A Report 1 (Kota)

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~A Report~

I sat back against the booth and looked over at my team. We were larger than most, but I supposed we sort of had to be to take on the sort of cases that we accepted. Whole nests of vampires, packs of wolves.. We took on the large cases that other Hunters didn't have the manpower to go at alone.

Right now we were hunting the vampiress that had kidnapped the girl from Sunnyvale Court so many years ago. She, along with her accomplice Timothy, were the reason we hunted. I could still remember that night, the night each of us had been kidnapped.

The night Timothy kidnapped us had been largely coincidence and dumb luck... but once he'd broken into Kota's home and found the lot of us staying over, he couldn't resist. His girlfriend, who we never learned the name of, had preferred to murder whole families, ones who weren't pure of heart. While we didn't know her name, we knew at least that she was blonde.

Those lucky few in the household who passed her test, whatever that was, had been delivered to Timothy. Because while Timothy's girlfriend liked the evil souls, he preferred the pure ones. Generally that meant kidnapping children, but occasionally his girlfriend would bring him one from her hunting spree.

The girl vampire liked to leave the mess in the home, make her kills quick and efficient. Timothy on the other hand preferred to bring his victims back to a cement basement to torture, maim, watch... an ultimately when the child no longer interested him anymore, when the child had no pure left in them he would kill them.

The night my brothers and I were brought to the basement he killed off one of the boys who was there before us as a sort of example. Behave or die.

I raked a hand through my hair and pushed up my glasses. 13 boys to start with, twelve at the end of the first night, and Gabriel had been knocked out for a sassy reply.

"Kota," Silas said from across the table, looking uncomfortable in the slim fitting booth I had selected, "I am going to go join the others at the table, this booth..."

I shook my head at him, "No I understand, make sure Luke doesn't over do it on the sweets, you know how North feels about us all being in shape and ready to fight at the drop of a dime."

He nodded and pulled out of the booth, grunting as he did so, and walked over to where a few of the others were sitting at a table. Nathan was currently flirting cheerfully with a pretty waitress whose nametag read Katy.

I turned my focuses back to my laptop in front of me. North and Owen were back at the hotel, none of them feeling in the mood to go out. Luke was supposed to order them all something for take out so that they'd get food at least.

Sean sat across from me, frowning slightly at the laptop he had in front of him.

"What is it?" I dragged a cup of water from where our waitress, Megan, had placed it.

One, two, three sips before Sean finally dragged his eyes off of the screen in front of him to look at me curiously, "What?"

I resisted the strong urge to roll my eyes, and instead pushed up my glasses, "You looked confused..." I trailed off.

His green eyes lit up and he laughed a little, looking down as he did. He didn't answer me until after he'd shaken his head, well his hair really, and popped his knuckles on his left hand in a distracted manner.

"No, I mean yes I'm distracted. One more online class before I'm a certified Doctor, not that I'll be going into the hospital business or anything to make it sort of official, but I'll know all of the stuff I need to know... and I'm failing because I can't stop thinking about her. About Sang. We're so close to finding her again, to finally tracking down the woman who was a part of ruining our lives..

"All of that just makes school work seem a little... I don't know. Petty. I'm saving the world without their knowledge one nasty monster at a time, and I'm taking online quizzes for the title of doctor when I know for a fact there's next to zero doctors in the world who know anything about demons- or the cure for a werewolf bite- or hell a vampire bite for that matter."

I nodded while folding my napkin into fourths, "You know, all of us consider you a doctor already, whether or not you pass this last class. You know more about treating a patient than any doctor in any hospital, and you're what, 20?"

He blushed slightly, "Yeah but. That was my dream, ya know? Grow up, heal people... I don't want to give that up because of what that bloodsucking-" he cut off abruptly and plastered a grin on his lips, looking over my shoulder.

I didn't bother looking as I pulled my glass to my lips and took another sip.

"Have you gentlemen decided what you're going to be having tonight?" I looked up at Megan, meeting her eyes with a slight smile.

She blushed.

"Yes," Sean said leaning forward onto his elbows, "Can I get a number three with a side of onion rings?"

"Me too," I said, pushing up my glasses and taking Sean's menu from him.

Megan looked pretty shocked, "How strange, I've only ever had one person come in here and ask for that specific order before and now most of you and your friends have ordered it..." she took the menus with a strange look and started to walk off.


I cut Sean off, telling him with my eyes that people in smaller towns like this didn't give that kind of intel away so easily. Especially if it really did involve the one I knew we both hoped it did. Megan turned around and looked at him.

"Yes," she looked around frantically, "oh did I forget something?"

Sean shook his head, "Sorry sweetheart, I was talking to this goofball here," he gestured to me and her eyes flicked my way. I practically felt them make their way over my form, "... he's so clumsy sometimes, you know?" Sean said, finishing.

The girl nodded, putting the menus up so that they covered her face. She swept her eyes around the room once more, lingering one a few of my team's faces before nodding again and turning on her heal. She was out of the dining area as quick as her little legs could carry her.

Sean and I met each other's eyes.

He nodded to me, as if accepting my plan, and I pulled out one of my cellphones to text Victor. I watched him, waiting for him to receive the message. When he did he frowned and looked up at me, wondering why I would text rather than get up and walk the few steps over.. 11 steps to be exact.

I looked at his phone until he sighed and checked the message. Victor didn't really like to be out on the field as much as North or Nathan did. He didn't get the same satisfaction in offing them as some of us did. He found his satisfaction in locating them, hacking things, and searching up information that would help us do the job.

Kota: We need information from the waitress.

Victor: Like what? I can go back to the hotel and start researching now.

Kota: It's.. Not that kind of information. This information is a verbal extraction sort of deal.

Victor: I don't understand.. Sean and Luke are both here. Why me? Send Nathan, he was already flirting with Katy.

Kota: She prefers you over the rest, I can tell. And she wouldn't be as forthcoming with information if Nathan out of all of us, were to try.

Victor: How do you know?

Kota: I just know- will you do it or not? Because next in line is Gabriel.

Victor: What? We aren't even very similar? How in the world do you figure she would prefer me out of all of us, and then Gabriel would be next?

Kota: I don't pretend to understand the minds of females.

Victor looked up at me with a scowl, as if pointing out that I was in fact trying to figure out female minds by assuming that Megan would respond positively towards him over someone like Sean or Luke. I shrugged in reply, and then nodded my head.

He looked confused but once he saw Megan I saw him rub his palms against his jeans and stand up. 

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