next to Raph while watching TV, his arm around your waist
"Hey (Y/N) guess what!?"
Mikey said interrupting your peace and quiet
"What Mike?" You asked humoring him
"I convinced Master Splinter to let you chose a weapon tomorrow!!"
You jumped up excitedly
"Really!?" You exclaimed happily
Guys I'm sorry I know this sucks, it's not too long, that I ended it weirdly, and that I haven't updated in a while but I'm still alive and I of course love you guys and I appreciate you your comments so much, thanks for dealing with me I love you guys so much stay amazing!!! Hope your excited to get a weapon!!! 😆😱🙌🏻
~Tommy :) <3

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