underappreciated music (8%)

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hello i haven't wrote something in this rant book for so long, i'm sorry. how are you all? hope everything's going well.

lately, my body has been overwhelmed with amazing new music and i honestly can't cope, help me.

i wanted to talk about a few of my favourite new musicians who aren't very well known. their music is so amazing and it makes u wanna stop whatever you're doing and just sit down and listen to them on repeat for a few hours.

also,, i have to thank troye sivan and connor franta for helping me find most of these new musicians bcus they have gr8 music taste.

also,,,, buy blue neighbourhood and the common culture compilations on itunes.

doing promotion for my boys ayee

anyways, let's get started. the first artist i wanna talk about is oh wonder. they've already become part of my top three fave musicians list. i love them so so so much. their music and lyrics are so amazing, and give off this rlly calm, soft, yet catchy vibe and i love it. it's not that often that i get an album and love every single song on it but i am truly in love with all the songs on oh wonder's album and it's incredible. i highly recommend their music. i genuinely can't even pick a fave song by them, i'm so in love with every song they have. i'm trash bye

next, i wanna talk about broods. ok i found out about them long ago when troye posted a pic on instagram i think about going to their concert, and then i decided to check them out and i don't regret it one bit. and then when troye announced he was doing a song with broods, i was like almost about to cry ?? ease was my fave from the wild ep, i love it so much. georgia, the lead singer, has the most beautiful voice oh my god i'm obsessed. the first song i heard from them was "bridges" and i basically fell in love with the song. i can't even find proper words to describe it, it's very very good, just trust me ok, listen to it.

the last band i wanna talk about is LANY. i recently found out about them. i knew they were opening for troye on some shows for the blue neighbourhood tour but i never rlly listened to their music until recently. i heard a lot of ppl saying that LANY's song, "ILYSB", is like the tronnor anthem, and i'm tronnor trash, so i decided to give ILYSB a try. plus that's a nice song title, i like it, yes. ok so i listened to it and holy shit i love it so much. then, i proceeded to go on spotify and listen to as many songs by them as i can. their new song, "where the hell are my friends", is also amazing, i love it. also,, LANY sounds so amazing live like i saw a bunch of videos of them live and i was literally speechless, they sound so good i'm !!!!!!

those are all musicians i wanted to talk about. this isn't rlly a rant i guess but they're so underappreciated and not that well-known but they deserve so much more recognition so i wanted to post a chapter here about this !!!!

so yes, go listen to them, let me know what you think. i'm gonna go now ok, thank u for reading this, ily, bye :-)

- jade x

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