Forget it All

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I walked into a different bar, this one was run by Sam. I didn't like to go to the bars too often, because as soon as people started calling me by name Adelaide liked to pick up and move on. Adelaide didn't know about Fallon's Fry Shack, or the ladies that worked there.

This time I didn't sit at the bar directly, instead I chose one of the booths and ordered a coke and some food. It wasn't long before the bar started filling up. One of the many perks about this town, other than its size, was it being a tourist town and an in between stop between two of the more populated cities.

Which meant that aside from the few regulars, most of these men would be in town for a week tops. I watched a man all night, watching the way he leered at all of the woman with a sick glint in his eye. He was the one. I took a quick photo of him and began the research on my phone. 35, no family, works for a truck company.. Ah here it is. Pinned with two rape cases but only one stuck, back when he was twenty seven, the other was more recent, a year ago or so.

They hadn't had enough evidence and the girl had been eighteen to the day. I put my phone away and stretched my hands above my head, drawing attention to myself. A few men looked over in interest but as you can guess only one of them lingered more than appropriate.

I popped a fry in my mouth and took a long draw of my sodapop. A few minutes later I waived down one of the girls serving and paid for my meal. Adelaide usually wired the money she stole from the men she fed from through several channels before depositing it into her bank account. Anything they were carrying as cash went to me.

I pulled my backpack over my shoulder and left a tip on the table. One last sip of soda, and I was headed out the door. As I passed the man he paid his tab and hopped off his bar stool. To many of these guys a backpack was a clear sign of a runaway, an easy target to snare.

I was just outside the bar when the man put a hand on my hip. I had been careful to only look at the things I needed to know during my research, I didn't bother checking his name.

I paused slightly to look over my shoulder, the man smiled, his breath reeked of scotch and his grip was too tight for comfort. This was definitely a good target.

I smiled and batted my eyelashes, leaning my hip into his hand a little more, suggestively. My stomach rolled.

He grinned wider, showing off his slightly yellowed teeth, "You need a ride little flower?"

I shook my head and continued walking, "No, but I know a place where you might like.."

The man, if that's what you wanted to call this foul being, laughed behind me and let go of my hip. For half a second I worried that I'd wasted my efforts on a man who wouldn't follow me back to Adelaide's. I didn't have a car, and her place was a little far off. Getting into their cars was a big no no, unless I was allowed to drive it.

I turned to look at the man, putting my hand on my hip and raising an eyebrow in a challenge. He sneered, "How far away?"

I felt my heart stutter, he wasn't willing to walk.

"How about this," I pouted my lip a little and walked around him in a circle, "You let me drive whatever you're rolling around in," I trailed a finger lightly across his back and felt myself want to puke, but I held it back, "And I'll drive you to my place?"

He shivered, I held back the urge to punch him in his nasty face.

"Whatever you say flower," he practically growled as he licked his lips and grabbed me harshly by the waist. He yanked me to him and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "but it better be worth it."

I pulled away, faking a teasing smile and twirled his keys around my finger, having pickpocketed it.

"Lead the way."

He frowned at my ability to steal his keys but I moved them to hover in front of my breasts and he became distracted once more.

Once we located his truck, he made a show of helping me up into the driver's seat, being sure to grab my rear in the process. I turned on the truck and he was in the passenger seat quicker than I would have guessed a man of his health to have gotten there.

Halfway to the house he moved his hand over to my thigh, rubbing it. By the time I pulled in the driveway he has his hand in between my legs and dangerously closing in. I grabbed his hand up and looked at him. He didn't know it but if I felt like it I could break it in two seconds flat.

He looked at me outraged, and I used a flirty voice, "Ah ah, don't want to spoil the fun just yet..." I let go of his hand and hopped out of the car.

I didn't bother to look back, knowing he'd be following me with the exaggerated way I swung my hips and flipped my hair. I led him to the shed, opening it up and inviting him in. He took my by surprise though, grabbing my hips and yanking me in with him. He dug his hands into my flannel shirt and ripped it open with so much force that the buttons ripped off and fell to the ground.

I felt my heart kick up. Adelaide wasn't in the shed waiting as she usually did. The man pushed me back until my legs hit the couch and then he shoved me over, making me fall onto it. I scrambled back, but he didn't notice. He landed on me hard pressing his hips up against my own in the most unpleasant of manners. My tank top I wore under the flannel was ripped up until my bra was exposed.

"Wait wait wait," I breathed, fear making my voice sound choked, the man glared at me, "No bitch. You ain't gonna tease me so and then not let me have my prize."

I squeezed my eyes shut, "No I just mean my sister, she'd want to have you too..."

The man stopped, one hand was on my waist the other was busy undoing his belt, "Sister?" He sat up, the weight crushing my legs, "She as fine and.. Young as you?"

I nodded.

He seemed to think about it, but Adelaide didn't give him very long as she ripped him off of me and threw him against the wall. I felt my breath hitch as I fell off the couch and puked up my dinner. It had never gone that far. She'd always been near. She'd never let a man get so personal.

Not that I could ever remember at least.

I heard the sounds of bones crunching, Adelaide was saying something but the man was screaming too loudly for me to hear. She wasn't going to snap his neck, she was going to relish this one, let the demon inside her take over.

I stumbled out of the shed and ran into the house.

It wasn't long before Adelaide's sweet voice beckoned me to let her in. I did. I backed up and perched delicately on my bed, in comforting pajamas. I couldn't look at her.

"Sang," she started, her voice extra sugary, "You forgive me right?"

Until she asked, I'd been completely planning on not speaking, not forgiving her for a long while, but her voice was too delicate, too sincere. I nodded softly, "Of course. I owe you everything," the last part was automatic.

She smiled, "Yes you do. I want you to forget what that man did to you, you don't need to remember tonight, okay? Go to sleep and when you wake up, it will all be,.. Gone. You won't have to remember him anymore, okay?"

I nodded, and smiled at her, "You know I'm feeling pretty tired. I think I'm going to go to sleep."

She smiled and nodded in understanding, leaving me to crawl under my blankets and do just what she'd told me I could. Forget. 

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